The shrew of time travel

Chapter 712 Was he angry with Huafeng?

Chapter 712 Was he angry with Huafeng?
Following out of the tent, Mu Si had already taken the lead, obviously deliberately leaving Mu Weichen behind.


Mu Weichen didn't know the reason, and didn't dare to say more, so he just called out mournfully.

The doctor has always been strong, so soft and soft, probably only when facing her.

Think about her virtue and ability to win the favor of the master?Now her ability has been revealed a little, but in Tianshui Town, in Shuiyu Village, she is undoubtedly a proper village girl!
It's really unfair to question the doctor's sincerity now, but it's absolutely impossible to say that you don't care about anything like this.

Mu Siyi froze in place for a moment, not knowing how to react.

After a long time, he sighed quietly, "Let's go back and talk about it."

When Mu Weichen saw her talking, he couldn't help but feel happy. What he was most afraid of was that Mu Si wouldn't say anything. It's always good to be willing to talk now.

It can be seen that he has only loved a little woman like Mu Si in his life, and before Mu Si, there were very few times like this, she was always considerate, and she would not let him fuck for a little bit on weekdays, let alone play petty temper .

After struggling, the two finally returned to the tent.

The kerosene lamp was burning vigorously, and it sizzled, reflecting a layer of yellow rhyme in the tent. The rare and warm atmosphere made people feel a little warm.

It's a pity that today's Musi didn't feel the warmth, only felt annoying everywhere, and everything was cold.

Fortunately, although Mu Weichen didn't know where Mu Si's anger came from, he wouldn't just put Mu Si aside.

Before Mu Si could speak, Mu Weichen took the initiative to ask, "Ma'am, is there anything unhappy today? Just tell me, so I can enlighten you..."

The crappy words are a few grades worse than those of so many swingers, but Mu Si understands them a little bit more in his heart.

The regent is in his twenties and five years old, never married, not close to women...

According to Yifei's gossip, there have been countless women who fainted from "exhaustion" in various postures in front of the doctor, but the prince never stretched out his hand.

What's more, seeing him returning in triumph, driving his horse through the streets, she actually tried to fall directly on his horse from the second floor, but...she did fall on the horse, but he had already left the horse's back...

All kinds of rumors seem to be just to set off Mu Weichen's clumsiness today, but to make Mu Si unable to be picky.

"Visiting Eldest Sister today. Eldest Sister is pregnant. If you have something suitable, you can send someone to send it over. After all, she was not able to take care of her. She kept silent, but Aunt Qian told me everything. , Eldest sister was frightened in the slave market that day, and she was afraid that she would not suffer from any symptoms, should help me and invite your military adviser to visit elder sister, so I can rest assured..."

Mu Si originally meant that he didn't want to have anything to do with Huafeng, but in the end it was just a whimsical idea.

Hua Feng, after all, is the most powerful doctor in the barracks. After thinking about it again and again, she thought that the military master wanted her life so much, and probably wouldn't play tricks on the elder sister...

The speaker has no intention, the listener has the heart.

Mu Si was already annoyed by Hua Feng in his heart, but he couldn't express it. He felt depressed in his heart, so he couldn't be angry. Even if he suppressed his annoyance and mentioned Hua Feng, it was just a "military division" Two words, such a distant title, made Mu Weichen's heart shudder.

Could this anger be related to Huafeng?

Since Mu Si never mentioned it, Mu Weichen didn't dare to guess...

(End of this chapter)

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