Chapter 1054 Fuping the Eight Banners ([-])

"My lords, please."

E Manshun was very unwilling to achieve the goal he had planned in advance, but no matter how unwilling he was, he did not dare to act too presumptuously in front of Hong Qing and Lao Shiwu, so he could only It was the first to lead Hong Qing and Lao Shiwu into the back hall, and they reached the door of the meeting hall, and they were eager to let the two go inside.

"No need, the inside is too small, so many people are crowded, it's a bit stuffy, I think it's good to arrange it in this big courtyard, the old man can just start to arrange it."

Hong Qing didn't enter the meeting hall, and didn't even go up the steps. She looked around the backyard indifferently, waved her hand, and gave an order in an unquestionable tone.

"That's good, that's good, please wait a moment, two princes, and allow the officials to arrange one or two."

Hearing what Hong Qing said was extremely tough, the smile on Fore Manshun's face froze involuntarily, but there was nothing wrong with it, he could only respond helplessly, instructing the big and small officials in the yamen to do a good job. Busy, finally arranged a fairly neat meeting place in the courtyard, and then respectfully invited Hong Qing and Lao Shiwu to sit at the front.

"My lord, the person has been selected, please tell me clearly."

Ding Song's work efficiency is extremely high. Just as Hong Qing and the old fifteenth sat down, he hastily entered from the outside, grabbed the copywriter where Hong Qing was in a few strides, hurriedly bowed, and shouted Reported a way.

"Well, then please invite everyone in."

Hearing what Ding Song said, Hong Qing didn't say much, but simply gave instructions.


Ding Song agreed quickly and hurriedly left the back hall. After a short while, he led a group of palace guards to escort thirty banner representatives and turned back.

"Kowtow to the two princes!"

Although all the bannermen representatives are idle bannermen, they all have some knowledge, and their etiquette is even more clear. As soon as they saw Hong Qing and the old fifteen who were sitting high on the head, they all rushed over Go ahead, Qiqi salutes and worships incessantly.

"No, let's all be flat."

Although Hong Qing was annoyed at the big disturbances caused by these idle bannermen, she didn't want to show her face to all the representatives, and she didn't even bother to play tricks of showing power, she just raised her hand in a warm way Then he called out.

"Thank you, Lord Ron."

All the flagmen were originally worried that Hong Qing would take the blame, but when they saw Hong Qing's kind attitude, their hearts sank back to their stomachs, and they hurriedly thanked Hong Qing for their kindness.

"Since you are the representatives elected by all the bannermen, this king can trust your loyalty. If you have any questions, you can just ask questions, but if it does not involve important military affairs, this king can give you a detailed answer. Let's get started."

After all the bannermen finished their salutes, Hong Qing didn't talk too much nonsense. After saying a few opening remarks, he announced the start of the discussion, leaving aside all the Eight Banners, and directly gave the right to ask questions. Qiding representatives.

Dead silence, a dead silence, even though Hongqing's words were very kind and sincere, none of the banner representatives dared to stand up and start shooting, nothing else, such a double king in front of him The arrival of the formation is really too shocking, not to mention that Hong Qing is still the Prince of Jianguo, the doomed Ninth Five-Year Lord in the future, even if he is ordered to come to disturb troubles, he dare not jump out rashly at this moment, is it reasonable? , It's very simple, if Hong Qing misses it, there are not enough heads to cut off. You must know that the title of "Official Butcher" on Hong Qing's head is not empty, but the blood of countless officials. It has been forged, and at such a sensitive time, it is wise to protect oneself as the best policy.

"Since everyone is so modest, then the king will just roll the roll. Well, you should come first."

The representatives of all the banners were silent, the scene was unavoidably a little cold, but Hong Qing didn't care, she waited for a moment indifferently, seeing that no one was willing to stand up, she smiled and stretched out her hand, pointing to the first row A Pentecost banner in the middle.

"The villain Nuo Min is here to greet the prince!"

The bannerman who was selected was a clever master at first glance, without any hesitation or hesitation at all, he rushed out of the queue and knelt down in front of Hong Qing.

"Nuo Min, which banner? There are several people in the family, but is there anyone who works in the court or the army?"

Hong Qing didn't cry out in a hurry, nor was she in a hurry to let him talk, but smiled calmly, and asked a question in a normal manner.

"Returning to the prince, the villain is a Zhenghongqi man. There are fourteen people in the family, the eldest son and the second son of the villain are in the army. Thanks to the prince, the eldest son is a company commander in the Fourth Army, and the second son is in the Jiumen. There's an errand in the admiral's office."

Seeing Hong Qing's amiable face, Nuo Mina became more energetic, and chatted excitedly.

"Well, it seems that you, Old Nuo, are living a good life. Cheng, the two sons in the family are both in the army, so how come the family can save a thousand sons and 800 taels of silver every year, and add some 'Eight Banners'" The dividends, in this land of the capital, can also live a very nourishing life."

