The shrew of time travel

Chapter 742 Willing to listen to the arrangement of the princess...

Chapter 742 Willing to listen to the arrangement of the princess...

When Mu Qingsi heard this, she raised her head instantly, and her pair of water-cut eyes were full of disbelief.

This so-called "country woman" is many times stronger than her. It's ridiculous that they still think this woman is just a village woman! ! !
Now it's just a meeting, and the two of them are about to lose their bodies and spirits, Mu Qingsi, who just woke up from a dream, opened her eyes slightly, and seriously looked at the "village woman" in front of her.

One can see that although his complexion is tender, it can't hide his peerless youth; his brows are slightly childish, but they add a bit of sharpness.

It's true that the heart is more sensitive than dry, and the beauty is like a lotus coming out of the ditch... How could she have thought that such a smart girl was a village woman...

The wide-eyed eyes were unwilling to die, and the desperation that was left turned into two lines of tears, dripping down the noodles.

"I'm a concubine...willing to listen to the arrangement of the concubine..."

Seeing the tears falling down one by one like broken beads, Mu Si said in his heart, that he knows the times, but unfortunately... he was born in the wrong team, it was really a wrong step, a wrong step.

Even if she put on this posture now, she couldn't help but be kinder.

Countless blood lessons told her that kindness to the enemy is cruelty to herself!

If...if she is really a smart person, in the future... maybe you can give her a chance... But now...hehe, it is better to treat her as an enemy...

"Miss Mu, you are indeed a smart person. Mrs. Ben likes smart people.

Since Miss Mu begged Mrs. Ben, Mrs. Ben is not a hard-hearted person, and Miss Mu has a good family background, and now, Mrs. Ben has a close family..."

At this point, Mu Si turned his head to look at Mu Weichen, and asked for his opinion, "Sir, does Li Mengxiang have a wife?"

Unexpectedly, Mu Weichen's wife thought of leading the red line for Li Mengxiang, and then looked at Mu Qingsi's performance on the ground, and had a vague guess in his heart.

It's really hard for him to say it in front of everyone at this moment.

"No, General Li was so devoted to sharing the country's worries that he even delayed the major events in his life. Madam's kindness, I think General Li is also very happy."

Mu Weichen replied lightly, which was the final word on this marriage.

Mu Qingsi watched the interaction between the two, although she didn't know who Li Mengxiang was, but based on her acquaintance with this country princess just now, this move must have a deep meaning!
Thinking about the difficult road ahead for her, Mu Qingsi also felt sad.

However, Mu Si is very satisfied with his arrangement.

On the other hand, Ye Ling, who was at the side, gloated over Mu Qingsi's end.

The two came together, and they got to know each other a little bit along the way.

Although Mu Qingsi looked soft and weak, but relying on her intelligence, she was quite arrogant.

That pretentious, eyes-over-the-top look really pissed her off.

Now that seeing Mu Qingsi suffer, Ye Ling is very proud.

Thinking about it again, now that she has been successfully promoted to the position of concubine, but this Mu Qingsi is going to marry a subordinate of King Mu, and from then on she will be with the concubine... No!From now on, it has nothing to do with Mu Wang's women.

Immediately, Gu Panshen flew, and looked at Mu Qingsi with complacent eyes. If Mu Si and Mu Weichen were not there, she would have already sneered at Mu Qingsi.

It's just that her pride was caught by Mu Si, but she snorted coldly in her heart, stupid woman, did she really think that if she became a side concubine, she would fly on a branch and become a phoenix? !

(End of this chapter)

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