The shrew of time travel

Chapter 684 Please Allow My Wolf Warriors to Go on My Own

Chapter 684 Please Allow My Wolf Warriors to Go on My Own
Lord... One sentence made Mu Weichen's heart skip a beat, and Mu Si had never called him Lord so solemnly.

The most I can say is 'Huaijin', and even between the beds, the most shouted are 'Master', let alone self-proclaimed concubines.


Frowning slightly, Mu Weichen was also worried when thinking of the "diehards" who followed him.

Before he finished worrying about this side, someone really came out of the queue.

"My lord, the general thinks that this is impossible! Madam is delicate and expensive, so she should rest more in the barracks. The trade fair is a big deal, and it is definitely not a place for women to play. I hope the lord will learn from you."

It's really... what I'm afraid of... Li Mengxiang was the first to come out to object, and he said that he was "righteous and strict".

"General, why not? I have heard that this Hundred Clans Fair, except for our barracks, has women participating in other clans... Why, does this general think that this lady will lose my grandfather?" face?"

Mu Si specially dressed up today, although she was wearing a short jacket that she improved, but at the same time it was crisp and neat, and there was no exposed flesh.

It's really not immoral.

"I am a woman from the Central Plains. I am a husband and a child at home. My wife has a noble status, so I should set an example instead of coming here to do anything wrong!"

But Li Mengxiang refused to let Mu Si go easily.

"This general also said that it is the Central Plains, we are now in the northwest grassland...

I don't know, this general, has he ever heard the term 'do as the Romans do in the country'...

Furthermore, my wife thought that the soldiers were all bold people, but today I found that the general puts more emphasis on the ceremony of the Central Plains.

That being the case, my wife would also take the liberty to ask the general, the commander-in-chief hasn't spoken yet, so how can you, a 'little general', have room to speak? ! "

At the end, Mu Si's eyes flashed fiercely, and he shot straight at Li Mengxiang.

From her point of view, this person is making a lot of trouble out of nothing!
No matter how she looked at those three-sided eyes, she couldn't give her a good impression!

"You...! Please think twice, my lord! The general considers our army wholeheartedly, and he has never been selfish! What's more, our army's participation in the fair is just a formality. The food was originally agreed with others. Seriously. There is no need for Madam to go...My lord..."

He said a thousand words and ten thousand, in short, he didn't want Mu Si to go.

"Ha, let me tell you all, our Wolf Warriors team has worked hard for a month just to prepare for the Hundred Clans Fair. In any case, our Wolf Warriors team will have to take a trip to this water. If you don't If you are willing to bring us, we will participate by ourselves!"

Mu Si narrowed his eyes slightly, he remembered Li Mengxiang's face in his heart.

"Most of the tribesmen on the grassland came for the banner of our army, and participated by themselves? Ha...!"

Li Mengxiang chuckled one last time, and the contempt in his words was self-evident.

"This general agrees, and I'm afraid others have no objection. Lord, this concubine begs the Lord to allow me to fight the wolf group and go on my own!"

Mu Si didn't expect to be able to pass so easily, however, she had to go to this trade fair no matter what!
Not to mention that she has already made a promise to her Wolf Warriors, it is the gathering place of hundreds of clans, and there must be surprises!
She can't let go of this great opportunity!
Mu Weichen saw that the situation was getting worse and worse, and couldn't help feeling dizzy.

This girl is also really naughty, he has been busy these days, and he didn't want to keep this matter from him. At this moment, he was not prepared at all.

Seeing Li Mengxiang's attack, he was... unable to help...

Suddenly, a ray of light burst out of his eyes!
(End of this chapter)

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