The shrew of time travel

Chapter 676 Do you have any objections?

Chapter 676 Do you have any objections?
Seeing that Du Ziyu's face has turned blue from his anger, and Mu Si is also a little bit, I feel's no wonder...

"Well, for the sake of being so active, you can go get ashes! The more the better, the more the better!
By the way, there are Huotou troops in the military camp, so you only need to collect them.

Tsk tsk, don't even mention it, with your pretty face, I really don't know which one can handle it! "

After Mu Si's words were crackling, Du Ziyu felt that his whole body was about to be scrapped.

"Mu Si... count yourself as ruthless!"

After finishing speaking, Du Ziyu flicked his sleeves, threw Mu Si a bunch of buns, and left without a trace.

"By the way, you will find someone to comb Grandpa's hair tomorrow!"

Um, are you cruel?Why didn't she feel it herself.

"Do you think I look like someone who can comb my hair?"

Shaking his two big braids, Mu Si felt that this request was simply impossible!
But after thinking about it, Du Ziyu was originally a man, so he really needed a girl to take care of him.

But, if he wants to have any bad intentions, tsk tsk... Well, now that he is a woman, what else can he cause?

Immediately, Mu Si chuckled lightly, and he was really stunned.

He stopped for a while, and went to find the cauldron according to his plan.

In any case, everything is in full swing, and the great business of making soap has finally taken its first step.

This is both a pot and a vat, and Mu Si is tossing Mu Weichen again.

Fortunately, Mu Weichen is the lord, it is not difficult to ask for a few big pots, and he prepared a few big water tanks, and sent someone to bring them all to Mu Si.

That's not to mention, these soldiers are really caring.

Not to mention bringing her something, he insisted on lighting a fire to boil water for her.

If Mu Si hadn't stopped him desperately, the water would have boiled when he came back.

Mu Si talked about everything, and these people put down the firewood and left.

There are only a dozen pots standing there, and the scene is really spectacular.

"Ma'am! You're back!"

Kankan got his things ready, and Bo Yifei brought everyone back.

"Well, whoever arrives first, keep the account!"


Bo Yifei's voice was very resonant, and he read out the top three one by one.

Ten catties of mutton oil per person, two hundred people is two thousand catties, Mu Si suddenly felt that he was a little too big...

"Report Madam! The subordinates and others failed to complete the task, Madam please punish!"

Just as Mu Si was full of sorrow, he saw the crowd headed by one kneeling on one knee, waiting for Mu Si to punish him.

Originally, I also thought it would be easy, but now that I do it, I really know what Madam said, and it is right.

"Ma'am...the sheep oil in the market is limited, and in the end, only a dozen catties of sheep oil are enough..."

Bo Yifei thinks this trick is cruel enough... Well, Madam has so many tricks...

"Well, since you didn't get it, why did you come back so late? Could it be that there are other things? By the way, Yifei, you just said, 'get together'?"

Aware of Bo Yifei's words, Mu Si immediately asked one more question.

"Madam, I ask you to punish me. It's my subordinates who made their own decisions and gave their suet to other brothers. That's why they stayed in the market for a long time."

I saw that the person who spoke had clear thinking, calm speech, inside and outside the words, daring to act boldly, and a whole body of righteousness.

Mu Si looked at him and nodded secretly.

"Very well, you take care of your brothers, sacrifice yourself for others, know the general situation, and have a flexible mind. From now on, you will be the leader of the two hundred soldiers! Do you have any objections?!"

(End of this chapter)

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