Chapter 155 Fake public affairs for personal gain (second update)

Not long after Gu Changsheng returned to Chang'an, Zhou Chen was investigating something.

Why the Empress Dowager and Emperor Xuanwu are so opposed to him being with Gu Changsheng? The investigation has not yet yielded a definite result.There was an extremely secret rumor, but Zhou Chen felt that it was unreliable.

"Eleven, do you think that news is reliable?" Zhou Chen asked abruptly.

A gust of cold wind blows, and white snow flutters down on the branches, covering the sight.

Eleven thought about it for a while, and then said: "The subordinates think that it is probably a rumor."

"That means maybe one or two points are true." Zhou Chen said slowly, every word was like a stone thrown into the river, causing a string of splashes.

"Your Highness, there is no reliable news yet, so don't say that." Eleven said immediately.

Zhou Chen snorted, and said neither sad nor happy: "Now your comforting skills have improved."

Eleven laughed dryly, "Infected by Miss Gu."

Although he intended to comfort Zhou Chen, it was not a lie that he was infected by Gu Changsheng.Gu Changsheng is used to saying nice things, and he can always make the little girls smile.I've been with her for a long time, and it's always slippery when I talk about deceiving people.

"Okay, let's go out of the palace, some people have to wait impatiently." Zhou Chen was in a better mood, and his tone was lighter.


Zhou Chen drove out of the palace gate in his car. On the eleventh day, he thought about what he said just now that someone was waiting, so his driving speed slowed down.Eleven paid attention along the way, and was really stopped.

The one who blocked the way was one of Gu Changhua's personal maids - Yueya. This girl had a few freckles on her face and she smiled like a rabbit. Eleven had a deep impression on her.

Crescent Moon saluted, and said briskly, "I've seen Brother Eleven."

Eleven looked back, and a well-shielded person came over.Eleven got out of the car and put a stool, and the man got in the car.

Yue Ya and Eleven sat on the side of the car, rubbing their hands together and said: "It's really cold today, my mother's car broke down on the road. It happened to come across the frame of the prince's car, so please take us along the way."

"That's natural." Eleven nodded, immediately drove the car, and changed direction to go to Gu's house.I couldn't help thinking in my heart, the princess wanted to talk to the prince, but she found an excuse that the carriage was broken, it really made people very speechless.

Gu Changhua took off his cloak, bit his pink lips lightly, and said in a soft voice: "Your Highness has been in Longzhou for a few days, did things go smoothly?"

Zhou Chen nodded perfunctorily, but he was too lazy to reply her a word.

Gu Changhua felt a little cold at once, but he was very unwilling. He looked at Zhou Chen with a different meaning, "It's really a pity that Your Highness didn't come to my wedding. It's just that this wedding gift, should I make up for it?" up."

"Eleven, write it down." Zhou Chen leaned on the cushion and said lazily.

Eleven, who was sitting outside, almost laughed when he heard the words, and quickly said: "Your Highness, this subordinate has made a note. When I go back today, I will ask the butler to back up the big gift, and send it to the East Palace on another day."

His Highness had thought about talking to Gu Changhua a long time ago, but since he got Miss Gu, he didn't even bother to say perfunctory words.

"Your Highness." Gu Changhua was on the verge of weeping, and said in a heartbroken voice, "Are you still blaming me?"

Zhou Chen turned a page of the book and said calmly: "Prince Princess, please think twice before speaking."

When Gu Changhua heard this, he felt sore in his heart.Sure enough, he was still blaming her, otherwise why would he be so indifferent.The matter in Longzhou was so big that he didn't even come to the prince's wedding.

He probably didn't want to watch her marry, after all he loved her back then.

"I'm married to the prince, so I shouldn't have said these things. I also want to stop thinking about you in the future and concentrate on serving the prince." Gu Changhua's face was stained with rouge, and he said with a look of refusal: "But Seeing you in Chad in the Queen's bedroom today, I felt endless turmoil in my heart, and I realized that I still can't let go."

After all, I haven't seen Zhou Chen for a long time.Originally thought that after marrying Zhou Zhi, her heart had died, but unexpectedly seeing him today, her lonely heart came back to life.

During the days when she was married to Zhou Zhi, although he treated her very well, there was always something missing.

Zhou Zhi obeyed her and cared for her.But that man was born lacking a temperament that could subdue others, sometimes Gu Changhua thought, it would be great if Zhou Chen was the prince.Then they will be able to have a lover and get married, and they don't have to torture each other like this.

Listening to Gu Changhua's Yingying's soft words, Zhou Chen felt irritable.I miss Gu Changsheng more and more, Gu Changsheng is silver and clear, and his talking and laughing are like clear springs.Although it lacked a bit of feminine beauty, it sounded like the sound of nature to his ears.

If not...

He didn't want to find an excuse to meet Gu Changsheng, so why did he give eleven orders to bring Gu Changhua with him, adding to this troublesome matter.

"Crown Princess be careful." Zhou Chen said with a cold face, "I'll pretend I've never heard these words after getting off the carriage."

As soon as he said this, tears rolled down Gu Changhua's eyes, she leaned forward, grabbed Zhou Chen's cuff excitedly, and asked stupidly: "Your Highness, are we really unable to go back?"

Zhou Chen waved her away annoyed, and scolded: "Eleven, the princess is in a hurry to go home, hurry up!"

Eleven flicked his whip violently, the carriage jolted, and Gu Changhua swayed and hit the carriage, finally getting a little farther away from Zhou Chen.

Eleven speeded up and finally arrived at the place.

Gu Changhua got out of the car with the help of the maid, Eleven suddenly said: "Your Highness, don't you have something to discuss with Gu Xiang? How about today, it's freezing, you can't make another trip."

Zhou Chen frowned, and said reluctantly: "That's true."

Gu Changhua's eyes brightened slightly when he heard this, and he thought affectionately, maybe His Highness wanted to spend more time with her.Sure enough, what was said on the carriage was still angry words after all.It turns out that His Highness still has her in his heart. Thinking of this, her heart became erratic.

Zhou Chen and Gu Changhua entered side by side, and Gu Dingxiang came out to greet him. He saluted and asked, "Your Highness and the Crown Princess are here on snow, are you in a hurry?"

"Father." Gu Changhua asked worriedly: "Mother suffered from a headache, will it be better now?"

"Rest in the back house, go and have a look." Gu Dingxiang knew it was Zhao's scheme, but he didn't expose it.

Gu Changhua glanced at Zhou Chen unobtrusively, hummed and walked back.

"This king came to talk to Gu Xiang about something, it was a bit abrupt." Zhou Chen said flatly.

Gu Dingxiang thought, this His Highness has never spoken to him so politely before, but he made a gesture of invitation, "Please move to the study, Your Highness, so that we can discuss business matters."

Zhou Chen was slightly angry, this ignorant person really thought he was here to discuss business.

(End of this chapter)

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