The shrew of time travel

Chapter 672 Yi Fei, Are You Going To Be Beaten?

Chapter 672 Yifei, are you going to be beaten?

"Do you understand everything?!"

Gathering the [-] soldiers, Bo Yifei gave an inaugural speech for nearly half an hour.

From how to protect the safety of his own princess, to obey all the orders of the princess, to helping the princess dig out the excrement in the cesspit and other businesses, he explained clearly in detail.

I really regained the feeling of being a general back then.

"I understand!"

Even though the two hundred men were hesitant, suspicious, and apprehensive, they still answered with such vigor as a rainbow!
As a soldier, the bounden duty is to obey orders!
Good military literacy is something that has been deeply rooted in their bones.

"Very good! Before going to Madam's tent in a while, do as I just told you, let's go!"

After all, Bo Yifei waved his hand and set off with everyone.

The two sleeping in the tent hugged each other like a pair of lovers, as if everything around them had nothing to do with them.

Suddenly, Mu Weichen who was lying on the outside opened his eyes, looked at Mu Si who was still sleeping beside him, and quietly got up.

Although he was as careful as possible, Mu Si still opened his eyes.

"Are you awake? But you're leaving again?"

In a daze, Mu Si used the word 'again', as if condemning him for being busy in daily life, getting together too much with her...

"I heard that Yifei might be back. This kid just sent someone to him. Don't hold back, I'm afraid he's about to go to heaven. Don't indulge him too much..."

Hearing the approaching footsteps, Mu Weichen felt that Yifei really needed to clean up.

"He is quite obedient, but you are more strict with people..."

Wrapping around the doctor's waist from behind, Mu Si lazily attached to his back, his voice was soft and soft.

Seeing her like this, Mu Weichen was even more reluctant to get up, and felt even more displeased with Yifei's lack of wink.

Just when he was about to say something, Bo Yifei brought everyone over.

"Madam Qi, this subordinate has already brought him back!"

Mu Weichen's brain ached, and he was really afraid of something.

"Are you still tired? If you are tired, just sleep for a while. I'll go out and have a look."

Mu Weichen patted Mu Si on the shoulder, feeling very reluctant.

"I've been sleeping for so long, if I continue to sleep, I'm afraid it will be dark." Mu Si looked inside the tent, well, that's the bad thing, he couldn't even see the sun.

"Aren't you really tired? I've taken this to heart. Tonight, I'm already planning not to sleep..."

Putting his mouth close to Mu Si's ear, Mu Weichen actually said something nasty.


After being teased by him like this, Mu Si's drowsiness disappeared, only embarrassment remained on his face.

"Only hate? Don't you like it? How do I remember... the last time someone shouted 'don't stop'..."

Knowing that she was shy, Mu Weichen didn't intend to let her go, and talked more cheerfully.

"Mu Weichen! Do you want to go out? If you don't go, I will!"

Mu Si was ashamed and embarrassing, he directly raised his powder fist and knocked Mu Weichen on the back.

"Oh... Madame is getting angry? Are you going to murder your own husband now? You really don't want to..."

As he spoke, he scratched Mu Si's little nose, "What a cruel little girl, watch how I deal with you at night!"

As he was talking, he was serious and reluctant, and hugged Mu Si in his arms again, and gave Mu Si a long kiss involuntarily.

"Wait for me tonight!"

After saying that, he stood up directly from the bed, and went out without daring to look back.

(End of this chapter)

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