Invincible martial arts supreme

Chapter 162 Several Powers

Chapter 162 Several Powers
Gongsun Yunyun's attitude changed, and Wu Di's expression softened a little, no longer so cold and scary.

But Wu Di looked at Gongsun Yunyun with deep meaning, as if he wanted to see through the girl's mind, and after a long silence, he turned and went to the stone table.

"Come and sit!"

"Young Master Wu, Tweety, she..."

"Nothing! I'll let her go after talking."

Gongsun Yunyun frowned slightly, and her vermilion lips moved to say something, but she still didn't speak. She sighed and walked to the stone table and sat down.

"Young Master Wu! Yun Yun won't go around in circles with you. You should have heard of the three sects, right? They are the Bliss School, the Soul Control School and the Wanhua School. I... am the daughter of the head of the Wanhua School."

Wu Di nodded, and continued to listen without changing his expression or speaking.

"Originally, I wouldn't go to Qinglan Country, but this time I came out because... I escaped marriage."

"Escape from marriage?"

Wu Di was obviously taken aback, and looked Gongsun Yunyun up and down a few times.

"That's right! I ask you to help me kill someone, and this person is Ji Tian, ​​the eldest son of the Bliss School..."

Gongsun Yunyun continued to speak, and the moment Wu Di heard the word Bliss School, his eyes obviously released two cold lights.

These three words reminded Wu Di of someone.

This person was the elder brother whom he had been willing to recognize in the Land of Kings, drinking and eating meat with him for two months.

Eight-star martial king, Xing Kai.

What happened to Xing Kai made Wu Di feel sympathetic.

Now Wu Di still remembers that his sister's quilt died in the Bliss School.And Xing Kai's lifelong wish is to raise his cultivation base to King Wu, and then go to the Bliss School to kill and avenge his sister.

"Since you are the daughter of the Wanhua Sect, you must know a lot. Tell me about the forces in Middle-earth Continent."

Wu Di didn't agree to Gongsun Yunyun's request, but he didn't reject it either.

This made Gongsun Yunyun see some hope. After thinking for a while in silence, she said, "Middle-earth is divided into East and West. We are in the East."

"The eastern and western regions are collectively called the Middle Earth Continent. The forces in the eastern region are easy to remember. One mountain, one valley, two temples, three sects and four sects. One mountain refers to the Holy Spirit Mountain, one valley is Wangyou Valley, and the second hall They are the Ancient Treasure Hall and the Yinming Hall. Bliss, Soul Control, and Wanhua are the three major sects, and Ziyun, Hanshan, Tianyuan, and Poison Sect are the four major sects."

Gongsun Yunyun spoke in great detail, and Wu Di listened very carefully.

After half an hour, Wu Di had a preliminary understanding of the Middle-earth Continent, as well as some major forces.

According to Gongsun Yunyun, the strongest in the Eastern Region is Holy Spirit Mountain.

There are as many as tens of millions of disciples in Holy Spirit Mountain, and more than seven million of them are spread across thousands of countries in the Eastern Region.It's just that this little Qinglan country is too poor, and the vitality in the world is too thin to be suitable for cultivation, so the disciples of Holy Spirit Mountain don't come here at all.

The second largest force in the Eastern Region is Wangyou Valley, and all the cultivators in this valley are people with advanced cultivation bases.

But this is not the reason why Wangyou Valley stands second in the Eastern Region. The real reason is that all the cultivators in this valley are extremely proficient in the Eight Diagrams, Five Elements, Formation and other strange techniques.

In addition, the strength of Wangyou Valley is also because of attracting guests from the outside world.

According to rumors, there are more than [-] guest qings in Gu Nei alone, and most of them are martial sages.The salary that Wangyou Valley gives them every year is a huge and shocking figure.

