The shrew of time travel

Chapter 671 Furong tent warm

Chapter 671 Furong tent warm
In the tent, Mu Si had already woken up when Du Ziyu was cursing, even though this man spoke a bit vulgarly, he spoke carelessly and kept his mouth shut.

However, this thoughtfulness still moved Mu Si unavoidably.Thinking of his injury in my heart, I felt a little more pity.

It's just that the time is short... Well, it's only a few hours, so it's a bit of a stretch to say "time".

The thought that popped up suddenly was suppressed by her again.

In the end, Du Ziyu was still an unknown person...

While thinking wildly, Mu Weichen had finished explaining to Bo Yifei, turned around and came to Musi.

Hearing the sound, Mu Si turned his face away, saw that it was him, and wanted to get up.

The original square step also turned into galloping, but in a blink of an eye, Mu Weichen sat in front of Mu Si's bed, and quickly pressed Mu Si's body that was about to get up with his hands, before speaking.

"Lian Fan was frightened today, so just lie down on the bed. The Northwest is poor. We have been here for a short time, and there are no bird's nests. I have asked them to heat the goat's milk. I will calm you down later."

While talking, Mu Weichen's hand has already touched Mu Si's face, it seems that this can calm down the uneasiness in his heart.

"Where is it like a porcelain doll like this? Why are you scared and not scared? It used to be a hail of bullets..."

Realizing what he said, Mu Si's expression froze suddenly, and the three words "come here" stuck in his throat, he was slightly embarrassed for a second, and then he turned to laughing.

"It's just a little tired, just take a rest."

Mu Weichen is so perceptive, the word "battle of bullets" has already been firmly heard in his ears, although he doesn't know its meaning, but it seems that danger is not far away.

When Xin Dao was in Shuiyu Village, Mu Si had checked and checked Mu Si's past, otherwise Hua Feng would not have been so relieved.

Later, because of the villain's mischief, even Mu Si's ancestors were dug out.

Listening to it now, it seems that what happened today is actually commonplace...

Silently hugging Mu Si into his arms, there was a fear that she would disappear.

Thinking about the strange scene that Yifei said today, hey... Maybe that female slave really has some relationship with his wife...

Thinking of this, Mu Weichen's hand on Mu Si's arm suddenly tightened, as if he understood why his previous hostility and anxiety came from.

That kind of unpredictable fear of losing this girl is the root of his fear...

"Ma'am, no matter what, I will never let you go... Please, hold my hand tightly..."

This stalwart man suddenly becomes as fragile as a cat, which makes people feel heart-piercing pain...

Mu Si's heart tightened suddenly, and he understood that he seemed to be making him feel uneasy, but if he really told him that he came through his soul...

Forget it, husband and wife are one body, if we keep concealing it like this now, I'm afraid it will be renunciation.

"Master, let me tell you a story..."

"No, this story is still the same. I'll listen to it some other time. Madam, I'm tired of my husband. Madam also suffered a lot of shocks today, so I will stay with my husband. How about taking a rest?"

Unconsciously, Mu Weichen became nervous, afraid that he would not be able to bear the result of what Mu Si said... Once again, he ran away...

"it is good……"

Thousands of melancholy finally stop here, the lotus tent is warm, there is probably nothing that cannot be melted by this warm and fragrant nephrite...not once, just twice...

(End of this chapter)

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