The shrew of time travel

Chapter 793 It's Not Easy

Chapter 793 It's Not Easy
Mu Qingsi is not the only one who is puzzled. All women in the world will experience all kinds of uneasiness when they make major decisions in their lives. After all, the words "entrusted for life" are not just words...

Not to mention that Mu Qingsi is different from ordinary women...

Let's say that Mu Weichen left in anger because of the Huafeng matter, and led everyone back to the barracks all the way.

In fact, Mu Weichen was more than angry with Huafeng, he was more depressed about what happened today.

Even though Mu Si said that he usually protects her a lot, this time he let her protect him, however, as a man, he really doesn't want to be protected by a woman one day.

Not to mention, this Huafeng is still desperate to cause trouble for him at this juncture!Really angry! ! !
Along the way, Mu Weichen's mind turned back and forth, and there is probably only one thing to sum up, which is to make the Northwest Army stronger!
This incident was just an idea at first, but it soon became an obsession, taking root in my heart, and a spark quickly became a prairie fire.

When Mu Si saw Mu Weichen again, he was already in the barracks.

Even in this summer season, the night on the grassland is cold.

The curtain at the door was lifted, and a gust of cold wind blew in. Mu Wei's slightly squinted eyelids quickly popped open, emitting a sharp cold light.

Sensing Mu Weichen's vigilance, Mu Si was slightly taken aback.

This was the first time she felt alert from Mu Weichen.

Mu Weichen also quickly realized that something was wrong, and in just a moment, he restrained his sharpness and put on a gentle and gentle face.


"It came out after a thousand calls", such an affectionate voice, the voice was lingering and lingering that Mu Weichen himself could not imagine.

In a daze, Mu Si quickly put down the tent, and walked towards Mu Weichen.

"It's noisy to you. You are very tired today. Go to bed earlier."

Seeing his tired appearance, he swallowed all the words.

When the person approached, he pulled the quilt on the bed with his hands, thinking that he could sleep more comfortably after it was made.

Who knew that when she turned around, Mu Weichen had already wrapped her arms around her waist.

"Madam, thank you for your hard work..."

What the doctor said was the matter of Li Mengxiang today, Mu Si knew it well, but this matter was a big blow to the doctor, and Mu Si didn't want to mention it again.

After hearing this, I turned my head around, "It's just a matter of making the bed and stacking the quilt. Now it's time for you to say 'hard work', so what should I say and do for your hard work? You and my husband, why do you need to do this?" So polite? Could it be that you really plan to take that Mu Qingsi?"

Mu Weichen couldn't help shaking his head and laughing at this joke.

Most of the things that were brooding in her heart were completely dismissed by her in a few words.

"You will solve my worries and problems, but madam... Even if you don't dislike me, you know I'm not feeling well... What happened today was originally my fault, but in the end I asked you to clean up the mess..."

"It's just a coincidence. Why do you torture yourself like this when I'm not strong enough? Do you still remember that I once said that I want to stand side by side with you instead of living under your wings?

Only your voice is absolutely affirmative and cannot be questioned.Now it's just that God gave me a chance, let me prove that I'm not a flower in a greenhouse, you don't have to worry about it. "

The doctor has a kind of paranoia called machismo, and it is not easy to persuade the doctor.

(End of this chapter)

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