Hong Qing smiled and praised Nuo Minna a few words, but didn't mention the business at all, as if she made a special trip today to chat with everyone.

"Hey, it's all due to the greatness of the emperor's kindness. My lord, you care about the villain. This is good, the villain will always keep it in mind."

Being praised by Hong Qing, Nuo Mina's old face flushed red, and she was obviously very excited, so she hurriedly kowtowed, expressing her loyalty in a hurry.

"Well, Lao Nuo has a heart. When you can live a good life, Huang Ama will feel at ease, and this king will feel relieved. You are all the pillars of my Qing Dynasty, and the court still has to rely on you." Waiting for support, but the imperial court will definitely not be stingy with energy consumption that is beneficial to your well-being. However, you must also consider it for the imperial court, so it is very difficult to encircle the Yamen of the Eight Banners at every turn. Disagreements, if people with ulterior motives take advantage of them, the consequences will be disastrous, I am afraid that this responsibility is not so easy to bear, huh?"

After a few homely words, Hong Qing's conversation changed, and her words already implied that everyone should be held accountable for causing trouble. Nuo Mina's complexion changed drastically when she was frightened, and she trembled involuntarily.

"Forgive me, my lord. I really dare not be unreasonable and illegal. I just heard people say that the Six Kingdoms are not going to do business with the 'Eight Banners Firm'. I am worried that my family's dividends will be gone. That's why I followed the trend. The yamen questioned the truth, the little one didn't mean to make trouble, my lord, the little one..."

Nuo Min is just an idle bannerman, although there are five people and six people outside, but here, they are just a bunch of people, that's all, hearing Hong Qing's tone is not kind, even if it is empty, she hurriedly kowtowed He called Qu as if he was pounding garlic.

"Okay, I don't want to hold you accountable, and I'm just going to express the doubts in your heart. Listen to me, my lord."

When Nuo Mina called out Qu, Hong Qing's face immediately softened again, and the topic changed again, leading the topic to serious matters.

"Ah, yes, yes, the villain is actually worried about one thing. If the talks with the Six Kingdoms collapse this time, then the dividends of the villain..."

After being rubbed back and forth by Hong Qing, Nuo Mina was already very docile, so she dared to spend too much time playing, so she could only honestly explain her worries.

"Well, this king believes that, do you all have the same thoughts?"

Hong Qing didn't make things difficult for Nuo Min anymore, but turned her attention to the group of banner representatives standing behind, and asked a question in a neutral manner.

"Wang Ye Mingjian, the little ones are indeed thinking in general, and please ask Wang Ye to make decisions for us."

Some of the representatives of this group of bannermen were randomly selected by Ding Song, and most of them were the result of mutual recommendation by the bannermen. Naturally, there were some with ulterior motives among them, but the rhythm of the conversation had been controlled by Hongqing. No one dared to talk nonsense about what was going on in their hearts. After looking at each other for a while, they could only express their opinions along with Hong Qing's words.

"Well, this king knows what you are thinking. From this king's point of view, it is not surprising that you have such worries. However, it is indeed too much to worry about. I dare not say anything else, but When it comes to the dividends of the 'Eight Banners Company', this king can guarantee here that you will never lose a penny. If you have doubts about this king's words, Uncle Fifteen is also here, let's listen Just listen to Uncle Fifteen."

For Hongqing, any matter that can be solved with money is not a big deal. Although a dividend of 800 million yuan a year is not a small amount, it is nothing more than a drop in the bucket for Daqing, who is now a wealthy country. It is said that the dividends from the Ministry of Industry have increased sharply every year, and the development funds accumulated by the "Eight Banners Firm" over the years alone are comparable to the national treasury. For at least ten years, the money that the "Eight Banners Firm" can provide is enough to guarantee the dividends. As for the severance of trade, Hongqing has already prepared a countermeasure, and he is not worried about such a severance of trade at all. How long will it last? Of course, this involves military secrets, and Hong Qing will not reveal it at this time, so she just made a guarantee in a concise and concise manner.

"This king hereby guarantees that your dividends will only increase year by year, and will never decrease. If anyone uses such reasons to make trouble again, all the dividend shares of his family will be cancelled!"

When Hong Qing said this, everyone's eyes immediately fell on the old fifteenth, and the old fifteenth was not vague at all, and issued a strict order in a cold voice.

"Really? That's great, thank you for your kindness!"

"My lord is wise, I kowtow to you!"

"Thank you lord, thank you lord."

Old Fifteen is the helm of the "Eight Banners Company", and he is in charge of all the affairs of the "Eight Banners Company". Since he has made a guarantee, the representatives of all the Banners will not doubt that there is a lie, even if the old fifteen Some of the harsh words were put aside, and the representatives of the Banners didn't care about it, and they shouted in confusion...

(End of this chapter)

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