Chapter 182
They are all people who write about no profit and can't get up early. If they didn't need to find Gu Changsheng for something, it would be impossible to guard the gate of Wutong Garden in this cold.

It was Rong's mother who took the two maids to the village to cultivate, and there was no one to entertain guests in the garden, otherwise, Mrs. Wu would have brought people in.Besides, she has been back for more than half a year, and she doesn't see anyone on weekdays.When the news spread that she had become the Shaoqing of Dali Temple, people came here, and the purpose was too obvious.

"There is an old saying that elder sisters are like mothers. This is not to bring children to see." Wu's face was full of smiles, not caring about Chang Sheng's indifference. Miss, don't mind."

Changsheng walked in without saying a word.

Seeing that she was not rejected, Wu breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly led Gu Zhengli in.

The scenery of Wutong Garden is comparable to that of the Royal Inner Court, and the snow that has accumulated a while ago has not been swept away.Not long after I was admitted to the hospital, I saw that the lake was covered with snow, and the plum blossoms by the lake were in full bloom.

Speaking of which, this is the first time for the Wu family to enter Wutong Garden. In this family, except for Gu Dingxiang and Zhao family, no one has the qualification to come here.

Since she got married, she has opened her eyes a little bit. Who knows that she has opened her eyes after entering the Wutong Garden.I didn't expect that the garden could be arranged like this, with pavilions, terraces and pavilions in good order, and even more rows of rockery and flowers.

"Let's sit down for a while." Chang Sheng let them sit in the warm pavilion, called someone to pour tea, and went to change clothes by himself.

"Mother, it's true that the eldest sister is better than the second sister. Take a look at this garden, it's really nice." Gu Zhengli said excitedly: "I have never seen such a beautiful garden in the houses of Lord Hou I went to before."

Wu couldn't help but said enviously: "In the past, my wife was enough to be favored, and the rewards from the palace were never broken throughout the year. Now that the eldest lady is back, I didn't expect to be more powerful than my wife, and she became a high official directly. .”

"It's said that the second sister becomes a crown prince and she is rich and honorable, but I would say that the eldest sister is the most powerful." Gu Zhengli said straightforwardly: "No matter how married a woman is, what she enjoys is the glory of others. If this ability is her own, no one else can take it away. .”

Gu Changsheng leaned against the door, tidying up his sleeves slowly, and then heard Wu Shi say: "Oh, if the eldest lady is a man, she must be very good. For a woman, the most important thing is to marry well."

"What you're saying is, who would dare to marry an eldest sister who is so powerful." Gu Zhengli agreed, and after thinking for a while, he said, "Then who can suppress her except the prince and prince."

When Gu Changsheng heard this, he almost laughed out loud, and the kid really made it right.

She coughed dryly and entered the door.

Mrs. Wu hastened to do it properly.

Gu Zhengli watched Chang Sheng change into a man's indigo blue robe, looking so elegant and handsome, he couldn't help but take a few more glances.

"I have to go on duty later, if Auntie has something to say, please speak up." Gu Changsheng casually poured a glass of water to warm himself up.

The child sitting opposite was looking at her, and she also smiled and looked at him, and then carefully looked at his appearance.

She has already met two of her father's three sons.Speaking of which, the children in the family, except that she looks somewhat similar to their father, are all like their mother.

"I would like to ask the young lady to write a post, recommending Zhengli to study in Meishan Academy." Wu said cautiously, observing Changsheng's expression.

Changsheng frowned slightly, always feeling that this scene was somewhat familiar.Thinking back, isn't it, didn't Aunt Sun come here just now in the summer?
It is understandable for Aunt Sun to beg her, but isn't Mrs. Wu from Mrs. Zhao?Why did you come to her again.

"The concubine has begged my wife, and the lady doesn't care." Wu said with some embarrassment: "Miss, there is nothing I can do about it. I used to rely on my wife to survive, but now my wife can't take care of herself. The master never cares about the back house. I can only ask the eldest lady to help out because of the friendship with Zhengli's compatriots."

It is also very strange to say that among the back houses of many official families in Chang'an, there is no one as strange as their Gu family.To put it bluntly, my lord has not had a married life with her for more than ten years.Not only her, but other aunts as well.

Adults rarely set foot in the back house, and never ask about children.Wu thought sourly, if it weren't for the fact that they would get together for dinner on the fifteenth of every month, the adults might not remember what the two children looked like.

Chang Sheng smiled and said, "I can help with this matter, but I won't. Aunt Wu, there is no such thing as a free lunch in this world. Wouldn't it be too late to surrender after the situation becomes clearer?"

When she first came back, everyone avoided her.Seeing her beauty now, they rushed to curry favor with her again.Although interest is the key to connecting with most people, is she qualified to be willful now?

When others offer their knees, she doesn't necessarily have to catch them.

"Okay, I have to go." Chang Sheng put down the teacup in his hand and said with a smile, "It's freezing outside, Auntie might as well warm up before leaving."

She walked swiftly and gracefully, Wu Shi was dumbfounded.I have long heard that the eldest lady acts differently from ordinary people, but I did not expect that she is such a straightforward person.

"Mother, if Zhengning can go to Meishan Academy, I will go too." Gu Zhengli said relentlessly, "From childhood to adulthood, when did I become worse than him."

"Mother has her own way." Wu Shi thought, it seems that the things she kept at the beginning are still useful.


As soon as Changsheng left the door, he was taken to Gu Dingxiang's study.

When she entered the door, she saw Zhao Bin looking at her with embarrassment, and said to Gu Dingxiang, "Let's talk about the adults behind closed doors, why let the children listen."

"Now she is the young minister of Dali Temple and has a bright future. If you tell me about this, you might as well tell her." Gu Dingxiang raised his hand to signal Changsheng to sit down.

Chang Sheng said with a smile: "I have met Mr. Zhao, and speaking of it, I have quite a relationship with the family."

Knowing that Changsheng was talking about a bet with Zhao Li, Zhao Bin said with a dry smile, "That's when the flood rushed into the Dragon King Temple, that kid Zhao Li should call you cousin. He's used to self-willedness, so don't worry about Changsheng with him. "

Changsheng lowered his head and blew on the tea, but didn't speak any more, leaving Zhao Bin feeling embarrassed.

"She is also unruly." Gu Dingxiang reprimanded a few words without pain, "Your Uncle Zhao has encountered something, let's see if you can help.

"It's not a big deal, it's just that a few women were accidentally killed in Yihonglou a few months ago." Zhao Bin said this in front of the juniors, and Changsheng was a girl, and his old face was as red as a monkey's ass "This matter was somehow caught by King Shou."

(End of this chapter)

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