Chapter 156 Love and Sharing
Gu Dingxiang is an old fox, Zhou Chen knows this very well.

It's just that both of them are sensitive people, so it's hard to tell the truth when they meet.

Just talking one after another, the two of them didn't even go to the study, just talking about some ordinary things in the cold white snow.

Speaking of some things in the DPRK, everyone knows that they are irrelevant.Really important and sensitive things, of course, will not be said at this time.With different positions, the truth that can be said is limited after all.

But Zhou Chen has always been curious about one point, he asked: "Who is Mr. Gu?"

Gu Dingxiang is a very smart person, how smart is he?He is a humble scholar who can come to this day, and he has a lot of money, no one can offend, but no one can get benefits from him.

People in Chang'an back then said that he was a man who ate soft food, but Gu Dingxiang was able to endure such rumors and rumors, which shows how profound he is.

Zhou Chen didn't believe he could understand the current situation.

Emperor Xuanwu's heirs were not abundant, with a total of five sons.The first prince and the second prince were both born to the concubine Xian, the crown prince is the queen's son, and the fourth prince Zhou Lang's background is too low to mention.There is only one Zhou Chen left, who has no intention of taking the throne.

This time is definitely not a good time for the team.

But Gu Dingxiang always tended to the line of Concubine Xian intentionally or unintentionally, which made Zhou Chen a little unpredictable.

You must know that the Wei family thinks highly of themselves, His Majesty will never let the Wei family grow bigger.This is why the first prince and the second prince have not been crowned kings at this age.

"Me?" Gu Dingxiang smiled, the wrinkles at the corners of his eyes were very deep, he seemed to laugh at himself and said: "Looking at the court, who dares to say which faction he is? The court is like a river, and we, the courtiers It’s just a flat boat on the river. Where the wind blows, we will float there. His Highness’s question sounds like a joke.”

The ability to move a thousand catties in four or two is second to none.

Zhou Chen said nonchalantly: "Father is the one who controls the direction of the wind, but Gu Xiang is different. You are the one who can steer the wind by yourself. No matter where the wind blows, you can control your own direction."

"Your Highness is too famous." Gu Dingxiang chuckled, and it sounded perfunctory, "Now that my youngest daughter is married to the prince, no matter which way I drive, in the eyes of others, I am a member of the prince's line."

These words are really specious, as if Gu Dingxiang's fate is out of his control.

But you must know that before Gu Dingxiang, the position of prime minister had always been held by nobles.If a humble scholar can achieve this position, it is like smoke from the ancestral grave.

Gu Dingxiang also started his official career as an unknown official, but one day, this person suddenly stepped into the vortex of power and came into the sight of the courtiers.

He was named prime minister and married Cui Qing.All the glory of a man's life is obtained in his best years.

"If I marry Gu Changsheng, then in the eyes of others, Gu Xiang's identity will be a bit complicated." Zhou Chen raised his head and looked at the words Wutongyuan.

It turned out that the two of them walked towards Wutong Garden at the same time.

When you are thinking, your natural behavior will be inclined to the thoughts in your heart.

Gu Dingxiang was thinking about his daughter, and walked this way involuntarily.And what about Zhou Chen?He didn't intend to discuss business with Gu Dingxiang tonight, so he would naturally go this way.

"Phoenix lives in Wuwu, this name is quite satisfactory." Zhou Chen sighed with unknown meaning.

Gu Dingxiang just said indifferently: "The little girl has already got a marriage contract, I'm afraid I will disappoint His Highness. As for the name of this garden, it was obtained from the former lowly, and it is worthy of the name. Changsheng is only honored by her mother, so I can't bear it." Your Majesty's love."

As expected of the literary champion of the year, the words of rejection were so euphemistic and moving.

There was a cold light in Zhou Chen's deep eyes, "Gu Changsheng's feelings are up to her to decide. As for the marriage contract that Xiang Xiang mentioned, do you mean the concubine of the prince's family? I want to spend some time on this matter." The prince and Taifu will personally talk to you through the door."

After he finished speaking, he walked into Wutong Garden regardless of how Gu Dingxiang would respond.

Gu Dingxiang clenched his fists and was speechless for a while.Everyone in the world knows how arrogant King Shou is.Not to mention that he wanted to dispel his thoughts with a few words, even if His Majesty spoke, it might not have much effect.

Only when the Empress Dowager speaks is somewhat binding.Not many people know about Changsheng and Shouwang, but they will try their best to hide it from the Queen Mother.

"It's not yet time..." Gu Dingxiang turned and left with a forbearance on his face.


Zhou Chen walked slowly into the yard. The Wutong Garden spent a lot of money and energy in its construction, and it was almost equivalent to a small royal garden.

At the beginning, Zhou Chen still remembered that his mother had joked that the Cui family in Qinghe could be described as wealthy, and the house in Qinghe was more comfortable, exquisite, low-key and luxurious.

He was fairly familiar with this garden, and walked towards Gu Changsheng's room by himself, thinking of standing outside her window for a while.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he walked across the small bridge, he saw the person who was thinking day and night.

At this moment, a thin layer of ice has formed on the lake, and it is estimated that it will be all solid after a while.

A lotus lantern was placed on the river, and Gu Changsheng was wearing thin clothes standing on the ice to practice his sword.

Scattered snow, slightly cold wind, and a flickering lamp.

Gu Changsheng's sword is very slow, but very casual.Just standing by the river and looking at it, Zhou Chen could feel the free and unrestrained sword intent in it, as well as the vigorous vitality contained in the sword intent.

Before discussing Dao in Wuyuan Mountain, that person once said that judging from Gu Changsheng's current body, he can only practice Taichu Sword.

The sleeves of the clothes are fluttering, free and easy and wanton.

This kind of Gu Changsheng is really like a gust of wind that can fly away in the blink of an eye.

Zhou Chen lowered his head and looked, such a thin ice surface, even the weight of a puppy could not support it, but Gu Changsheng could stand on it and practice sword freely.

Gu Changsheng put away the wooden sword and walked over carrying the lotus lantern with a smile on his face.

Zhou Chen stood on the shore, and Gu Changsheng stood on the water.

One high and one low, there is always one person who wants to accommodate the other.

Zhou Chen squatted down slowly, and then he looked at Gu Changsheng at the same level.

"Why are you here at this time?" Chang Sheng put the lotus lantern aside, the warm yellow light carried an indescribable warmth in this snowy night.

Zhou Chen raised his hand to touch her cheek, it was warm but not cold.Previously, I only saw that she was wearing thin clothes, but I didn't expect that there was really only a summer shirt, so I couldn't help frowning and said: "The skill has recovered? Is this bearable?"

Gu Changsheng held the sword in one hand, and said with clear eyes: "If I understand it thoroughly, when my spirit veins recover in the future, my realm will be a thousand miles away. Zhou Chen, it's good to see you at this time."

"Why?" Zhou Chen held her hand and pulled her up.

Gu Changsheng hugged him conveniently, and said with a smile, "Because I want to share my joy with you."

(End of this chapter)

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