The shrew of time travel

Chapter 681 The living dead, flesh and bones

Chapter 681 The living dead, flesh and bones

But Mu Si is not so stingy, and he can be regarded as "the fat water does not flow to outsiders' field".

Immediately, he took the list from Huafeng's hand, without even looking at it, he stuffed it directly into his arms.

Hua Feng stared anxiously, originally hoping that Mu Si would give him a few words back...

However... After Mu Si put the list in his arms...

"Hua Lao, look, my slave girl has been bought from the market for a while, can you show her a look?"

Speaking of this, Hua Feng straightened his face immediately, and looked at Du Ziyu who was beside him.

I thought, this is that Asura.

Immediately stretched out two fingers, Du Ziyu looked at it, knew that he was going to diagnose his pulse, and immediately offered his left hand.

Upon seeing this, Elder Hua raised his eyebrows slightly, "Men left and women right."

Du Ziyu was taken aback for a moment, then handed over his right hand.

Hua Feng originally wanted to go through the motions, after all, he had already been ordered by the prince before.

But now, as soon as his hand touched Du Ziyu's pulse, Hua Feng frowned.

"The muscles and veins all over your body are broken, how on earth did you survive until now?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked.

"Shouldn't the whole body be paralyzed when the tendons are cut off? He can move freely now! Mr. Hua, is there something tricky about this?"

Mu Si was taken aback for a moment, feeling that this matter was really unscientific.

Hua Feng shook his head.

"If it were someone else, I would be paralyzed if the tendons were severed, but she is different. She has deep internal strength. After the tendons were broken, the true energy in her body was directly twisted into thin threads Ordinary ropes directly connect the muscles and veins of the whole body, so at this moment, she looks no different from ordinary people."

While talking, Hua Feng stroked his beard.

In most of his life, he has never seen anyone with such ability.

If it was in its heyday, this Asura would probably be as good as the prince.

" internal power was not sealed...but was used for other purposes?"

Du Ziyu always thought that the reason why he couldn't use his internal energy was because his internal energy was sealed when Asura was in a coma before his 'death'.

So on weekdays, it is very difficult for him to boost his energy.

Only now did I realize that this internal energy was not sealed, but became the price for him to live a normal life now.

"you can say it this way."

Hua Feng nodded, affirming Du Ziyu's statement.

"Is there any chance of a cure?"

Before Du Ziyu could speak, Mu Si asked him first.

Hua Feng shook his head with a cautious expression.

"Difficult, very difficult, but it can't be said that there is no hope. There was once a legend that a person was broken from the thigh down, and his legs lost all vitality, and there was no possibility of standing up again.

Only this person was born with great luck, coupled with his firm and resolute character, he was kind and charitable throughout his life, adopted countless orphans, and entrusted them to search for ancient prescriptions for him.

Finally, before he died, one of his adopted sons begged for an elixir for him.

I saw that after taking the pill, he had lost his legs and instantly grew granulation, and at a speed visible to the naked eye, he gave birth to two more legs.

Even the person is dozens of years younger. Originally, he was already gray beard and hair, and he was dying, but after taking that pill, he turned back to his youth...

Of course, this is just a legend left over from the previous dynasty. It is impossible to verify whether it exists or not.

As soon as this incident happened, many people in the world flocked to this elixir of immortality, even today's people were no exception.

However, legends are just legends after all..."

(End of this chapter)

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