The shrew of time travel

Chapter 782 Madame...fortuitously not disgraceful...

Chapter 782 Madame...fortuitously not disgraceful...

When Mu Weichen encountered something neither soft nor hard, Hua Feng was bored, so he went to find Xiao Tian again.

"Tell me, did you know the inside story long ago?! You didn't reveal the secret to the old man. I was confused for a while, and poured dirty water on my wife."

This is both grievance and complaint, Xiao Tian is not willing to buy it.

Although he was persuaded by Qin Huai just now, but he couldn't hold back his temper for a while, and now he is even more unwilling to make such an embarrassment.

Just stalking his neck and turning his head to one side, Huafeng was at a loss...

Turning around to look for Qin Huai, unexpectedly this kid knew something was wrong, so he slipped away with oil on the soles of his feet.

Poor Huafeng's dignified military adviser, it is difficult to find a step at the moment.

Secretly sighed old-fashioned, in contrast, the blow was very big, now Mu Si's prestige has quietly risen, he is even more powerful than him as a military advisor...

While thinking about it, Bei Feng and Bo Yifei and Mu Qingsi also came back one after another, looking for Mu Si to report the situation.

Bo Yifei and Mu Qingsi took a step ahead of Beifeng, the two of them were covered in dirt and mud, and they were in a state of embarrassment.

"Ma'am, all the people we found on the list over there have been executed, but the leader seems to be very mysterious, so far we haven't found out his details."

Regarding the mysterious leader, Mu Si was still in his expectation. At this moment, Mu Si didn't think it was strange to come to this conclusion, but Mu Qingsi's eyebrows and eyes were lowered, without the domineering look before, it made her feel A little uncomfortable.


Yifei was able to complete such a difficult task, so it was not good for Mu Sizi to ask more questions at this time.

However, if we talk about rewards for meritorious deeds, we have to wait until Mu Weichen takes care of it after returning to the camp.

Seeing his wife nodding, Bo Yifei was finally relieved and calmed down a bit, but he didn't intend to withdraw his fists that were stretched out so tightly.

"Ma'am... this mission was able to be completed...Ms. Mu, the credit is indispensable..."

Yifei has always been clumsy with his tongue, and it is rare for him to take the initiative to speak today, but he actually said good things for Mu Qingsi...

What's even more strange is that Mu Qingsi's eyes widened in surprise when she heard Yifei's words.

It’s tricky!
There was a flash of light in Mu Si's eyes, and he had come to a conclusion in his mind.

However, since Yifei opened his mouth... Musi immediately burst into a smile.

"Miss Mu has worked hard and returned to the camp with the army. Later, she will have her own explanation."

The implication is to keep Mu Qingsi behind.

However, Mu Qingsi was still stunned by Bo Yifei's words, she didn't recover for a long time, she had already turned a deaf ear to Mu Si's words.

Bo Yifei thought damn it, and quickly touched Mu Qingsi with his hand.

"Not yet thank you!"

This anxious growl finally awakened Mu Qingsi's sanity.

Oh, and then learned Yifei's posture, drawing a ladle like a gourd, "Thank you Madam for your kindness."

Mu Si paid attention to his actions, and didn't make things difficult, "Go."

After answering softly, Mu Qingsi was hastily pulled away by Bo Yifei.

The action of pulling the corner of the clothes...couldn't it be...revealed?
Moaning silently in his heart, Bei Feng had come to Mu Si and knelt down on one knee.

The moonlight was shining on him, Mu Si could see him clearly, on the hanging right arm, the sleeve was already wet with blood.

Beifeng's nose was sweating, and under the moonlight, there was only a little dampness.

"Ma'am...Bei Feng..."

Before the words 'fortunately not disgraceful' could be uttered, Bei Feng fell to the ground...

(End of this chapter)

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