Chapter 1055 Fuping the Eight Banners ([-])

"Hehe, the two princes are so sympathetic, I really admire it, but I have a question, I don't know if I should say it or not?"

The cheers from all the banner representatives made the scene a bit chaotic, but Hong Qing didn't care about it at all, and let the crowd make a fuss with a smile, but some people couldn't hold their breath anymore. No, the first one popped out, and bowed to Hong Qing earnestly, and asked for instructions with a smile on his face.


Seeing that E Manshun jumped out when the situation was about to be controlled, Old Shiwu was furious, although he never said anything to reprimand him, but the cold snort was full of evil spirit that could not be concealed.

"Your Majesty, if you have any questions, just ask them, but if it doesn't involve military aircraft, this king will give you an explanation."

Although Hong Qing was also annoyed by Er Manshun's incident, he was not surprised, probably because of Er Manshun's performance yesterday, if he didn't take the opportunity to make trouble, it would be strange. For this, Hong Qing was prepared long ago, but she didn't care about it, she waved her hand indifferently, and agreed to the request without paying much attention.

"Thank you, my lord, for your kindness. I heard what my lord said before, saying that I can guarantee that the dividends of my Eight Banners disciples will not be damaged. I think there is nothing wrong with it in the short term. However, my accumulation of 'Eight Banners' is still a lot. It is limited, and if things go on like this, it may not be able to support it, I wonder if the prince has any explanation for this?"

E Manshun's original intention was to disrupt the situation, so he didn't care about Lao Shiwu's cold face, and he didn't feel much gratitude for Hong Qing's kind words, but seeing that he first thanked him with a flattering smile, Afterwards, Hong Qing's army was dispatched in a worried manner.

"Well, not bad, not bad, Mr. Er can think of this point, I think it took a lot of thought, good, very good, then according to Mr. Er, how should this matter be done?"

Not to mention, although E Manshun was looking for faults, he found them extremely accurately, and he had the ability to hit the nail on the head. No, just after his words fell, all the banner representatives who were so excited before were suddenly a little bit She was dumbfounded, but Hong Qing didn't care about it at all, she slapped her palms with a smile, and after casually boasting that her forehead was smooth, she asked back with a half-smile.

"This..., hehe, my lord, forgive me, this is the errand of my lord, I really dare not speak nonsense."

E Manshun is just an old official ruffian, how can he have the ability to deal with the world, the reason why he was able to say something before was because he was instructed by others, but he himself didn't understand anything. Seeing Hongqing's strange expression, he felt a little guilty in his heart, fearing that he would make a mistake, he dared not say much, so he slickly played Tai Chi Pushing Hands.

"It doesn't matter. If you have any thoughts, Lord Er, just speak up. Even if you say something wrong, this king will definitely not offend you."

Seeing that Emanshun provoked the incident, she wanted to stay out of it, but Hong Qing would not agree to her intentions, but she didn't get angry at all, she just gave an order indifferently, although the words were quite peaceful, but inside she was Undeniable severity.

"Well, the lower officials will be presumptuous. Since ancient times, those who talk about merchants have never been more amiable than others. Today, most of the people from the Six Kingdoms are regular customers of my "Eight Banners Firm". The visit from thousands of miles away is enough to show the sincerity. Our Qing Dynasty is a state of etiquette, so we should treat visitors kindly. Even if there are disputes, peace is the most important thing. In this way, not only can the interests of my "Eight Banners Company" not be damaged, but also What's more, it is possible to spread benevolence and justice overseas, and it is a good thing to benefit both. It seems that there is nothing impossible to do. This is the humble opinion of this official, and I ask the prince to make a clear decision."

After all, E Manshun came prepared, even though he was a little guilty, but he pulled the text bravely, and he spoke clearly and logically, really a bit of an old master's posture.

"Oh? According to Master Er, this king should obey the will of the six kingdoms and let the six kingdoms set up commercial ports all over the Qing Dynasty. Is that what you mean?"

Although Hong Qing and E Manshun didn't have much contact, but he knew the level of education of the person very well. Once he heard what he said, he knew that what he said was definitely not a rough old man like E Manshun What can be said, in all likelihood, it was memorized according to other people's instructions. It goes without saying that his intentions are bad, but Hong Qing was not angry, and he was not in a hurry to criticize the full amount of words. Shun was talking nonsense, but he just smiled jokingly and asked a question in an official tone.

"My lord laughed at me. I only said that peace is the most important thing in everything. As for how to make a decision, it still needs to be decided by the lord. I really dare not speak nonsense."

Hearing Hong Qing's question was full of chills, E Manshun's already empty heart suddenly became a little more empty. How could he dare to tell the truth, so he babbled again in a hurry.

"Your Excellency has talked so much, you must be quite familiar with the way of business. Well, then, I will ask you a few questions. Well, do you know the price of a piece of silk on the market today?"