Therefore, there are rumors in the Eastern Region that Wangyou Valley is the only force that can compete with Holy Spirit Mountain.The reason why Wangyou Valley is vigorously recruiting guests to join is that some people speculate that one is to prevent the Holy Spirit Mountain from attacking, and the other is that the owner of the valley also intends to destroy the Holy Spirit Mountain and unify the continent of Middle-earth Eastern Region.

True or false, unknown.After all, this is just a rumor, and now... I haven't seen wars in every mountain and valley.

However, there is no such thing as a storm.Perhaps, the time has not come.

The two halls are two relatively different forces.

Among them, the Ancient Treasure Hall is dedicated to collecting rare treasures from heaven and wealth in the Eastern Region.For example, high-grade earth-level martial arts, supreme heaven-level martial arts, high-grade imperial weapons, holy weapons and so on.

The Ancient Treasure Hall is divided into three gates: heaven, earth and man, and the Renzi gate only collects information, spreading across thousands of countries in the Eastern Region.

It is no exaggeration to say that in the Eastern Territory, where there are visions and rare treasures in the world, there must be the footprints of the Herringbone Gate of the Ancient Treasure Hall.

As for Dizimen and Tianzimen, one is to snatch earth-level martial arts and imperial weapons, and the other is to snatch heaven-level martial arts and holy weapons. The division of labor between them is very clear.

It can be said that as long as the ancient treasure hall is mentioned in the Eastern Region, most Martial Emperors and Martial Saints will have a headache.

Not because of anything else, in order to obtain the rare treasure, the Ancient Treasure Hall resorted to cruel methods and vicious methods.The fall of morality and the loss of humanity, in the eyes of Wuxiu in Gubaodian, only Debao... is the ultimate goal.

The other hall is the Yinming Hall.

When Gongsun Yunyun talked about the Yinming Temple, his complexion was obviously a little paler.There was even more fear in those charming eyes.

Even Wu Di frowned after learning about the Yinming Palace, with an incomparably dignified expression.

In the Eastern Region of Middle-earth, the ancient treasure hall caused headaches for Emperor Wu and Saint Wu.However, what this Yinming Palace has done is outrageous, and even more frightening.

When talking about the Yinming Palace, one has to talk about the Soul Control School.

More than one or two people have suspected that the Soul Control Sect is a branch of Yinming Palace.

The soul-controlling school is famous for controlling the soul. The soul-controlling method can turn the enemy into an unconscious and painless puppet, while the Yinming Temple can not only control the soul, but also... move the head and change the body.

The Hall of Ancient Treasures is dedicated to auctioning exotic treasures, while the Hall of Yinming is dedicated to trading human bodies.You know, with the continuous improvement of Wuxiu's cultivation base, his physique will become more and more perfect.At the level of martial saints and above, the organs in the body are vigorous and the muscles and bones are abnormally strong.

But this is not the point, the most important thing is a person's basic aptitude.

Everyone's root aptitude is different, which is innate, and no matter how hard you work the day after tomorrow, you can't change it.

But the Temple of the Underworld knows a secret technique that can transplant a person's head to another body.

Just imagine, how unnatural it would be for a person whose lifespan is nearly exhausted and whose internal organs are failing to transplant his head to a healthy body through this secret technique?

Of course, this heaven-defying secret technique is not without risks.It is said that 800 years ago, not one person in 10 people could successfully change their heads.

However, it cannot be said that this secret technique will not work, because in the Eastern Territory, some people did succeed in changing their heads and bodies.

Moreover, the number of successful cases is increasing day by day. From the first one or two cases, more than 800 years have passed, and the number of successful cases has exceeded [-]. It can be seen that the Yinming Palace has mastered the real knack of changing heads and bodies.

However, perhaps the cost of head and body replacement is too expensive, so in this eastern region with a population of tens of millions, there are only ten thousand people who succeed.

But the Temple of the Underworld is not limited to this, and there are countless puppets hired by the Temple of the Underworld every year.

As long as you are willing to spend money, or replace it with peerless martial arts and magical weapons, even you Martial King can have a Martial Saint puppet follow him as a personal guard.

(End of this chapter)

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