The shrew of time travel

Chapter 678 I've Been Stuck For Long Enough

Chapter 678 I've Been Stuck For Long Enough
With Du Ziyu's adjustment, such a boring training was a little more interesting.

After going back and forth, the entire wolf warrior group became familiar with Du Ziyu.

Knowing that she is the legendary Asura, they were shocked and silent, this guy is also funny.

He was obviously Asura, but when he introduced himself, he insisted on being called Du Ziyu.

Everyone was stunned again, and there was something else to say, euphemistically, "Asura" is just a code name used for walking in the rivers and lakes, and his real name is Du Ziyu.

Although everyone wondered why she, a woman, used a boy's name, but the world is so big, there are no surprises.

After getting familiar with it, it really doesn't matter much.

At the beginning of the Wolf Warriors Group's establishment, Mu Si's words had spread among Mu Weichen's army at some point.

I don't know if Mu Si's words are too arrogant. Others dare not say it in front of him, but behind the scenes, there are many members of the Wolf Warriors.

Not to mention, after the establishment of the new prince's personal guards, it was unparalleled for a while, and it was simply synonymous with a bright future.

"Head, should we tell my wife about this? We used to be the prince's personal guards. When we were here, it was their turn to behave wildly! Now, a group of crumpled brats are showing off their power, and I almost don't know What's your last name!"

When Mo Yun thought that he was being ridden on the head by these people, he felt very unhappy, and when he thought of what they said, he felt even more heartbroken.

"Have you forgotten Madam's teaching?!
Don't pay attention to these nonsense, we have never left the army, and now we are doing what a soldier should do!

The first batch of soap is about to be ready. In a few days, at the trade fairs of various ministries, our goal is to get the most horses and flocks!

Madam said, since this is the first time, the horses and sheep brought back this time belong to our Wolf Warriors!

With so many people in our army, it is the dream of all soldiers to have their own horses!

Madam has never fought or robbed, and she doesn't like to argue with others. Today's situation must not be what she wants to see!
If you have time to babble here like a woman, you might as well go to training!

The next time someone bullies you, just hit him up, that's how you look like a man! "

The words made everyone bow their heads in shame.

"I'm afraid Mo Yun wasn't alone in thinking about today's matter. Everyone has it! One hundred push-ups!"

As soon as the words were finished, everyone fell down one after another, and Bei Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

If you don't make some achievements, I'm afraid this method won't last long...

These days, the Wolf Warriors get up early and stay late, start training before dawn, and work in the afternoon. The five big and three thick men stir the sheep oil for several hours in a row, and they are often too tired to even lift their arms.

Because of working with sheep oil every day, coupled with the saponification reaction of lime plant ash mixed, you can smell a pungent strange smell from a long distance.

When meeting other people on the road, everyone wished they could walk with their noses covered, which was one of the reasons for their resentment.

Now, there seems to be no other way, and the trade fairs after that will be the highlight.

Winning the trade fair is a good way to cover up all ugliness.

Come on quickly, the Wolf Warriors have been suffocated for long enough!
Hearing the counting sounds coming and going behind him, Bei Feng couldn't help but let out a sigh in his heart.

Behind the tent, Mu Si, Du Ziyu and Bo Yifei had already listened to everyone's words.

Bo Yifei blushed, "Ma'am, I'll teach them a lesson!"

(End of this chapter)

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