Hong Qing ignored E Manshun's sophistry, and asked a question on her own.

"This one……"

Emanshun is an official residence from Yipin, and has countless servants in his family, so he naturally doesn't go to handle the business of buying and selling in person, and he is also at a loss about the market price of silk, and he really doesn't know how to answer it for a while.

"Nuo Min, you can answer this king's question."

Seeing that Emanshun hesitated and couldn't explain why, Hong Qing didn't say anything to chase her, but just glanced at her with disdain, then turned her gaze to Nuo Minna, and said indifferently asked.

"Returning to the prince, if I remember correctly, a piece of ordinary silk is worth ten taels of silver, and if it is Sichuan brocade, it is worth 15 taels of silver."

Since the steam loom was put into use, the price of silk in China has been lowered every year. It is no longer such a valuable item as it was during the Kangxi period. Although the price is still high, ordinary banner people can afford it, Nuo Min Her family background is good, and she buys a lot of silk for use on weekdays. Now when Hong Qing asks about it, she can answer it very smoothly.

"Well, that's a good answer. A piece of ordinary silk is only worth ten taels of silver in my Qing Dynasty, which is indeed not a luxury. However, do you know how much a piece of silk is worth when it is transported to Nanyang?"

Hong Qing first praised Nuo Minna for a few words, then changed the subject and asked again.

"The little guy doesn't know."

Among the representatives of the people present at the scene, there was no person from the "Eight Banners Company", and they only did things to get bonuses on weekdays. No one really cared about the specific operating conditions of the "Eight Banners Company". Things, apart from shaking the head, there is really no way to say an accurate number.

"Uncle Fifteen, it's better for you to say it."

Since everyone couldn't answer, Hong Qing didn't chase anymore, but threw the question to the fifteenth.

"Listen up now, a piece of ordinary silk costs ten taels of silver in the Qing market, but the purchase price of my 'Eight Banners Company' is seven taels or three taels. It is shipped to Nanyang by the fleet, and the delivery price is 80 taels. Two silvers, more than ten times the gross profit."

The old fifteen's favorite thing in his life is to play business. Since he partnered with Hong Qing to set up the "Kilin Company", he has devoted himself to the business. He is very familiar with the main businesses of the "Eight Banners Company". No, as soon as Hong Qing's voice fell, his answer was already in his mouth.


Among these people, no matter whether it is the generals of the Eight Banners or the representatives of the Ding Ding, they only know a little about overseas trade. They only know that overseas trade is hugely profitable, but they don't know how much it is. Immediately they became confused.

"Ten times the profit is really not a small number. You can know what the consequences will be if the commercial ports of the six countries are allowed to enter our Daqing? There is no doubt that no one is willing to buy from my 'Eight Banners'. Among them The reason is very simple, how can those barbarians spend 80 taels of silk on the market to buy silk for ten taels of silver, hey, when it really comes to that, where should you get your bonus, huh?"

After Hong Qing allowed the crowd to quarrel for a while, she held back her hand and sneered, pointing out the consequences of allowing the trading ports of the Six Kingdoms to enter the Qing Dynasty.

"My lord is right, we will never allow those barbarians to open commercial ports in my Qing Dynasty!"

"That's right, whoever dares to make peace again, the man will serve you with a big slap!"

"Grandma is an idiot, a bunch of barbarians are restless and kind, and want to open a commercial port in my Qing Dynasty, but there is no door!"


Hearing Hong Qing's words, all the Banner representatives immediately became excited. Although they didn't name them, they were obviously scolding Emanshun for betraying the country. Ruxue didn't dare to say any more, so he could only retreat to the side in despair.

"Okay, wait a minute, please wait a moment, listen to what I said, since you all know the harm caused by the opening of the commercial ports of the six countries into our Qing Dynasty, you must not sit back and watch this happen. In this case, this king asks you to After going out, I explained the truth to all my Eight Banners disciples. As for the dividends you deserve, this king and Uncle Fifteen have already made a guarantee here, no matter what the outcome of the negotiation with the Six Nations is, they will never give up. There will be fewer big guys, if there is no doubt, let’s discuss this here today, and let’s all disperse.”

Seeing that E Manshun had already retracted her head, Hong Qing didn't bother to pursue her wrongdoing, so she pressed her hand to signal all the banner representatives to calm down, and then gave orders loudly.

"Don't worry, my lord, you guys know what to do."

"Your Majesty, the little ones will follow what you say, so you can relax."

"Don't worry, my lord, whoever dares to mess around again, the little ones will be the first to forgive!"


As long as the interests of the bannermen are not damaged, the bannermen representatives will be happy to show their loyalty quickly. After shouting a few times with the flow, at this point, a turmoil that might turn into shocking waves has been completely revealed...

(End of this chapter)

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