Chapter 196


Suddenly, Zhou Chen's mind went blank, and he didn't even realize what he was about to face.

It is an indisputable fact that he loves Gu Changsheng and wants to marry her.He had imagined countless times what it would be like to marry her, let him become his concubine, his queen, and give her all the honor and favor in the world.

But just tonight, in this cold palace, his beloved woman held the marriage letter in front of him, and wanted to conclude a lifetime marriage contract with her, all of this seemed like a dream.

Zhou Chen didn't speak for a long time, and the atmosphere suddenly became a little awkward.

There was snow in the sky, and it was so condensed that people couldn't breathe.

Changsheng groaned, and said with some helplessness: " are not ready, I will not force you."

As she spoke, she was about to take back the marriage certificate.

Zhou Chen quickly snatched the marriage certificate from her hand, and said with a sullen face, "Zhao Gui, go and get ready."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Zhao Gui ran away beaming.


Half an hour later, the side hall of Lenggong was decorated.

Zhao Gui did not know where he got the red silk and red candles. The red silk was hung on the wall, and the red candles were lit on the table. This deserted side hall became so atmospheric.

Zhou Chen and Chang Sheng each held a section of the red silk, both of them looked a little uncomfortable.Laughing, and a little shy.Especially Zhou Chen, that expression was quite awkward.

"A worship of heaven and earth..."

"Second worship high hall..."

"Happy husband and wife..."


"From now on, the two of you are husband and wife." Wu Lingyun said with a smile: "The marriage certificates are kept separately, if you want to go to the Yamen to handle it."

Changsheng glared at him, "You are the only one who has nothing to say."

Zhou Chen said calmly: "Wu Lingyun, Asarum has been sent out by me to handle some errands. I'm afraid you won't see her for a while."

Wu Lingyun's expression immediately made life worse than death, and he hated his mouth for teasing them.

That palace change mobilized a lot of dark forces, and Wu Lingyun also knew that Xi Xin belonged to Zhou Chen.It's just that their relationship has never made any progress, and they are still in a state of not being full lovers.So now, seeing Zhou Chen and Gu Changsheng's cultivation so quietly, naturally, he felt a little jealous.

"Send it to the bridal chamber!" Wu Lingyun gritted his teeth and said.

The side hall has been unoccupied for a long time, but luckily someone cleans it at the end.Zhao Gui changed the bed where the mandarin ducks played in the water, arranged it briefly, and stepped back with a smile on his face.

Changsheng was quite at ease, he sat down and frowned immediately.

Zhou Chen immediately walked over and asked, "What's the matter?"

"I was hit by something." Changsheng stood up.

Zhou Chen leaned over to lift up the quilt, and saw a pile of longan and peanuts...

Give birth to a precious son early.

The two smiled at each other.

"Why... suddenly want to marry me." Zhou Chen held Chang Sheng's hand and asked in a low voice.

Changsheng leaned on his shoulder, thought for a while before slowly saying: "I want to be with you well, without suspicion, without making noise, and living in peace."

But she has a special status now, one is the Shaoqing of Dali Temple, she once swore in front of the late emperor that she will not get married within a few years, many people are watching.Now that Zhou Chen has just ascended the throne, he cannot attract a lot of public opinion.Secondly, the first emperor left a decree to make her the Princess of Wei, and then she and Zhou Chen would have the status of brother and sister.In case the Empress Dowager announces this decree, they can also think of other ways to deal with it.Third... She really didn't want to hurt her grandmother's heart.

Hidden marriage is currently the best choice for her and Zhou Chen.

"Then stay together and live quietly." Zhou Chen looked at her, his eyes gradually became hot, and he leaned close to her ear and whispered: "There is one thing that I have wanted to do for a long time."

Changsheng looked at him involuntarily and asked, "What is it?"

Zhou Chen looked at her and smiled.

Chang Sheng's face turned red immediately, and he stammered, "Legal... legal couples... are allowed."

"Wait, I have something for you." Chang Sheng leaned against his shoulder, took out a piece of paper from his bosom, and patted it in his hand.

Zhou Chen took it and unfolded it while asking, "What is it?"

"Grandmother would regret it if I liked you, so she asked Nanny Yu to give this thing to me." Changsheng said earnestly, "Zhou Chen, as I said, I will believe you."

Zhou Chen opened the note, saw the words written on it, his pupils shrank suddenly, and folded it quietly.He walked to the edge of the candle and lit the note.

"Gu Changsheng, you won't regret it, definitely not." Zhou Chen hugged Changsheng and kissed her cheek.

Changsheng was very nervous, but he still clenched his wrist tightly and obeyed his movements.


Candles flickered, gauze curtains swayed lightly.

The warmth of some things is unspoken, like a fish in water, the red luan star moves and the spring night is short.

Zhao Gui, who was guarding the door, stomped his feet, rubbed his hands and looked at the white snow outside.Soon, after the snow falls, it will be spring soon, and it is said that the auspicious snow heralds a good year.His Majesty finally got married, and the world will become auspicious and harmonious.

The good times are always very short, so short that it seems to pass in the blink of an eye.

A certain person was tortured all night last night, and now he curled up and slept soundly.

After all, Zhou Chen is a man, before his consciousness is clear, his body has already woken up, and he touches it automatically and consciously.

Well... here, here, and here.

"Zhou Chen." Chang Sheng's voice was a little hoarse, and he said with his back turned: "If you touch me any more, I will do it."

Zhou Chen hugged her, kissed her and said, "How is it?"

"It's not good." Changsheng pushed him, he didn't even bother to open his eyes, seeing that there was a lot of trouble last night.

Zhou Chen continued to move forward, "This kind of thing naturally needs a lot of practice."

Although he had never had a woman before, he also heard a lot of nasty talk from other people.There is still more to do in order to make progress.The two of them were very unfamiliar last night, and it took a long time to achieve a positive result.In the end, Gu Changsheng was impatient and tired, so he just fell asleep.

Recalling that moment, Zhou Chen felt a little unfulfilled.

"One more time, I'll be gentle." Zhou Chen held her hand.

"His Majesty……"

"His Majesty……"

Zhao Gui's voice came from the outer hall again and again, and he was trembling, probably because he was afraid of disturbing Zhou Chen's good business, so he turned around to deal with him.

"Quickly, go to court." Changsheng turned over, "I made a fake today, and I will make up for it later."

Zhou Chen had no choice but to go, "I have to go to the Xuanzheng Hall to work, you go there and wait. It's too cold here, I'm afraid you can't stand it."

"Let's go!" Chang Sheng just pushed.

Zhou Chen kissed her on the forehead, got up, put on his clothes and went out.

Walking to the door, Zhou Chen glanced back, and Chang Sheng turned over.

"Go get Dianhua and Tangyuan to serve you." Zhou Chen said in a low voice, "If Gu Changsheng wants to avoid Zitang, you know what to do."

 It seems...too sugary?

(End of this chapter)

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