The shrew of time travel

Chapter 680? It was prepared long ago

Chapter 680 It Was Prepared Long Ago
Thinking about Bao Yifei's bitterness and hatred before, and looking at Huafeng's reaction now, he knew in his heart that there might be something that he didn't know.

"Mr. Hua has treated me well, but today he suddenly became seriously ill. It's out of reason, and I should also take a look. Everyone, follow me in and have a look?"

As he asked, Mu Si had already stepped into the tent.

Du Ziyu secretly sneered at Musi's play, but he followed up quietly.

"Madam... madam... cough cough... old man... old man, I'm afraid I can't do it... cough cough..."

Seeing Mu Si coming in, Mr. Hua stretched out his hand like chicken feet.

"Um, Mr. Hua, I haven't seen you for a few days, why did you become like this so quietly?

Mr. Hua, do you have any last words to say?
Don't worry, Mr. Hua, you have made a lot of contributions to the army. Even though the northwest is bitterly cold and supplies are poor, if it is not too much for public or private purposes, I will ask the prince for a generous burial for Mr. Hua! "

It was obvious at a glance that Huafeng was pretending to be sick, Mu Si didn't pierce it, but hurried forward to grab Huafeng's 'chicken paw', and there was a burst of 'shush and ask for warmth' when he came up.

When Hua Feng heard this, he almost couldn't breathe immediately.

Holding Mu Si's hand tightly, it seems to be a bit of a "return to the light".

"You are so kind to my old man! Don't worry, with a wife as good as you, I don't want to live another 50 years, I really don't want to...!"

Thinking that Mu Si was going to bury him just now, Dang even couldn't take it anymore.

When you are old, what you are most afraid of is the word 'death'?

It's all nonsense to see through the world of mortals!No one wants to die!Of course, those who live a bad life are hard to say...

"Uh, the guard said just now, Mr. Hua, you are about to die...I'm not talking too much, so you can go at ease..."

Mu Si secretly laughed in his heart, if he didn't expose himself, he didn't know what kind of trap he was going to set for himself.

"Ouch, this... ouch... old man, I'm suffering from heartache again..."

Hua Lao suddenly thought of his purpose, and immediately rolled his eyes and pretended to be sick.

"Didn't Mr. Hua just say that he wants to live another three to fifty years?"

Mu Si blinked his eyes, looking puzzled.

"I can't do it, old man, my medicine... I smoked that wooden box for you... Oops, but let me, old man, feel distressed and ruined..."

While talking, Hua Feng still opened his eyes to observe Mu Si's face from time to time.

Um, is this the beginning of the topic?

I sang such a song as soon as I co-authored it, but it was because of those little boxes?
"Ma'am, you can't ignore my old man like this. If you don't care about this, I'm afraid I won't get better from my illness..."

Seeing Mu Si's bewildered face and bewildered face, Elder Hua simply made his words clearer.

"Old man, I heard that what kind of soap you got is going to be sold in the trading place?
Old man, I gave up a lot of medicinal materials for those boxes of yours, and you will pay me... If you don't pay me... Oops... Old man, my distressed disease will never get better..."

When I asked for compensation for the medicinal materials, my eyes were still shrewd and calculating, but in a blink of an eye, I became sick again...

Looking at the situation, Mu Si really couldn't laugh or cry.

"Why don't you write a list, Mr. Hua, I'll go and have a look, and if there is a suitable one, I will exchange it for you. Do you think this is good?"

"Okay, okay, take this list, girl, take what you want, old man, I don't dislike it, I don't dislike it, ah!"

Mu Si looked at the sheet that had just come out of Mr. Hua's arms, and was still warm, and was speechless for a while... I dare you, it was prepared a long time ago...

(End of this chapter)

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