The shrew of time travel

Chapter 711 I'm actually angry...

Chapter 711 I'm actually angry...

Not wanting children was originally a tacit agreement between himself and the doctor, but after what the elder sister said, Mu Si couldn't help but feel a twinge in his heart.

Slightly stunned, Mu Si finally said, "Where did the eldest sister think? I was originally weak, but now my master takes care of me, and I am not in a hurry to have an heir. It is my blessing."

As he spoke, he thought of what Du Ziyu had said before, and felt that his heart was full of bitterness during this moment.

After listening to her words, Mu Xiu'e was relieved, and felt a little more ashamed for her presumptuous self-assessment of Mrs. Luo.

"Master Luo has always loved you very much, and I am also clearing up this concern. Now I am thinking too much. Taking good care of your body is the most important thing."

Mu Silian was hit hard by "Zi Si", and felt that he couldn't get out of the pit right now.

No matter how unhappy I was, I couldn't show it in front of Mu Xiu'e, so I had to comfort him again.

"What the elder sister said is true, I have written it all down. Now you should take care of yourself and give birth to a big fat boy. I am just waiting to give you a congratulatory gift!"

Mu Xiu'e really didn't think much about hearing such lively and pleasant words.

She only replied shyly, "It's still early!"

The two sisters chatted very happily, and Mu Si stayed here for dinner at noon, and the two of them chatted one after another.

I really don't know what I said in detail, but these gossips and daily life really made Mu Si feel relaxed and happy.

In the blink of an eye, it was night, and Mu Si still had no intention of leaving.

Mu Si didn't say to leave, so Mu Xiu'e had no choice but to cheer up.

In fact, she was already pregnant, and her spirits were already low. Now, listening to Mu Si talking, she still couldn't help dozing off.

Seeing that she fell asleep while talking like this, Mu Si realized that he really stayed here for too long.

Sitting numbly for a while, he couldn't help laughing, why is she running away?
After helping my eldest sister to tuck the sheet, she got up and was about to leave.

Unexpectedly, when she turned her head, Mu Weichen was standing behind her and staring at her blankly. She didn't know how long she had been waiting like that.

Seeing her turn around, Mu Weichen's eyes overflowed with surprise, "Ma'am..."

However, Mu Si was only slightly taken aback, his heart warmed slightly, and when he thought of Du Ziyu's words, his heart felt cold again.

I understand in my heart that this is not my home, and I have some things to say, which is inconvenient to say.

She nodded slightly, trying to pretend as if nothing had happened.

"Eldest sister is asleep, let's go back too."

Such ordinary words lacked the usual warmth and passion.

Taking Mu Si's eyes into his eyes, from astonishment to surprise to that shallow alienation, although it is not obvious, Mu Weichen feels it very clearly.

Originally, he also thought that Mu Si came here just to "visit relatives", but now he realizes that "visiting relatives" probably has another meaning.

Only when he left this morning, she was very happy, and there was no displeasure on her face, besides, she was not an unreasonable person.

The current situation really made him at a loss, but what was more violent than being at a loss was panic...

While thinking about it, Mu Si had already walked ahead. When he came back to his senses, she had already said goodbye to Mrs. Qian, and she walked away directly after speaking, without any intention of waiting for him...

If it was just his own random thinking just now, then at this moment, if he still doesn't understand that Mu Si is angry, then he is probably the biggest fool in the world...

(End of this chapter)

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