Chapter 859 The Chaos of the New Year's Eve Dinner ([-])

This winter's snow came very early. It was only the middle of November, and the west and north were already covered with heavy snow, freezing thousands of miles. , the defenders of the old Yaguan were caught off guard, and were attacked by Mutoso, the mighty general under Luobu Zangdanjin, and broke through the pass. Although the defenders fought bloody battles, they were outnumbered. The defender Ko Ning died on the spot, eliminating hundreds of The defeated soldiers escaped back to Hezhou by chance, and more than 13 elite troops died. Soon after, Luo Bu Zangdanjin personally led the main force of [-] troops to Hezhou. , Desperately resisting the rounds of strong attacks from Luobu Zangdanjin's troops, the battle was extremely tragic.

As soon as the news of the Hezhou crisis came back, Yan Xin, the governor of Shaanxi who had just led his troops to Lanzhou, was so anxious that he jumped his feet. There was nothing else. The number of soldiers and horses from various Gansu ministries who came to Lanzhou to meet up was less than 2000. Except for the [-] elite from the Xi'an Banner Battalion, the rest were garrison battalions from various prefectures with weak combat effectiveness, and there was even a shortage of supplies and fodder. , In addition to the heavy snow blocking the road, even if you want to reinforce Hezhou, you will be powerless. You can only send messengers to Beijing to call the police, and at the same time, try your best to urge the governments of Gansu and Shaanxi to speed up the preparation of food supplies. Once Hezhou falls , then try to stick to Lanzhou's plan.

On November [-], the first year of Chengde, when Yanxin was desperately gathering troops, Li Minxing, the admiral of Sichuan, rushed to Lanzhou with [-] troops from Sichuan. However, the two generals Yanxin and Li Minxing had a dispute over whether to reinforce Hezhou - Yanxin wanted to seek stability, and believed that under the current ice and snow situation, it was better to defend the city than to attack the city. Although Hezhou is in danger, it may not necessarily fall. Our own army is short of food and fodder, so it is not appropriate to move lightly. We can reorganize and wait for the snow to melt in the spring, and then go on a large-scale expedition. The enemy will definitely be defeated in a single battle. Li Minxing thinks Hezhou cannot be lost, otherwise, all the prefectures in Gansu will be in danger. Once Gansu is corrupted, the arrogance of the bandit army will be even more rampant, and it will be disadvantageous in the war.

Both strategic concepts have their rationale, it is hard to say who is right and who is wrong, but the two generals are stubborn people, no one can convince the other, even if Yanxin is the nominal leader of the Northwest War, his official rank is relatively low. Li Minxing wanted to be ahead of the line, but he was worried that Li Minxing was Hong Qing's direct confidant, but he didn't dare to use power to force him. After arguing for a day, the two sides finally reached a compromise plan - Li Minxing led the troops of the headquarters Ma Qian went to reinforce Hezhou, while Yanxin stayed in Lanzhou to continue to consolidate the city defense. As for Li's supplies and food, the prefectures along the way provided them.

The Sichuan army has been one of the hardest-working troops in the world since ancient times. Even though the road was blocked by heavy snow, it still blocked the advance of the Sichuan army. After rushing all the way, although thousands of frostbitten people were left behind due to the cold weather, they could However, Li Minxing ignored them completely, and still led his troops to rush forward to Hezhou, and finally arrived at Hezhou on December 5000, the first year of Chengde. At that time, after nearly months of hard fighting, the city of Hezhou was already in danger, and Li Minxing didn't care Exhausted from running for thousands of miles, our own army launched an attack immediately, and fought bloody battles all day long. At the cost of losing nearly [-] people, we defeated the army of Luobu Zangdanjin, who was also exhausted, and killed more than [-] enemies. Qian, stabilized the Hezhou defense line, seeing that there was no hope of conquering Hezhou, Luo Buzangdanjin had to lead his troops back to Qinghai in the snow. So far, the danger of Gansu has been eliminated.

In this battle, Li Minxing fell behind and killed nearly [-] soldiers. Even Li Minxing himself suffered several injuries. The ratio of damage to Luobuzangdanjin's troops was roughly the same. It was a tragic victory, however, from a strategic point of view, it was an out-and-out huge victory. It not only saved most of Gansu from the invasion of war, but also bought precious time for the training of the new army. The victory news spread to the capital , Emperor Chengde was overjoyed by it, and issued an imperial edict to reward the meritorious officers and men, and granted Li Min the third-class marquis and the first son of Yin in the Jin Dynasty.

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, it is already the end of the year. Compared with the tension before and after the death of the old man last year, this year's year is obviously much easier. In addition, with the news of the great victory in Hezhou, the festive atmosphere in the capital It was really strong. Although Emperor Chengde lived in Jiuchong, he was obviously infected by such an optimistic and festive atmosphere. He issued a clear edict early on, saying that he would have a family banquet in the Qianqing Palace to show that the whole world celebrates together. meaning.

