Chapter 674

When Mu Weichen saw this situation, the corners of Mu Weichen's mouth curled up slightly.

In any case, if the wife and the guards can get along well, they can also be more sincere.

It was finally off to a good start.

As for whether it will be stronger than now... The doctor said, he must have some confidence in himself, right?
"Ma'am, you are busy first, see you in the evening..."

The meaningful "see you in the evening" seemed to be some kind of code word for the two of them, and it was not easy for Mu Si to get angry just in front of everyone.

He just rolled his eyes and gave the doctor a ride.

In the whole world, I'm afraid only my wife has the courage, even if the emperor sees the master, he should respect him three points!
Immediately, he became even more respectful to Mu Si.

Only Mu Si knew nothing about it.

"Yifei, I said it in front of my master, so I can't lose face. I think it's better to hit the sun than to choose another day. Why don't we start today!"

As soon as Mu Weichen left, Mu Si entered the mood.

"Um, ma'am... what are we going to do?"

This is too profound, Bo Yifei said that he really didn't understand it...

"It was agreed beforehand to make toilet soap and soap, and today I have one, so let's practice!"

Mu Si shouted again with a rough voice.

"Uh, what is this 'soap, scented soap'? But it seems that the word 'drill' is not used..."

Bo Yifei "relying on his identity" spoke first.

"I know that you are definitely not happy to ask you to do chores, but you may not be able to do this job!"

Mu Si raised his head, showing a bit of contempt deliberately on his face.


Unexpectedly, Bo Yifei's always reliable wife suddenly changed her style of painting, and she was at a loss for words.

"Not convinced? How about we make a bet?"

Taking advantage of people not paying attention, Mu Si winked at Bo Yifei, signaling him to cooperate.

It's a pity that Bo Yifei's elm head really can't understand the connotation of Mu Si's twitching at the corners of his eyes.

Reminiscent of Mu Si being frightened today, he was suddenly blessed.

"Oh, yes! Madame, are you feeling unwell?"

For a moment, Mu Si felt as uncomfortable as swallowing a fly.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

The presumptuous laughter instantly aroused the glaring looks of the crowd.

Du Ziyu quickly waved his hand, "I'm sorry, I couldn't hold back for a moment. Misunderstanding, I'm on the same side as you."

Everyone looked at the woman who appeared suddenly, and their hearts were instantly on guard.

As if to prove his 'innocence', Du Ziyu threw the words at him again.

"You are really unfair. How can you say that you are also a wife, even if you really lose, even if you want to fulfill your 'promise', then they will be afraid of the master and dare not ask you for bargaining chips, right? The status is not good. Equality, why don't you gamble!"

Seeing what Du Ziyu said, Mu Si secretly gave her a thumbs up in his heart, he really is a 'fellow townsman' from the same place!

Sure enough, there is some tacit agreement.

"Hmm... makes sense. But we're not betting to the death. What I mean is, if you win, you will be rewarded with a catty of meat for each person. If you lose, you will just eat corn bread for a day. How about it?"

Thinking about his own betting method, Mu Si regained his energy in an instant.

Everyone's eyes lit up suddenly, what a great idea!

Whether she loses or wins, the princess loses some money at most, and the meat she won, this feeling is different!

"At Ma'am's order!"

Another loud bang.

Finally got it!
(End of this chapter)

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