The shrew of time travel

Chapter 743 1 Fei Understands?

Chapter 743 Yifei understands?

Mu Sixin said that this newly promoted side concubine is probably quite ambitious.

After investigating for a while, he raised his eyes, raised his voice slightly, and yelled out of the tent.

After listening to Qin Huai's words, this Xiang Yifei was already taken aback, and his heart was full of ups and downs, he was afraid that Madam would be furious because of this incident, which would harm his little fish. ... The consequences are unimaginable.

This will make him listen to his wife calling him, Bo Yifei took a last look at Qin Huai, received such a genuine look from Qin Huai as expected, and strode directly into the tent as soon as he flew.


Making a sound, saluting, all done in one go, the expected madam was furious, or the situation where the father hugged his head and ran away did not happen, so Bo Yifei was relieved.

"Well, although my wife knows that there are not many tents in our military camp, but because Concubine Ye Chou was bestowed by the emperor, and Miss Mu voluntarily married General Li as his wife, even if the soldiers crowded, she must give it to Ye Chuang. Concubine and Miss Mu vacated a tent...the words of Mrs. you understand Yifei?"

Mu Si stared straight at Bo Yifei's lowered head, and even spoke very slowly, for fear that he might make a mistake if he was not careful.

In fact, if Mu Si hadn't said the last sentence very carefully, Bo Yifei might not have noticed this matter.

In the barracks, although the supplies are scarce, it is not enough to not even have a tent.

The madam's order clearly meant making things difficult... After thinking about the identities of the two of them, Bo Yifei became more and more sure that he was not mistaken.

Immediately returned, "Understood! It's just... Ma'am... The matter of this tent is still easy to solve, but there is really no extra food in the barracks, and I need to support two more idlers..."

In Mu Si's eyes, Mu Si couldn't help giving him a thumbs up secretly.

Good guy, after some tempering, he is more and more like that now.

"Well... there is no need to worry about this matter. Concubine Ye's love for the prince is stronger than that of gold, so it doesn't matter if she doesn't eat. But the marriage between Miss Mu and General Li was attacked by my wife, and I divided the food of our Wolf Warriors Give a little, although it's not much, but it won't make Miss Mu starve..."

This is very straightforward, not even cryptic.

However...Ye Ling didn't seem to understand the mystery inside, she still looked arrogant, and she was complacent about Mu Si's words of "Ye side concubine" and "Mu girl". Seriously, she is also stupid.

"Yes, ma'am."

Yifei clasped his fists in response, he had already heard Mu Si's subtext clearly, and then looked at the two people who were standing and kneeling.

"You two, please."

As soon as he said that, he made a gesture of invitation, the two dared not neglect, and Mu Qingsi climbed up from the ground, the whole process, Ye Ling just watched with cold eyes, and when Mu Qingsi stood still, she flicked her sleeves , took the first step, let out a cold snort, and walked in front of Mu Qingsi.

Mu Si sent the two daughters away, and this party gave Bao Yifei a wink, and Bo Yifei received the secret order, and then he clasped his fists at Mu Si and Mu Weichen, and went out.

For a while, there were two people left in the tent, Mu Weichen felt a little guilty, and took the initiative to explain, "Madam... I have already dealt with this matter... Unexpectedly, it was the Nine Kings who came, and the Nine Kings' skills , you also know that the idler is not his opponent, this time, it was really an accident..."

(End of this chapter)

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