The shrew of time travel

Chapter 689 Met Yelu Liangcai

Chapter 689 Met Yelu Liangcai
"Yelu Liangcai?! What do you want to do?"

Mu Si suddenly felt as if he was facing a formidable enemy, but she hadn't forgotten that this man had been trying to put her to death one after another.

"Madam, don't panic. Ben Khan just ran into Madam by chance and has no other intentions... However, since we met, Ben Khan has a word of advice to Madam...

The so-called "a good bird chooses a tree to live in", the wife's choice at the moment is not a wise move...

Ben Khan's affection for his wife is still the same as that day when he first met in the market.The position of the hostess of my department is waiting for my wife...


Today's Yeluliang is quite different from the distressed appearance when he left that day.

Mu Si faintly felt that something happened that he or even the doctor didn't know about.

He can say these words so calmly, not to mention whether the shit-spitting words can be heard, just because he is so unscrupulous and provocative in the street, people have to doubt what he has to rely on.

However, in any case, this place is not a place to stay for a long time.

"Mrs. Ben, can I go?"

Mu Si was not at all intimidated by his nonsense, and asked calmly.

"Tsk tsk, why didn't Madam even bring a female slave with her when she came out? It can be seen that King Mu treated you so poorly, why didn't he have the slightest bit of compassion to make Madam carry such a heavy thing?"

Yeluliang couldn't help laughing when he looked at the pile of junk in front of Mu Si.

It's just that the meaning of watching the excitement in that voice is very strong, and there is no such thing as his so-called "compassion for fragrance and jade".

Just as Mu Si was about to reply, Yi Fei had already heard the good news and came back.

Seeing Yelu Liangcai on the opposite side, the sword in his hand was already raised.

The hostility is obvious.

"Madam, let's meet again some other day. Ben Khan always keeps his word. Madam can come to Ben Khan at any time."

After all, Yeluliang led the people away directly.

Bo Yifei is still in shock, every time he leaves, something is bound to happen.

"Damn this subordinate, you have frightened Madam!"

Mu Si looked at the back of Yeluliang who was leading the people away, he was in doubt.

"Nothing, go back first."

This place is mixed with fish and dragons, it's not a place to talk, about the matter of Li Mengxiang, Mu Si didn't even open his mouth.

Seeing Mu Si's serious expression, Bo Yifei didn't dare to say more.

After this incident, he also returned home like an arrow.

Only by reuniting with the Wolf Warriors can the safety of Madam be better guaranteed.

Without further ado, Yifei carried the pile of things on his back again.

The street was still very lively, but the two of them had no desire to go shopping anymore, and returned to the Wolf Warriors without touching their feet.

When everyone saw the two of them coming back, they all looked happy.

"Ma'am, the sorbet is also sold out! We counted the harvest, excluding the cattle and sheep, and the horses we exchanged. There are five horses left for each member of the Wolf Warriors. There are also thirty foals. The subordinates are the masters. It was changed too!"

When Bei Feng reported the situation, there was an undeniable joy in his eyes.

"Well done! Pack up your things, let's meet the prince."

Hearing the good news, Mu Si's heart brightened.

The matter of soap was just throwing stones to ask for directions, but now the effect has exceeded her imagination.

I don't know if Yan from the Nawei Department bought this soap back... If Baili Dujuan knew that this soap was made by herself, she might pour all the soap into the cesspit...

"Ma'am, why don't we go straight back to camp?"

Gradually getting to know Mu Si's temperament, Bei Feng asked some questions directly without shy away.

"On our way back, we met Yelu Liangcai."

(End of this chapter)

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