Chapter 183
Accidentally played and killed several women.

Changsheng gently put the tea bowl on the table, making a knocking sound.

They are all people who have read books, and they are all people who know etiquette, righteousness and shame. How can they say such words lightly.

"I don't know that Uncle Zhao still has such a hobby." Changsheng said sarcastically, "I just don't know if he will have nightmares when he dreams back at midnight. You know, reincarnation in heaven will eventually bring retribution."

"Changsheng!" Zhao Bin slapped the table and said angrily, "That's how you talk to elders."

Changsheng smiled and said: "I'm really sorry, I was taught courtesy, righteousness and shame since I was a child. Both my father and mother told me that human nature is good, so don't do evil. Otherwise, there will be retribution. Why, Uncle Zhao doesn't believe it."

" you..." Zhao Bin was so angry with her, he turned his head to look at Gu Dingxiang, and said angrily, "Brother-in-law, what do you say about this?"

Gu Dingxiang said in a spirited voice: "This old man has always been at odds with King Shou. Mr. Zhao might as well go to King Shou's mansion to beg in person. It's better than being angry at me."

Zhao Bin turned pale with anger on the spot, and rushed out of the door.

It just so happened that Mrs. Zhao came over to inquire about the news, went up to him and hurriedly asked, "Brother, what's the matter?"

"You married a good man!" Zhao Bin pushed Zhao Shi violently, and left in a rage.

Mrs. Zhao staggered and fell to the ground, and said in a daze, "Why are things not going well recently?"


"Shouwang is venting his anger on you, don't be coaxed away by a piece of candy." Gu Dingxiang looked at Changsheng and said inexplicably: "After all, it's a girl's house, you have to learn to protect yourself."

Changsheng spread his hands and said with a smile: "I never come to eat candy, don't worry about that."

"You take this." Gu Dingxiang took out a medicine bottle, put it on the table, and said calmly.

Changsheng walked over, took the medicine bottle, opened the lid and sniffed, it should be the medicine for scar removal.

"Did you beat me so hard back then in order to force me to stay away from Chang'an?" Chang Sheng asked after collecting the things.

Gu Dingxiang frowned, "Let's go, you just took advantage of troubled waters not long after you joined the job, and you'll be nothing to talk about."

Recently, he often listened to him teach himself this way, and Chang Sheng felt weird, so he saluted and left.

After she left, Gu Dingxiang sat dryly in the study.He took out the broken hairpin and looked at it for a long time, thinking silently.I couldn't protect you back then, and now I can't protect your old things, and I can't protect Gu Changsheng.Will you still be willing to see me after a hundred years?


Changsheng went to Dali Temple, and just a few steps into the door, Situ Fei greeted him, "My lord, I have taken care of the medical center, you can rest assured."

"Well, thank you very much." Chang Sheng entered the hall and saw Pei Zixu talking to a young woman, he couldn't help being a little surprised.She looked at the woman with some familiarity, but for a moment she couldn't remember who she was.

Pei Zixu turned his head to look at Chang Sheng, and immediately got up to meet him, and said with a smile, "I heard that you took a nap when you went to court, and His Majesty took you upright."

"I didn't expect everyone to gossip." Chang Sheng took off his cloak and asked, "Did you take sick leave this morning?"

"I accidentally caught wind and cold a few days ago, and I really can't get up in the morning." Pei Zixu said leisurely.

Changsheng didn't remember the matter of breaking into the mansion that day, so naturally Pei Zixu couldn't mention it either.It's just that it snowed heavily that night, Zhou Chen held Chang Sheng's hand in front of Pei Zixu, everyone still remembers that.

In the end, I can only expose it as if nothing happened, otherwise what else can I do.

Chang Sheng watched the beautiful woman look this way, and asked with a smile: "Could it be that you caused some romantic debts outside, and someone came to your door?"

"You brought a complaint to me." Pei Zixu said in a low voice, "You robbed a car in the street, and if this matter is reported to Yushitai, you will lose your skin."

Changsheng was so embarrassing, he immediately went over to apologize, "Girl, it was really helpless to borrow your carriage last night. I will take responsibility for the crime. Girl wants to deal with it, but it doesn't matter."

The other party's face was not good-looking for a moment, but he quickly put on a smile, "Master Gu is really a noble person who forgets things so much that he doesn't remember me."

Chang Sheng looked at Pei Zixu and was immediately embarrassed.It turned out to be Zhao Feiyu, she said she looked familiar.Come on, I just got married to her father, and now I offended her again.

She and the Zhao family really have an indissoluble bond, a bad bond!

"It turned out to be Miss Zhao. I haven't seen you for a few days, and she is really more and more radiant." Changsheng's mouth seemed to be smeared with honey, and the words on his mouth were very sweet, "I have become so beautiful, I am naturally beautiful." Time didn't recognize it."

Zhao Feiyu has never seen someone who can praise so much, and the injustice in her heart has been reduced a bit. Youdao does not reach out to hit people with smiling faces, and she is also a person who cares about the overall situation.

"I was also taken aback at the time, thinking that someone had snatched it away." Zhao Feiyu said with a smile, "Since Master Gu needed it urgently, I'm relieved."

"It surprised Ms. Zhao." Chang Sheng said politely.

But he heard Zhao Feiyu approach a few steps, and said in a low voice: "I heard that Mr. Gu and His Royal Highness King Shou are very close, can we get acquainted and talk together at Qianlizui."

say what?Your father took several lives as a prostitute, and was caught by Zhou Chen and wanted to send him to Yushitai. Do you want to ask Zhou Chen to intercede now?

You really can't owe others, you have to pay it back every minute.And she really can't back down on this matter, otherwise if Zhao Feiyu insists on pursuing it, it will be bad for Dali Temple's reputation if it gets out.

"I'll ask His Highness. Ms. Zhao might as well tell you a time." Chang Sheng agreed.

Seeing that she agreed so happily, Zhao Feiyu frowned and asked: "Why, Mr. Gu, don't you need to go to His Highness to find out what's going on?"

Hearing this, it seemed that she could do it whenever she wanted.With His Highness's temper, no matter how close you are with him, it's not easy to get along with him.She also heard that after the trip to Longzhou, His Highness had a good relationship with Gu Changsheng, probably because she was concerned about the Empress Dowager's relationship with His Majesty.

That's why she seized on this matter and begged Gu Changsheng to come here.

"It just so happens that His Highness owes me a favor. It's fine. Miss Zhao has set a time." Chang Sheng opened his eyes and said nonsense, but it was reasonable to hear what he said.

"If this is the case, let's make it today. After Mr. Gu is free, I will greet you at Thousand Miles Drunk." Zhao Feiyu blessed his body and said with a smile: "I will take the carriage away."

"Miss Zhao has a good journey." Chang Sheng made a gesture of invitation.

After she left, Chang Sheng had a bitter face, "This is the end, Zhou Chen will definitely make things difficult for me."

"Just talk about it." Pei Zixu pondered for a while and said, "That bastard Xiu Mu asked me out, but what's the matter?"

(End of this chapter)

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