The shrew of time travel

Chapter 691 Really, so cute

Chapter 691 Really, so cute
With what Mu Weichen said before, Li Mengxiang didn't dare to go too far, so he had to keep silent.

Under Mu Weichen's command, everyone quickly gathered and left.

Mu Si did not mention the record of the Wolf Warriors.

Even under Mu Si's signal, Bo Yifei had already informed everyone that he fell not far away when he left.

Mu Si made up her mind to have a good chat with Mu Weichen at night, and when she returned to the barracks, she went directly to reunite with Zhan Langtuan.

"Ma'am, we harvested over [-] sheep in one fell swoop, even selling more grain than usual!"

When Bo Yifei reported the results, he also looked excited.

"Very good... But, I'm afraid I have some bad news to share with you..."

As soon as Mu Si said this, the cheering crowd quieted down and looked at her quietly.

Bei Feng looked at his wife, and then at the brothers of the Wolf Warriors.

"Madam... This subordinate would like to say a few words first..."

Mu Si nodded, giving Bei Feng this face.

"Brothers, our Wolf Warriors Group has only been established for one month, and we have achieved such achievements. It is inseparable from the teachings of the madam and the efforts of the brothers. I propose that we share the gains from this trade fair with the army!"

In fact, they were also prepared for today's event.

As long as this grain cannot be sold, wouldn't it cut off the army's meat supply?

There are no cattle or sheep in the barracks, so if you want to eat meat, you can only trade it.If I didn't change it this time, it meant that I didn't have anything to eat.

Just thinking about the hard work of the past month, coupled with being criticized in the military, and dedicating the fruits of their labor like this, everyone feels really uncomfortable in their hearts.

Seeing that all of them are in low spirits, Mu Si feels very uncomfortable.

However, with the predicament in front of her, how could she get the doctor to beg her?
At that time, the result will be the same, as if being forced...but it is not beautiful.

Silence... silence... long silence...

"If you really don't want to part with it, I don't think so. We always get it ourselves, and no one can find a reason."

With a faint sigh in his heart, Mu Si really didn't want to force them.

"No, ma'am, I am willing to donate. I am willing to donate my share. Although some of them have laughed at us, they are not benevolent. We cannot be unrighteous. I am willing to donate my share. go out!"

At the beginning, Mo Yun was the most dissatisfied with those people's attitude, but now he is the first to stand up, which is also unexpected.

"Mo Yun is right! They are not benevolent, we cannot be unrighteous! I donate too!"

"Yes, I donated too!"

"What's the big deal?! Isn't it just to eat less meat! What does Madam usually do to us?! Even if these sheep are missing, we are guaranteed to eat less!"


"Donate, donate!"

Mu Si could see everyone's reaction. It was four hundred sheep, cows and horses. What they were looking forward to early in the morning was far from being as indifferent as they said. The more this happened, the more it seemed that this A friendship is precious.

"Ma'am, I heard that your Wolf Warriors have gained quite a lot this time, so I'll come over and have a look."

Mu Weichen heard this news from the gate guard, which really made him feel relieved.

"See Your Majesty!"

"No. You guys are much better than those who can only talk nonsense..."

Thinking about the people who were arguing in the general's tent just now, Mu Weichen's brain hurts.

In comparison, these people in front of them are really, really cute.

(End of this chapter)

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