The shrew of time travel

Chapter 692 An 'immature' suggestion

Chapter 692 An 'immature' suggestion

"They are talking about donating all these. More than 200 horses, more than 400 sheep, and several cows are the result of their hard work for a month."

Mu Si already felt sorry for not being able to keep these cattle and sheep.

At this moment, he had to fight for their face in front of Mu Weichen.

"No, it's all the result of your wolf team's hard work, how can I keep it for myself?"

Mu Weichen was very moved, but he couldn't bear to occupy the cattle and sheep like this.

"What do you mean 'take it as your own'? Could it be that you want to eat these four hundred sheep by yourself?"

Seeing his awkward look, Mu Si tried to make fun of him, so as to save him from thinking too much.

When Mu Weichen heard it, he understood that this was a step down for him.

"In this way, the cattle and sheep will be donated to the army, and you will keep the horses in the Wolf Warriors for your own use... Don't lie to me, these people love horses like their lives!"

At that time, everyone thought that they were going to disappear for some reason, but when my master opened his mouth, he left the horse behind.

Where is there not to be excited.

Immediately, Mo Yun was three feet tall, "Thank you, Lord!"

With the beginning of Mo Yun, everyone was grateful.

Mu Weichen shook his head, "Thank me for what? It's me, I want to thank you! It solved the urgent need of the army.

Just now Yeluliang sent someone to sell his cattle and sheep to the military camp at a high price..."

"Master, you can't answer! You can't fall into the enemy's tricks!"

Before Mu Weichen finished speaking, Mo Yun immediately cried out anxiously.

"Haha, don't worry, I didn't answer. So, I still have to thank you, if it wasn't for the flocks and cattle you brought in, or for me to hold on, I'm afraid I won't be able to resist this reality in the end..."

Unknowingly, Mu Weichen didn't call himself 'the King', and invisibly narrowed the distance with the Wolf Warriors.

"Thank you for your hard work! The matter of cattle and sheep is voluntary by the brothers, so there is no need to worry about it."

Feeling the helplessness of their master, everyone couldn't help but feel pain in their hearts.

Why have these people suffered so much? !Today, I can't make my father feel embarrassed about this idea.

"On behalf of our Mu Family Army, thank you all!"

Such a simple and honest man really moved Mu Weichen's heart.

What is shown is also from the heart, and there is no exaggeration.

Everyone dared not accept these words. According to their thinking, this should be done.

Seeing this scene, Mu Si felt sensational for a while, and thanked him constantly, awkward and cumbersome, so he hurriedly said something to take the topic elsewhere.

"Master, I want to say something at the market today, but it was inconvenient at that time. Now I am in the Wolf Warriors, and I dare to talk to you. If you think it is good, use it, and if it is not good, just listen to it." joke……"

Mu Weichen looked at Mu Si who was going to toss again, and thought that what he said was "sounding", and "it's not good, just listen to it as a joke", well, write this account in the small book first, and then settle it at night...

"tell me the story."

"Master, why don't we set up a logistics department? Since the soldiers can farm, why can't they raise sheep?
At this time, the grass is growing and the warblers are flying, and with these four hundred sheep, as long as they are used properly, the soldiers can not only eat meat, but also drink milk!
As the saying goes, the body is the capital of the revolution, and only when the body is healthy can we fight a good battle!
I saw that the reason why the men on the grassland grow strong is not because they eat meat and drink milk?

With the logistics department, all problems can be easily solved. The so-called food and grass go first before the soldiers and horses are moved. I see, this logistics department must be there! "

What Mu Si said made Mu Weichen's eyes light up.

The question that had troubled him and Huafeng for so long was clearly pointed out by Mu Si's words.

(End of this chapter)

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