The shrew of time travel

Chapter 673 Sworn to Follow Madam!

Chapter 673 Sworn to Follow Madam!

Everyone is waiting outside the door, you look at me, I look at you, they are waiting for Madam to come out with big eyes and small eyes.

One or two stretched their necks, which is called 'looking forward to'.

Suddenly, Bo Yifei heard someone's footsteps, he was overjoyed, and immediately turned around and waved his hands.

Before the 'madam' could show her head, they all knelt down in a flash.

"Subordinates see Madam!"

As expected of the elite soldiers under the great prince, 200 people shouted in unison, and the voice was also deafening.

However, the 'Madame' they were 'crazy' waiting for did not let them get up.

This can't help but make them suspicious. You know, the wife treated them very well in the past!
Now that they are saying the meaning of General You, it is also to surprise Madam, why... is it self-defeating?

Everyone was in a state of surprise, how could they know that it was the prince who came instead of the madam?

"'New officials take office with three fires', Yifei, this 'official' is a good job!"

Although they were annoyed at Bo Yifei's lack of eyesight, but seeing the situation, they really liked it.

Even if it wasn't for the sake of their painstaking efforts, he had to be considerate of Mu Si's situation, and immediately praised Bo Yifei in a flattering way.

Then he turned to everyone and said, "Well, get up, Madam will make arrangements in a while."

"Thank you, Lord!"

When everyone got up, they felt uneasy and wondered whether this was the calm before the storm... Master's reaction was wrong...

While everyone was thinking wildly, Mu Si had already come out of the tent.

No matter what she does, she still has to consider the people outside, right?

I already felt that there were a lot of people in the tent, but now that I got out of the tent, I realized that there were a lot of people, it was really a lot.

" this all for me?"

These words were obviously addressed to Mu Weichen.

Seeing this surprised little face, Mu Weichen was suddenly delighted. The depression just now had already flown to Java.

As soon as this idea flies, it seems that it is not bad!
"It's for you, do whatever you want! It not only guarantees your safety, but also helps you do the work. Whatever you want, just let go and do it. With such people, even if you want to go to the escort agency, it's no problem! "

When he was in a good mood, Mu Weichen sold out his subordinates completely.


At first, I thought that the right general was exaggerating, but now that I am here, even if it is not as good as digging out shit, it is not much better...

Escort... Where are the elite soldiers that were promised?
"That's what you said! But just wait and see, I won't let people like you feel wronged!"

With a coquettish moan at Mu Weichen, he already took a few steps forward.

Seeing some familiar faces, Mu Si already knew that these were the two hundred elite soldiers from Shuiyu Village.

Knowing the weight of these people faintly in his heart, Mu Si was a little moved, but more of a rush of pride.

"Soldiers, I know that you are all one-in-a-hundred elite soldiers.

Today, you stand here, as your princess, a woman's personal guard, you may feel wronged in your heart.

However, I have something to say, and I'll leave it to you too!your lady.It's not a coward either!
It is useless to talk too much, how many people are gloating today, how many people will envy you in the future!
This is my promise!Your grandfather is here today, let him be a witness!
Since you are an elite soldier, Madam will never let you humiliate me! "

Everyone who thought their future was hopeless, suddenly felt a sense of pride after hearing Mu Si's words.

Bo Yifei didn't need to say anything else, he immediately spoke in unison.

"Follow Madam to the death!"

(End of this chapter)

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