The shrew of time travel

Chapter 686 You don't understand the world of women

Chapter 686 You don't understand the world of women
Baizu Fair.

"Ma'am, all the good seats have been taken. Even some places where no one is there, as long as you go there, you will say that there are people. These people are really hateful!"

When Mo Yun came back from exploring the road, he was very angry.

"It's okay, it's our first time here, and it's common to suffer losses. We have to pay tuition for everything. Remember, our goals are cattle, sheep and horses, medicinal materials and spices. Don't take other things to heart."

Mu Si recognized Mo Yun as the person who challenged Bei Feng in the barracks that day, knowing that he was still young, he couldn't help feeling a little anxious.

But young man, it's not bad to be a bit more tempered, at least, Mu Si won't make things difficult for him because of the previous incident.

"Yes, ma'am."

Mo Yun is also aware of his faults, and his wife always has a graceful attitude in doing things, very calm, which is beyond his reach.

At this time, he was also very respectful to Mu Si.

"We don't care about them. It doesn't matter if the location is good or bad. If we can catch the guests passing by, we will win."

Under Mu Si's overall arrangement, everyone quickly found a place.

Fortunately, the venue near the end of the trading field was spacious enough to accommodate several of their carts.

"It's not hot yet, so put the soap on."

Mu Si gave an order, and everyone moved away.

Because it has already been divided into groups, it will not appear messy due to the large number of people.

As time passed, the arranged booths began to move around.

Because it was the first time he came, although Mu Si planned to move around, he was worried about the group of rough guys behind him, especially Mo Yun. If there was another one, he would call the client directly if there was something wrong, which would not be good.

Therefore, at the beginning, Musi still sat in his own stall.

Time passed slowly, and the number of people gradually increased. Because it was a trade fair, people were coming and going on the street, and it was very lively.

"Take a look, take a look, the soap used by the empress of Daze Kingdom! Come, come, take a look, pass by, don't miss it!"

Mu Siyi hadn't called the guests yet, but he frightened the crowd behind him.

"Madam...Madam, don't talk nonsense, this is going to be beheaded..."

Bo Yifei hurriedly whispered to Musi.

"Hahaha, the sky is high and the emperor is far away, it's just an advertisement, isn't it normal?"

Seeing Bao Yifei's tense look, Mu Si laughed so hard that he could not help but flinch.

Bo Yifei wanted to say more, but someone came forward.

"Is this really used by the empress of the Daze Kingdom?"

When Mu Si saw someone coming, he quickly slapped Bo Yifei's hand, pushed the person away, and went forward to meet him.

"It's true, look at this thing, can it be used by ordinary people?

To tell you the truth, we are far away from the sky and the emperor. If we put it in the Central Plains, I really dare not sell it!
This is a tribute made by my aunt's aunt's nephew's cousin to the palace!
I sold it secretly, and I sold it to you secretly, so don't tell others! "

Mu Si had a mysterious look on his face, which really tantalized people.

"Oh oh oh... how do you use this thing?"


Seeing that he led a sheep, exchanged for a small box and left happily, his wife still looked disappointed.

Bo Yifei's heart was bewildered.

"Beifeng, quickly... pinch me..."

The next moment, "Hiss, you really pinched..."

Mu Si looked at Bo Yifei also funny, and felt amused for a while.

"What's so surprising about this, women's world, you don't understand~~~ Beifeng, go and tie up the sheep, the so-called everything is difficult at the beginning, now the head has been opened, and the rest is, 'count the money and count the hands~ Twitch~tendon'!"

(End of this chapter)

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