Chapter 858 Northwest Police ([-])

As soon as Emperor Chengde asked such a question, the old thirteen immediately fell silent, nothing else, Emperor Chengde was right, but such evil results were caused by Emperor Chengde himself, if he did not deliberately Playing tricks, how could there be so many problems in the training of the new army? It's not that the old thirteen didn't try his best. In fact, when Hong Qing was not in the camp, the old thirteen worked hard day and night That said, the problem is that except for Tashan and a few dozen of his former confidant generals, all of them have basically been transferred out of the new army by the old thirteen, and most of the remaining generals are from Hong Qing. San's military training method is not the same as that of Hongqing, and there will naturally be many problems in the connection between the front and back, which makes it difficult to guarantee the progress of the new army's training. Started to speed up, but the time was wasted for more than three months. This is where the trouble is now, and the instigator is Emperor Chengde himself. Its last choice in desperation.

"If you return to Emperor Ama, it may be difficult for the army to go out before March next year. All training arrangements should be completed in early April."

Hong Qing could understand the scruples of the old thirteen, so she would not let him be embarrassed, so she added a sentence from the sidelines.

"Early April? Hmm..., but I'm afraid it's too late. Luobu Zangdanjin is powerful now, and has already stolen the whole of Qinghai. I don't know where this beast will attack next. If Gan and Shan are lost, what will happen? I'm afraid it's unimaginable, do you have any good strategies for this?"

Emperor Chengde was obviously not satisfied with Hongqing's answer, but he couldn't refute it directly. In desperation, he shook his head in distress, and left the current predicament to the old thirteen uncles and nephews, counting on the two Can come up with a good strategy to stabilize the northwest.

"Huang Ama Mingjian, I think that Luobu Zangdanjin is arrogant and will not be satisfied with only Qinghai province. According to my analysis, the next step is to attack the Hetao area in order to stabilize the rear. If successful In this case, we only need to focus on defense to ensure that the situation in the northwest will not be completely corrupted. When our new army arrives, we will definitely wipe out this beast!"

It is impossible for Hongqing to ignore such a major incident in the northwest. Although the military training has not stopped these days, but when she has free time, Hongqing has been thinking about the chaos in the northwest, and has discussed it with the old thirteen for several times. This time, he already had a judgment in his heart, and now he answered Emperor Chengde's question, and he seemed very confident.

"Oh? Come on, look at the map and explain in detail."

The national power of the Qing Dynasty is now at the peak of history, the treasury is full, and there are more than one million soldiers in the whole country. Although the troops that can be mobilized are not too many, the four provinces of Gansu, Shaanxi, Sichuan, and Shanxi can mobilize immediately. There are tens of thousands of soldiers and horses, it is not enough to attack Qinghai, and it is difficult to do a comprehensive defense, but it is not too difficult to focus on defense, what Emperor Chengde is worried about is that it is difficult There is no other way to determine the next attack direction of Luobu Zangdanjin. Once Qinghai falls, there are too many directions that Luobu Zangdanjin can attack. Go south to attack Sichuan and Shaanxi, and go east to fight with Cewangala Butan joined forces to take Gansu, and Emperor Chengde had so few soldiers in his hands. If he wanted to defend in an all-round way, it was really difficult. But once the main attack direction of Luo Bu Zang Danjin could be determined, the pressure of defense would be relieved invisibly. Young and old, you can't be free, Emperor Chengde didn't feel excited about it, he hurriedly waved and called Hongqing and Lao Shisan to the front of the copywriting, this is to ask in detail.

"Huang Ama Mingjian, Luo Bu Zang Danjin is arrogant and crazy, and the same is true for Cewang Allah Butan. Although the two are temporarily allied, they have different hearts. The so-called superficial harmony is nothing more than that. The reason why Cewang Allah Butan is willing to provide arms The purpose of helping each other is just to let Luobu Zangdanjin be its barrier, so as to prevent our army from marching west again. On the other hand, Cewang Allah Butan will certainly provide very little assistance to Luobu Zangdanjin in the future, and he will not even advocate the expansion of Luobu Zangdanjin to the south. Danjin did not dare to go south easily, so Luobu Zangdanjin could only attack the Hetao area eastward. Although Cewang Allah Butan was happy to see the success, he might not send troops to help, and even more It may be that at the time when the great trend of Luobu Zangdanjin was about to be achieved, elites were sent to seize the Hetao territory in order to curb the development momentum of Luobu Zangdanjin. It's a matter of great profit."

Hong Qing was not in a hurry to explain how to deploy the defensive battle, but first analyzed the situation in the northwest from a macro level to clarify the focus of the defensive battle.

"Well, what do thirteenth brothers think?"

Hearing that Hong Qing's analysis was clear and logical, Emperor Chengde felt a little relieved, but he didn't comment on it, but threw the question to the old thirteen who stood aside.

"Returning to Your Majesty, I think that what Prince Ren said is true, I have no objection."

