The shrew of time travel

Chapter 688 Madame, We Meet Again

Chapter 688 Madame, We Meet Again

Today is a bumper harvest, and Yifei is really happy from the bottom of his heart. It's not like he hasn't been to a trade fair before, but he hasn't been as happy as coming with his wife this time.

According to his visual inspection, the cows and sheep now are no less than the grain sold by the grandfather!
Tsk tsk, what did he say?Madam is a woman who does not give way to a man!
Now after listening to his wife's order, the members of the Wolf Warriors had already wrapped the remaining small box with cloth, and when they were distracted by the flight, the burden was already on their bodies.

"This... just carry it like this..."

Feeling the bloat behind him, Yifei took it seriously, very depressed.

He is also a bodyguard after all, so what's the matter with carrying such a big burden?Are you like the aunt on the street?

"Yifei, hold on! Hualao's medicinal materials all depend on the soap on your back!"

Mu Si patted Bo Yifei's shoulder sympathetically, and reminded him of the fact that the medicinal materials have not been exchanged yet.


Can he take back what he said just now... Madame, I don't want to cheat guards like you...

Seeing Yi Fei's aggrieved face, Mu Si felt his mood improved a bit.

Tsk tsk, Du Ziyu is not here today, and there is no one to bully, so I have to feel wronged~~~
Rare things are valuable, just now the carts of soap at home have been exchanged for cattle, sheep and horses, and now Mu Si is looking for things again, so he doesn't pay attention to these things.

As she said, she is out for a stroll now, that's just two words - curious!
Searching and searching are just some common things, most of them are the customs and customs of the grassland, mostly cattle and sheep.

There were also some herbal medicines, Mu Si didn't look at Hua Lao's list, and directly replaced the medicines.

After a whole morning of publicity, her soap is already a hot item, and there is no market for it. This not only makes her proud, but also provides a lot of convenience for her to exchange things.

What surprised her even more was that she saw potatoes, sweet potatoes, and several unfamiliar seeds, all of which were replaced by her.

Potatoes and sweet potatoes are amazing. They can be eaten as dry food, and they are high-yield crops. Once they are promoted in the military camp...

Even the grasslands can grow enough food to compete with the Central Plains... Of course, this is indeed idealized. Right now, this is just a basket of potatoes and sweet potatoes...

While thinking, Bo Yifei suddenly stopped.

"Ma'am, Li Mengxiang!"

Mu Siyi didn't react for a while, but Bo Yifei threw the things on his back, and dragged Mu Si to hide in the booth behind him.

Realizing that something was unusual, Mu Si didn't rush to ask about the situation.

"you go first!"


Of course Bo Yifei wanted to go and have a look first, but he didn't forget his master's words, his mission was to protect his wife's safety.

"It doesn't matter! Right now, no outsiders know our identities. Besides, I don't even have the power to protect myself. Go!"

If Mu Si hadn't understood Yifei's words just now, but following Yifei's eyes saw the face that made her remember deeply.

Mu Si keenly felt that something bad was going on, so he immediately urged Yi Fei.

Bo Yifei had always thought about it in his heart, but now that his wife reminded him, he immediately put the things on his back beside Mu Si without hesitation, and disappeared into the crowd in the blink of an eye.

As soon as Bo Yifei left, Mu Si suddenly felt a little bit more threatening, thinking that there was not much soap left in his luggage, so he decided to go back to the booth to meet up with the Wolf Warriors before making plans.

However, as soon as Mu Si got up, he heard a familiar voice, which was transmitted directly to the eardrum.

"Ma'am, we meet again!"

(End of this chapter)

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