Chapter 679
"No need, you will know after today. What I told you before, is it done?"

Mu Si raised his eyelids, not paying attention to what happened just now.

Before everything succeeds, one must go through, be expected, be questioned, persist in the doubt, and finally succeed.

This is an inevitable process, and no one can replace it.

"Eh... Hua Lao said he would try his best..."

Bo Yifei hesitated, looking very embarrassed.

"Doing your best means that it hasn't been done yet?"

Mu Si raised her eyebrows. In this matter, she has put in a lot of effort, and she will not make mistakes in the final link.

"Subordinate,'s just that I haven't had time to get it yet... Ma'am, wait a moment, this subordinate will go now!"

Stretching out his head and slashing his head, retracting his head is also a slash, both vertical and vertical, Bo Yifei gritted his teeth, and turned around to leave.

"Yeah, I'm fine now, so why don't we go and have a look together. Let Mr. Hua take a look at Du Ziyu's injury, tsk tsk, what kind of expert is he in using poison, and he can't even heal a wound."

Mu Si gave Du Ziyu a contemptuous look, and actually made a final decision.

Grass, I was shot while lying down!
Du Ziyu secretly slandered, but he didn't dare to annoy this little aunt at this juncture.

Who told him that he really couldn't heal injuries?
"Yes, what you said is right, everything you say is right..."

After a few flattery, Du Ziyu almost called his aunt.

"I still don't know how to scold me in my heart! Don't come here, duplicity, don't feel tired!"

As Mu Si spoke, he rolled his eyes again.

"Well, it's wrong to say anything with me...then I'll just shut up!"

After more than a month, Du Ziyu has already mastered the way of getting along with Mu Si, and he is not serious with her now.

Mu Si won a "victorious battle", and only then did he feel complacent.

"Come on, let's take a look at our packaging. As the saying goes, 'A man depends on his clothes, a horse depends on his saddle', even if our things are good, they must be well packaged, so that they won't be looked down upon, right?"

Only then did he complacently walk ahead.

Bo Yifei certainly didn't understand the 'package' in Mu Si's mouth. Although Du Ziyu understood, he was still thinking about his injury.

I'm too lazy to talk to each other right now, lest I get into Mu Si's bad luck.

A group of three people went straight to Huafeng's camp in a 'mighty way'.

Because Huafeng also has a very good prestige in the army, second only to Mu Weichen, he also lives in a separate tent, and there are several drug boys under his command.

Because of his status as a military adviser, he fights on weekdays, so he doesn't need to go to the battlefield easily, and he is also dressed in plain clothes.

When Mu Si came, Hua Feng was drinking tea in the tent.

Hearing the guard's announcement suddenly, he quickly rolled and crawled and lay down on the bed, showing a sick look.

"Hurry up and ask the princess to come in... Tell her... If you are one step late, I'm afraid I won't see the old man... Cough cough..."

Witnessing Huafeng's whole process from "lively" to "dying", the guards were stunned and could only shake their heads and sigh.

He is a small bodyguard, how could he know what the military division thinks...

Let's report honestly...

"Uh, has the prince ever been here?"

Mu Si raised his eyebrows, what a coincidence...


The guard shook his head, feeling that his little life was about to be lost by the military division.

Deceiving the princess is a felony!
"Well, it's better to come early than to come early!"

(End of this chapter)

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