Chapter 675

"Okay! Yifei, take them two miles to the market to buy mutton oil, ten catties each! Hurry up! The one who came back first has a catty of meat for dinner!"

Mu Si's voice was still floating in the air, and everyone rushed out.

There are so many people in the military camp, and eating meat is a rare thing in a hundred years. They are all like wolves and tigers, so how can Bo Yifei take them with them?

Jumping up one by one is much faster than rabbits!
"You have a good idea, you learned from TV!"

Seeing everyone leave in a hurry, Du Ziyu started to commit crimes again.

After hearing this, Mu Si gave him a supercilious look, and the little bit of goodwill he had just now was wiped out by him.

"You didn't take good care of your injuries, why did you come out to dance again?"

"Fuck, I helped you just now, and you're going to kick someone out again! Why are you so cruel, girl!"

"Oh... You found out so soon? If you find out, get out of here quickly... You won't be betrayed by me in the future!"

Mu Si shook his hand, turned around and left, but he didn't even want to take a second look at him.

" can you be so cheap! You should hit me! do you want to use me, tell me!"

Du Ziyu tried again with all his heart, and the result was that this girl really didn't like oil and salt, she didn't like soft and hard things, and he only had the role of being a grandson here.

Hey, what a cheap word, but he just couldn't bear to leave!

Mu Si was very happy to suddenly have an extra free labor force.

After all, the eldest sister has already been driven away by her to rest, and according to Brother Tieniu's temperament, I am afraid that she will not be allowed to come out for some days.

"Of course it's true, my master said it, but once it's said, it's hard to follow!"

Du Ziyu immediately slapped his chest, trying to look mighty and domineering, but he forgot for a moment that this body was a woman.

This shot is so painful...

When Du Ziyu was slapped on the ground by his palm, he immediately gasped.

"Fuck, it's not easy being a woman! This body looks like a glass bottle!"

Mu Si glanced at him, twitched his lips, "What is this? Ha, you will suffer it when the little days come! By the way, you must be mentally prepared, and you must not Said I didn't remind you...otherwise the blood would flow like a river...tsk tsk..."

"You woman... you are really bad!"

Being poked at the sore spot again, Du Ziyu even wanted to strangle this girl to death.

After holding back for a long time, only this sentence came out.

"Oh~~ Can you tell me something new?"

Mu Si suddenly turned his head, pouting unconsciously, with a smug look on his face, the forehead is really not flat.

"Woo! Four! You'd better pray for the day when you don't beg the Lord! Otherwise... hum!"

Gritting his teeth and speaking harshly, Du Ziyu's face became a little ferocious again.

"Tsk tsk, what a waste of a beauty's skin. How did it happen on a rough man like you? I beg you, if I remember correctly, now, you are the one begging me!"

Mu Si propped his chin with his hands, with a stubborn look, "By the way, the tents in the barracks seem to be a little tense recently, Ms. Asura, how many nights do you find in the wilderness? Call again when you are free." you come back……"

"Hey, I'm going, what else can you do besides threatening Grandpa?! Well, this trick is very effective! Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up and arrange work for Grandpa, Grandpa will tell you! Don't you arrange for Grandpa to tell you?" You hurry!"

(End of this chapter)

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