The prediction Hong Qing said was actually a consensus reached after many discussions with the old thirteen. It is actually difficult to tell whose contribution is greater, but the old thirteen is He doesn't have the slightest intention to contribute, and he doesn't mention his contribution to this prediction at all, and this is where the wisdom of the old thirteen lies, nothing else, his old thirteen is now the prince of the iron hat , no longer can be sealed, if you have a lot of credit, not only will you not have glory, but you will bring disaster to yourself. The old thirteen obviously has a very clear understanding of this.

"Well, I also think so. If so, I'll wait and see, where will Rob Zangdanjin attack first?"

With the confirmation of the old thirteen, the worry in Emperor Chengde's eyes immediately disappeared. However, he was not completely at ease, and did not dare to be careless. After nodding approvingly, he continued to ask questions .


Just as Emperor Chengde finished speaking, Hong Qing reached out and pointed at the large map, and gave the answer clearly and unmistakably.

"Hezhou? Well... why not Lanzhou?"

Hearing what Hong Qing said with such certainty, Emperor Chengde couldn't help being taken aback, there is no one else, Qinghai and Gansu are separated by the majestic Qilian Mountains, and there are as many as three roads connecting each other. It’s just one of them, Haofen County (ancient Jinchengguan) to which Lanzhou belongs is also one of them, and another one is Lanchi County (today’s Minle County) to which Zhangye belongs, but this road is extremely difficult to travel, few If someone leaves, it is difficult for the army to pass through smoothly. In terms of the effectiveness of attacking Gansu, it is obvious that taking Lanzhou is the fastest and the effect is the best.

"Returning to the emperor Ama, my son said that although Luo Bu Zang Danjin and Ce Wang Alabatan have joined forces, they are just superficially incompatible. This point, both of them know it well. Because of this, Luo Bu Zang Danjin couldn't help worrying that Cewang Allah Butan would take advantage of the fire to loot. Therefore, when he sent troops to attack Gansu, he must be cautious at every step, so as not to leave an opportunity for Cewang Allah Butan to take advantage of. In this sense, Taking Hezhou first, and then plotting the whole of Gansu became the only choice that Luobu Zangdanjin would make."

Regarding Emperor Chengde's scruples, Hong Qing was aware of it, but she didn't take it seriously, but seeing him smiled confidently, and casually explained why Luobu Zangdanjin must first take Hezhou.

"Well, after Qing'er said that, I feel at ease. If Luo Bu Zang Danjin is determined to take Hezhou first, this battle will be easy to fight. From Qing'er's point of view, how should Hezhou be defended?"

Although Emperor Chengde had a lot of jealousy towards Hongqing, he was quite convinced of Hongqing's talent. Now that Hongqing said it with such certainty, he believed it, so he didn't ask again. The old thirteen's opinion turned to ask about the arrangement of defensive operations.

"Huang Ama learned from the lesson, my son thinks that the battle of defense should be decided by the local guards, and others will interfere randomly, and they will only mess up their own positions. General Yanxin, the governor of Shaanxi today, is a veteran of many battles. The court only needs to give him With enough reinforcements, they will surely be able to keep Gansu intact."

Emperor Chengde’s question is really stupid, and he has no military knowledge at all—Hong Qing is not a god, how can he remotely control defense operations thousands of miles away, hearing Emperor Chengde’s question, Hong Qing Qing really couldn't laugh or cry, but she couldn't directly point out Emperor Chengde's ignorance, so she could only explain it patiently.

"Well, that's good. In my opinion, [-] soldiers will be transferred from Sichuan and Shaanxi, and Yanxin will arrange it on his own. What do you think?"

After being told by Hong Qing, Emperor Chengde came to his senses, and his old face blushed. Of course, Emperor Chengde would never admit his stupidity in public, so he just muttered to cover it up. After a while, he made a decision on this, and at the end, he looked around at all the ministers of military affairs surrounded by the copywriting, and asked a question in a pretentious manner.

"Your Majesty is wise, I have no objection."

Emperor Chengde has already made a decision, so how dare other people have any objections? Besides, apart from Hong Qing and Lao Shisan, Zhang Tingyu and others have no talent in military strategy, so how can they have anything special? Thinking about it, it can only be done by Qi Qi's praise.

"Then it's settled. Later, I will issue a clear order to deploy troops. As for the training of the new army, we must step up and complete all the preparations before going out before April next year!"

Seeing that all the ministers of military affairs had nothing to add, Emperor Chengde didn't want to worry any more, and made the final decision without hesitation.


Hearing Emperor Chengde's order, both Hongqing and Lao Shisan couldn't help but feel a headache. Nothing else, Hongqing said earlier that the training work could be completed in early April, but the expedition is really going to be done, and the relevant preparations are yet to come. It will take a while, but Emperor Chengde has already given the order to die, even though the two of them are quite embarrassed, they can only bow down and agree to the promise.

(End of this chapter)

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