The shrew of time travel

Chapter 796 Great Injustice...

Chapter 796 Great Injustice...

"Ma'am, I am wronged, this is really a big wrong..."

Mu Weichen was stunned when he heard this, he never expected that Mu Si would have such a reaction, he was so pleased with Hua Feng before, but suddenly he ran away without knowing where.

The panic on that face was not adulterated at all.

"Oh, don't, how can you say that Mu Weichen is also a dignified prince, I'm just a peasant girl who farms the land, I can't afford to annoy you..."

The strange tone of voice and the rolled eyes all told the fact that she was angry.

It is said that Mu Si seldom gets angry, and the time to show this appearance is not much.

Although not many, but fortunately with some experience, this time Mu Weichen simply apologized.

"Madam, what are you talking about? What happened this time is all my husband's fault, Madam, don't be angry..."

Just as Mu Si seldom gets angry, Mu Weichen has very few opportunities to make amends. I'm afraid it's just in front of Mu Si. In another occasion, this is simply impossible.

Mu Si always knew his temper, seeing him now as an apology, naturally he didn't intend to hold on to him any longer.

After all, this result was exactly what she wanted.

After hearing this, Mu Si raised his eyebrows directly, "Oh? I know I'm wrong? Tell me, what's wrong with you?"

Uh, these words are usually used by Mu Weichen to train his subordinates, but he never thought that he would use them on himself one day.

"Hehe... Ma'am... I shouldn't... I shouldn't have kept this matter from you, making it difficult for you, making you hard...Madam, don't be angry..."

Seeing him like this, Mu Si felt more and more satisfied. Sure enough, no matter where he was, her husband would always scold him.

"Then I'll ask you a question, and you answer me honestly!"

Mu Si put on a straight face, looking up angrily.

"Madam, please."

Mu Weichen saw that Mu Si had loosened, but he didn't think there was anything wrong with Mu Si being angry, he just felt that Mu Si had loosened a bit, and he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Say, what are you going to do with Mr. Hua?!"

Mu Si suddenly turned his head and asked.

Mu Weichen didn't expect that Mu Si was still thinking about this question.

Immediately, his momentum became shorter again, "Madam...hehe...the matter is not urgent, it is not urgent..."

"Oh? Not in a hurry? Why not in a hurry? By now, I've lost all face. Since I'm not in a hurry at the moment, the master thinks it's better to be in a hurry...Oh, right, speaking of it, I'm just a farmer Girl, shame or something, it doesn't exist, what is face? I don't know."

Mu Si shrugged his shoulders and spread his hands, as if he didn't care about anything.

"I forbid you to say that."

Knowing that she was just feigning anger, however, he just didn't like her like this.

However, after such a stern voice, he soon realized that something was wrong.

When he spoke again, his voice had calmed down a lot. Looking at Mu Si who was shocked by his loud voice and couldn't recover, he felt a little annoyed and guilty.

"Madam... I'm sorry... I really didn't expect the situation at that time, but I didn't listen to your advice to refute your face in public. It's just that Mr. Hua really needs to be sober. If he did that at that time, no matter to you, It's still good for him... I must be the villain.

What's more, this matter is really not a bad attitude, I just gave you the fairness you deserve.

Mr. Hua, his evaluation of you is indeed unfair.Don't say that it was you who was wronged today, even others, I would not forgive him so easily..."

(End of this chapter)

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