The shrew of time travel

Chapter 794 Not only want these...

Chapter 794 Not only want these...

What Mu Si said was not intense, but Mu Weichen really moved his mind.

Although he knew that Mu Si was capable before, now he knows that it is Qu Cai to protect her under his wings.

This is not a joke...

She has hills and valleys in her chest, and she really shouldn't be trapped in a square inch like those boudoir girls.

At this moment, wasn't it because she was so different that I was moved by it?
How could he deprive her of the right to stand with him when she was finally able to be with him?
Imprisoning her in the name of protecting her... Such a thing was actually done by himself...

She must have been wronged in her heart... Only for herself, for this feeling, she is willing, willing to compromise...

It's just that I'm sorry...

To put it bluntly, in the whole world, whoever he wants to marry as his wife is probably the great honor of that woman. However, that woman is Mu Si, and even in this world, she probably won't take it seriously...

Marrying him now, she still has to ask for perfection through grievances...

When this thought was born, it almost broke his heart and lungs, and he was speechless for a long time...

"Master, Master... Master..."

Mu Siyi shouted several times, and Mu Weichen came back to his senses.

"Madam, I have wronged you these days..."

This made Mu Si slightly taken aback, "Master, where do you start with this?"

Mu Weichen's words just came from the heart, and there was no reason, so he immediately took Mu Si's hand.

"Ma'am, are you willing to take up an official position in the Northwest Army Camp?"

This was said slowly, heart-poundingly, and sincerely, so that Mu Si couldn't help but move his heartstrings...

She is could she not be willing...however, doctor...

Hesitating, Mu Si didn't know how to make this choice, but this hesitation seems to have given the answer.

Mu Si has always been a decisive person, so he hesitated like this, so he was naturally moved.

"Ma'am, be my military advisor in the Northwest Army Camp! The Northwest Army needs you, and I need you too!"

Mu Weichen spoke impassionedly and was very excited.

He would never procrastinate when something was decided, so speaking of it, it was very decisive.

After hearing this, Zhimu Si opened his mouth wide, "Master... are you crazy?"

It was a bit of joy to see the eyes wide open and the blank expression appearing on Mu Si's always shrewd face.

Mu Weichen lovingly scratched Mu Si's nose, and said, "Madam is a great talent, worthy of this job! Don't talk about military adviser, just say general, and Madam is also worthy!"

Hearing what he said, Mu Si's eyes widened immediately, "Don't talk nonsense! How can I be an officer in the army as a girl? You allowed me to lead the Wolf Warriors before, you have done me a great deal of face! "

After hearing this, Mu Weichen felt distressed and funny at the same time, and slightly tightened Mu Si's hand.

"A girl? This is not something Madam can say...Madam, don't evade, now I have figured it out. Before, I wanted to protect you under my wings, but I buried you. Let you be big The grand plan is the best protection for you..."

This was said with emotion, and it also moved Mu Si's heart.

She can live an ordinary life, but she must also aim high. Her dream-chasing heart has never stopped...

Probably everyone living in this world wants to prove their worth. It is really great to prepare three meals a day for their husbands and take care of the diet and daily life of their own men and children. However...she wants more than these...

(End of this chapter)

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