The shrew of time travel

Chapter 783 Why is it so...

Chapter 783 Why is it so...


Mu Weichen has been paying attention to Beifeng's movements, and what Mu Si saw, he himself saw it clearly.

Things have to be prioritized, and now Bei Feng is also a person who has made great contributions, if there is a mistake at this moment, no one will agree.

At this moment Mu Weichen opened his mouth and called Huafeng, but he didn't care about his face...

Seeing this, Xiao Tian hastily cut Huafeng's rope.

After being freed, Hua Feng rushed over, "My lord, old minister..."

Before the word 'guilty' was uttered, Mu Weichen was already furious, "Hua Feng! Why are you so confused now?! What are you going to do now, you don't know what to do?!"

It was the first time that Mu Weichen got angry at himself like this, Huafeng was startled, and his heart became more and more uncomfortable.

After all, Huafeng was still a sensible person, his eyes fell on Beifeng's right arm, he was already startled, he didn't have time to think about it, so he hurriedly went to treat Beifeng's wound.

"Xiao Tian, ​​spirits!"

With a solemn expression, Huafeng's brows were already furrowed.

"It's about this time, really... don't know what to say!"

Before Xiao Tian could react, he listened to Hua Feng asking for wine, and his anger became even more intense.

In the light of the calcium carbide fire, Mu Si already understood Hua Feng's intentions, and knew that he was addicted to alcohol, so Xiao Tian's reaction at this moment was quite reasonable.

"Give it to Elder Hua!"

Before he could explain, Mu Si had already given the order.

"But ma'am, you don't know...!"

Xiao Tian didn't expect Mu Si to stand by Hua Feng's side at this time, and his heart suddenly became anxious.

He was about to reveal Huafeng's rudeness before, but before he could do it, he was stopped by Mu Si.

"Take the wine! Otherwise, Bei Feng's arm might be lost!"

Mu Si's succinct words made Xiao Tian's expression tremble immediately, he took down the spirits immediately, and handed them over.

Huafeng's face remained the same from the beginning to the end, but his heart was overwhelmed, and Mu Si was still as generous and astute as before.

With the reports from Yifei and Beifeng just now, he probably has a plan for what happened this time.

Madame...she tried her best to turn the tide, commanded decisively, and reversed the crisis that had been bothering him and the prince.

No wonder Xiao Tian reacted like this... Even Qin Huai, who has always been tactful, ran aside, refusing to make a step for him.

But in an instant, when Huafeng's mind was spinning, he had a conclusion in his mind.

Without further thinking, he opened the wine bag in his hand and washed his hands quickly, then tore off the clothes on Beifeng's right arm, revealing the deep knife wound inside.

The knife wound was deep enough to show the bones, if the strength was stronger, I'm afraid it would be useless...

Huafeng sprinkled the spirits on Beifeng's right arm, and Beifeng who fainted murmured, thinking it was true, the pain was to a certain extent.

After cleaning, Huafeng took out the golden sore medicine he carried with him and applied it on it.

Seeing that Hua Feng was already biting his inner garment with his teeth, Mu Si told Xiao Tian, ​​"Xiao Tian, ​​go to the side and find a straight wooden board or a straight wooden stick, hurry up!"

Xiao Tian went quickly and came back quickly, when Hua Feng was tied up, Xiao Tian had already brought the wooden stick.

Without waiting for Mu Si to speak, Hua Feng had already taken the wooden stick and tied it up for Bei Feng.

After all this work, Huafeng was already sweating profusely.

"Xiao Tian, ​​take good care of this child, don't touch the wound. After returning, he needs to rest for a while, I will leave it to you."

Hua Feng spoke in a calm tone, with a bit of earnestness in his words, obviously he didn't take Xiao Tian's disrespect at that time to heart.

Seeing Huafeng being so gentle, Xiao Tian felt a little ashamed, after all, his attitude just now was really bad.

However, this guilt and apology did not fall into Huafeng's eyes. He turned around and knelt down on the ground with a plop...

(End of this chapter)

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