The shrew of time travel

Chapter 795 So You Actually Understand

Chapter 795 So You Actually Understand (Happy New Year~)

Mu Weichen's words stimulated his heart, which was originally unwilling to be mediocre, like a puddle of water wrinkled by blowing.

Pushing the waves, it can no longer be quiet.


"Master, take back what you said just now. I just pretend I didn't hear it. Master must be very tired today. Let's go to rest early."

Mu Si wanted to end this topic in a hurry, but Mu Weichen didn't intend to end this topic so quickly.

Although this idea came up by accident, Mu Weichen already wanted to carry it through to the end.

"Is Madam doubting my sincerity? You know that since I said it, I also thought so in my heart,"

Thinking of how much his wife had endured for herself before, Mu Weichen's thoughts became more and more intense.

The idea that I had spent a lot of effort to suppress could not withstand Mu Weichen's repeated stimulation, but...

Looking at the doctor in front of him again, the serious expression on his face was definitely not a joke, and the eyes that were staring at him so tightly made him unable to escape.

The ups and downs of her heart gradually became quiet under those eyes, at least, it seemed so on the surface, she was not as flustered as before.

"Master... If I agree with you today, where will I put Hua Lao? Crack down on loyal officials, torture and kill good generals, and in the future, if Hua Lao said nothing, wouldn't I, Mu Si, really become that old man?" The demon concubine who harmed the country?"

Tears flickered in Mu Si's eyes, and the struggle in it was not humane.

"So, is Madam worried about this?"

Mu Weichen seemed to be muttering to himself as if he had just woken up from a dream.

After pondering for a moment, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Mu Si looked at his attitude and didn't continue to persuade her to become a military adviser, but he thought of Hua Lao again.

"It's not that I'm worried... Master, Mr. Hua has worked so hard. Today's matter is nothing more than a trivial matter. Master shouldn't let Hua Lao's heart go cold because of such a trivial matter..."

After a long time, Mu Weichen said, "Even if you really want to forgive, at least he has to have an attitude, just like him right now..."

At this point, Mu Weichen shook his head, disapproving.

Mu Si looked at him, he was not as determined as before, and there was an indescribable feeling in his heart.

"Are you...have an idea in your mind?"

Looking at his wife's slightly surprised expression, Mu Weichen wondered if he had acted too angry today and unknowingly frightened her, so he chuckled immediately.

"Could Madam think that I'm really confused? I won't deny everything about him just because of this moment of anger. It's just..."

Looking at Mu Si's widening eyes, Mu Weichen was a little embarrassed...

"Say it, why don't you say it? It's just what? It's just that he can't be so cheap, can he? Well, you really have become more and more capable, and now you can even hide it from me, watching me suffer I advise you...hehe...wait to see the joke, right?"

Seeing that he wasn't really angry, Mu Si wasn't nervous any more, but as he himself said, if you don't get angry, you don't get angry, but you can't let him off so easily.

"Um, ma'am, not to mention that you are extremely smart... just say that we have the same heart, and you must understand me..."

Of course...

"Don't, don't put such a high hat on me. You don't know how miserable I was at that time. When I thought about being played by you as a monkey in front of so many people, I...hehe..."

(End of this chapter)

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