Invincible martial arts supreme

Chapter 163 Desire to Stay in the City Lord's Mansion

Chapter 163 Desire to Stay in the City Lord's Mansion

One mountain, one valley and two halls, no matter what kind of forces they are, they are all unimaginably powerful.

Especially Holy Spirit Mountain, there are more than [-] million disciples on the nine peaks, and it is rumored that there are more than [-] disciples who have the cultivation of Martial Emperor alone.

There are [-] martial saints, and there are eight great martial saints, who are in charge of eight peaks in the nine mountains.

The number of disciples in Wangyou Valley is slightly inferior to that of Holy Spirit Mountain, but counting Keqing, the number of martial arts masters with martial arts cultivation is three times that of Holy Spirit Mountain.

One mountain and one valley are really at war, and Wangyou Valley may not be able to shake the Holy Spirit Mountain's throne in the Eastern Region.

As for the Ancient Treasure Hall and the Yinming Hall, they have never revealed their ambition to dominate the Eastern Territory for hundreds of years. Perhaps the masters of the two halls have no ambitions here, and they may sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, and it is very possible to wait for the opportunity.

The three sects are headed by the Soul Control Sect, followed by the Bliss and Wanhua sects.

Bliss originally means the pure land of bliss.But this disciple of the Bliss School, instead of benefiting others, persecutes them, and instead of killing and cruelty has no good intentions.

Especially in the past hundred years, the disciples of the Bliss School have become even more rampant, bloodbathing more than a hundred cities in the Eastern Region one after another.It is not an exaggeration to say that the Bliss School is notorious.

Wanhua School, a big school under Wanhua Mountain and in Wanhua Valley.

No one knows the real name of the head of the Wanhua Sect, and the world calls her... Granny Wanhua.

Very few men have seen Granny Wanhua's face, because the Wanhua School does not accept male cultivators.

Although more than [-] disciples in the sect are all female cultivators, very few of them have actually met Granny Wanhua.

According to Gongsun Yunyun, since she can remember, her mother has only summoned her three times in more than ten years.

It's a bit sad to say!During those three times, Gongsun Yunyun did not see what her mother looked like.Every time I meet my mother, there is always a screen barrier between the two.

She just saw a woman wearing a red gauze dress, lying on her side for a long time, lying on a three-meter-long phoenix chair.

The marriage contract between her and Ji Tian, ​​the eldest son of the Bliss School, was made by Granny Wanhua.

Even Gongsun Yunyun didn't understand why her mother betrothed her to the eldest son of the Bliss School.

After all, Bliss School's reputation is too stinky.

And that eldest son Ji Tian is fine if he is a normal person, but his intelligence is flawed, he is so stupid that he can't even take care of himself.

In addition, there is another most important reason for Gongsun Yunyun's reluctance to marry Ji Tian.

Outsiders may not know it, but among the three sects, this matter is not a secret at all.In a few years, Ji Xinghe, the head of the Six Star Martial Emperor of the Bliss School, married eight beautiful wives to his son Ji Tian.

But the eight daughters did not give birth to Ji Tian a boy and a half daughter, and finally they all climbed into Ji Xinghe's bed, and the nine of them were very happy singing every night.

Knowing about the major forces in the Eastern Region of Middle-earth, Wu Di's expression became much more dignified.

The power of the ancient treasure hall is beyond Wu Di's imagination, and it can be said that it is extremely sad to want to avenge Master Bu Chen.

And the Bliss School has more than [-] disciples, and its head, Ji Xinghe, is still a six-star martial emperor. Even if Xing Kai becomes a one-star martial king, if he wants to avenge his sister, he will enter the Bliss School and kill him. .

"Gongsun Yunyun, do you regard Wu as a god? Don't say that I am a ten-star martial king, even if I am a ten-star great martial king, I can't kill Ji Tian in front of more than [-] bliss disciples. This matter... Wu If you can't do it, you can take Tweety and leave."

Wu Di was not stupid, for such an irrelevant woman, he would not take any risks, even death.

Of course, the reward given by Gongsun Yunyun is also quite attractive.But in Wu Di's opinion, if he has the cultivation of a ten-star great martial king, who else is his opponent in this small Qinglan Kingdom?

Even if Ziyunzong and Hanshanzong found out that he had robbed Zhenzong's treasure, if they wanted to besiege Kunyuan City, they would have to weigh whether they could survive under Wu Di's sword.

Wu Di refused, but Gongsun Yunyun lowered her head in frustration.

But after a while, Gongsun Yunyun did not get up to leave, but looked up at Wu Di, and said, "Young Master Wu! I have nowhere to go after escaping from the sect this time. It doesn't matter if you don't agree to my request. But you...can you let Tweety and me live in the City Lord's Mansion?"

Wu Di's sword eyebrows frowned suddenly, what's the matter?This bitch still depends on him?

"Gongsun Yunyun, although I sympathize with what happened to you, the City Lord's Mansion cannot keep you. You have a marriage contract with Na Jitian, and your mother Wanhua Granny will definitely send someone to look for you. To put it bluntly, don't hurt our Kunyuan. The people of the city, I can't afford to offend you Wanhua faction."

Gongsun Yunyun couldn't stay, Wu Di knew this very well.

But looking at Gongsun Yunyun, he smiled slightly and said: "Young Master Wu, if... I can save the people of Kunyuan City, won't you... stay?"

"What do you mean?"

Wu Di's eyes shrunk slightly, and his sword eyebrows frowned into Sichuan characters.

"Young Master Wu, you know what you did in Wangtu. As far as I know, Chu Chen, Wangtu's self-proclaimed patriarch, has rushed to Kunyuan City with the seven thousand martial kings in the valley."

Hearing this, Wu Di suddenly stood up from the stone bench.

"Is this true?"

"In less than seven days, Chu Chen will definitely arrive. If he doesn't arrive, I will let you handle it."

Gongsun Yunyun did not lie.Wu Di could already see this in her eyes.

Slowly sitting on the stone bench, Wu Di frowned and fell silent.

Wu Di never expected that Chu Chen would personally lead Gu Nei Wuxiu to kill him.If this is true, then this small Kunyuan City will be destroyed in less than a quarter of an hour.

On the opposite side, Gongsun Yunyun looked at Wu Di with a dignified expression, and knew that Wu Di had made a mistake.

"Young Master Wu, when I heard Yang Jie talk about this matter, I was shocked by your strength and broke into a cold sweat. In my impression, there is no Martial King who can escape the siege of eight thousand Martial Kings, and even killed There are more than a thousand Martial Kings. If I had known this earlier, I wouldn’t have provoked you at the auction house.”

Gongsun Yunyun shook her head with a wry smile, and there was a hint of regret in her eyes, and said again: "Without Chu Chen leading the team, it is estimated that with your strength, it would not be difficult for you to kill the more than 7000 martial kings who are chasing you."

"What do you want to say?"

Wu Di realized that Gongsun Yunyun still had something to say.

"Young Master Wu, even if your strength is astonishing, can you defeat Chu Chen? With your strength alone, can you hold this Kunyuan City? Even if you can hold this city, can you guarantee that in the end it won't be?" An empty city? If you let me stay in the city lord's mansion, this calamity... I will help you."

Gongsun Yunyun smiled lightly, seeing her expression and posture, she was determined to stay in the City Lord's Mansion.

Wu Di frowned again, and remained silent for a while before looking at Gongsun Yunyun and asking, "How sure are you?"

"Five to five! As long as Chu Chen is afraid of the Wanhua faction, maybe... he will bring seven thousand martial kings back to the king's land."

(End of this chapter)

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