Emperor Chengde wanted to celebrate together, and the children of the Tian family didn't dare to neglect, they gathered outside the palace gate before the time of You, from the fourth master to the youngest 23rd master, there was no shortage of Yinyi, and Ah Among the buddies, except for a few little elder brothers who were still in the elder brother's office, all of them came together. In comparison, it was Hong Qing and the old thirteen who arrived late. Both of them have been staying in the Fengtai camp all the time now, although they rushed to the imperial city as soon as they received the order, but the snowy road was difficult to travel, even though the uncle and nephew were galloping on horseback, when they arrived, it was already Youshi It's genuine.

"Your Majesty ordered, Xuan, all the lords and all the brothers are waiting for you at the Qianqing Palace, hereby!"

Please see that the signboards were all handed in early in the morning, but there was no reaction from inside, and there was nothing to do with the crowd waiting. They could only wait in the square in front of the palace gate in the snow, and it was freezing cold. Even though there was a canopy to cover them, the cold wind was unbearable. The crowd waited for a while except for the warm greetings at the beginning, but later, they were all numb, and everyone was trembling in the cold wind. Finally, in the When everyone couldn't stand it any longer, Li Dequan finally rushed over with two young eunuchs, and announced Emperor Chengde's oral order in a strict manner.

"Your brothers (children, etc.) take the decree to thank you, my emperor, long live, long live, long live!"

Does such a simple oracle take so much time?Obviously not, there is no doubt that the reason why Emperor Chengde did not make a decree for so long was to let everyone feel the majesty of the emperor. Most of the people present knew this very well, but they just understood After all, in the face of the authority of the emperor, no matter how angry you are in your heart, there is nowhere to let it go, so you can just kneel down in the snow obediently, shouting long live three times according to the court regulations, thank you The voice is loud, but what is in everyone's mind, only God knows.

"Everyone, please."

Li Dequan is a delicate person, he knows that the crowd is already full of resentment and anger when waiting in the snowy weather, at this point, whoever dares to tease him will have to bear the anger of the crowd Let alone a mere eunuch, even those ministers of military affairs will definitely be beaten to death. Run away without a trace.

"Grandma is a bear, this old dog runs fast, mother, bad luck!"

Not to mention, Li Dequan is alert, no, he dared to slip away, Master Shi was already jumping up and down and cursing, there is no doubt that if Li Dequan didn't leave, then he would really be Master Shi venting his anger scapegoat.

"Forget it, tenth brother, don't care too much about running dogs, let's go, go into the palace to warm up."

Being left in the wind and snow for so long by Emperor Chengde for no reason, Master Jiu was also full of complaints, and originally wanted to use Li Dequan to do something, but it is a pity that Li Dequan slipped faster than a loach, and the anger in his heart Since then, there is nowhere to send it. Although he is dissuading Master Shi in his mouth at this moment, the resentment in his words is surprisingly strong.

Heh, Dad's appearance is still too small, even if he wears a dragon robe, he still lacks grandeur!

Master Jiu and Master Shi can see Emperor Chengde's intentions. How can a wise person like Hong Qing fail to guess what Emperor Chengde is thinking? The difference is that Hong Qing is not worried. , but a lot of emotion and disdain, there is nothing else, in Hong Qing's view, relying on tricking others to show one's authority is really a second-rate tactic, and there is no merit at all, just like Emperor Chengde. Only those who have a small structure will do it.

"Brother Qing, what are you thinking, let's go."

The wind and snow were very heavy, and the square outside the palace gate was a ventilated place. The crowd didn't want to stay for a while, and after a few random complaints, they swarmed into the palace gate. Master Shiliu and Master Shiliu didn't move in a hurry, they all moved to Hong Qing's side, but when Master Shiliu stretched out his hand to pat Hong Qing, he yelled carelessly.

"Well, let's go to the palace."

Hong Qing smiled, didn't mind the disturbing of Master Sixteen at all, flicked her big sleeves, raised her feet and walked towards the palace gate. Seeing this, the old fifteen brothers didn't say any more, and followed step by step Behind Hong Qing, there is the second general Heng Ha who is like escorting her.

20 years, 20 years have passed, once again walking on the avenue in the palace, although Hong Qing's face is calm as usual, but in his heart, he has a lot of feelings. 20 years ago, he entered the palace for the first time. When I saw the old man, I walked the same way. Now, 20 years have passed in the blink of an eye. The countless major events that happened during the period flashed before my eyes like a movie, and Hong Qing's eyes couldn't help It became a little moist, and an inexplicable emotion spread in my heart, and I couldn't tell whether it was joy, sorrow or worry.

With mixed feelings, Hong Qing's footsteps inevitably slowed down and became a little heavier. The carefree old sixteen didn't notice it, but the careful old fifteen saw it. Seeing some clues, a hint of doubt flashed in his eyes immediately, the corners of his mouth moved a few times, as if he wanted to speak, but in the end he still didn't speak, he just looked at Hong Qing's back thoughtfully...

(End of this chapter)

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