Chapter 685

This girl never fights unprepared battles, she did this...

Thinking of this, Mu Weichen didn't delay any longer.

"My king agrees!"

Mu Weichen, who was riding on the horse, immediately approved with a big wave of his hand.

"My lord, don't... This is really indecent, it's indecent... My lord, no..."

Li Mengxiang wanted to say more, but before he could finish, Mu Weichen interrupted him.

"What? Is this king's concubine even if she wants to go out for a stroll? Isn't Vice General Li being too lenient?!"

The prince was furious and fell silent.

The words Li Mengxiang wanted to say turned around for a few times before being swallowed back by him, his face turned red when he held back.

However, he did not dare to disobey Mu Weichen directly.

"The last general, dare not..."

There was obviously a bit of resentment in his words, but no one paid attention.

He just contradicted Mu Si, Mu Weichen would never give him such a face, all the soldiers saw that he had already been punished, no one dared to come out and touch the prince's back.

Even if he couldn't swallow this breath, he had to swallow it!

"Ma'am, I'm waiting for good news for my husband."

Taking a deep look at Mu Si, knowing that she doesn't want to be protected under his wings all the time, Mu Weichen tries to understand as much as possible.

It's just, that's all... There are some things, let's talk about them later...

The four of them blushed when he called 'Mrs.' in front of the horse.

With so many subordinates around, he doesn't know how to avoid it...

On second thought, he was supporting himself... There was a bit of sweetness in his heart, and when he lowered his head, his face was already flushed.

Mu Si hadn't finished embarrassing Musi this time, Mu Weichen turned his eyes to the eagerly awaited members of the Wolf Warriors, and his face instantly became serious.

"Be sure to protect Madam's safety! If there is any mistake, come and see me!"

"Swear to protect Madam's safety!"

Mu Si's verbal battle just now has already won them a chance.

How do they not return?Not to mention, it was their duty to protect his wife's safety.

After the training, Mu Weichen finally felt more at ease.

What happened in the slave market last time, he didn't want it to happen again...

He took another deep look at Mu Si, his eyes full of warnings, and after a while, Mu Weichen raised his big hand again.

"set off!"

After all, he pinched the horse's belly with his legs, and pulled the reins stiff with his right hand.


Not daring to look back at Mu Si again, Mu Weichen took the lead in driving his horse ahead of the crowd.

Cars and horses passed by, the road was dusty, Mu Si watched Mu Weichen's army leave, and then walked towards the people of the Wolf Warriors.

"Soldiers! It's time to avenge your shame! Today, let them see that there are no cowards in our Wolf Warriors!"

"Wolf Warriors, there are no cowards!"

Everyone shouted in unison, Mu Si nodded to show his satisfaction, this is what he wanted!

"are you ready?!"

Mu Si raised his fist to the sky, and asked loudly.


"Very good! Let's go! The cattle, sheep and horses are all ours!"


"Madam...and Hualao's medicinal materials..."

Bo Yifei reminded in a low voice...

As soon as these words came out, everyone's eyes instantly fell on Bo Yifei.

In an instant, Bo Yifei was embarrassed.

Immediately bit the bullet and sold Huafeng.

"Ma'am... It was Elder Hua who asked me to remind you..."

Xin Dao said that Mr. Hua had confidence in himself, and immediately he was in a good mood and didn't care about being interrupted by Bo Yifei.

"Okay, there are medicinal materials and spices! Let's go!"

(End of this chapter)

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