Chapter 197 Placement of Women
Before everything is clear, Gu Changsheng will not conceive his own child, Zhou Chen knows this very well.

Thinking of that note, Zhou Chen's mind sank.Fortunately, Gu Changsheng didn't see it, otherwise I don't know what the ending will be.There are some things that need to be done quickly, and Gu Changsheng must be firmly grasped in the palm of his hand.

What's the matter with such a sneaky marriage, he wants the whole world to know that Gu Changsheng is his woman, the queen of this Great Zhou!

"Your Majesty, the mourning period for the late emperor has passed. You should establish a queen and concubines to fill the harem." The Minister of Rites said earnestly: "Only by extending the number of descendants as soon as possible can we ensure the stability of our country and society!"

"Yes, Your Majesty."

"Your Majesty, please consider."

The ministers played one after another, asking Zhou Chen to stand up and accept his concubine as soon as possible.

The harem is another stronghold of the power of the previous dynasty, and the entry of concubines into the palace will likely reshuffle their power, which is a major event that must be mentioned.

"Why, are you afraid that I won't live to be 30 years old, and this country has changed hands!" Zhou Chen sneered again and again, "Don't worry, I will settle down for your bright future before I die."

"I dare not!"

He fell to his knees with a crash, and the faces of the ministers changed.

"I'll say this once again. I decide on my own marriage. Who and when to be queen, I decide on my own. If anyone is dissatisfied, you can make an offer, or let Yushitai argue with me." Zhou Chen got up and said: "In the future, whoever will stand up again, don't blame me for being rude!"

Zhou Chen left with a flick of his sleeves, and everyone sighed after he left.

"Gu Xiang, why didn't you say anything just now." The Book of the Ministry of Rites said with an unlucky face: "Isn't there a girl in your family waiting to be married?"

"Your Majesty hates other people's interference in his affairs the most, so what I say will add fuel to the flames." Gu Dingxiang said lightly: "This is different from the past. I advise you to do things honestly and do less to make Your Majesty unhappy. .”

The Minister of Rites brought up an old incident, and said in a low voice: "The Zhao family is completely over, Gu Xiang should get rid of the relationship as soon as possible."

The former prince was still recuperating, and the queen mother was buried.The Zhao family participated in the rebellion, but because of His Majesty's funeral, there was no blood.Now the Zhao clan is full, the chief envoy was beheaded for public display, and the rest were exiled to the bitter cold in the northwest.

Gu Dingxiang's first wife, Mrs. Zhao, was born in the Zhao family, so I'm afraid she won't be able to please her.

"This old man has his own measure." Gu Dingxiang didn't say much, and strode away.

Now only one son and one daughter are left in the Zhao family, and Zhao Li strongly opposed his father's participation in the conspiracy at that time, so the crime is ignored for the time being.And Zhao Feiyu is also an innocent person, and everyone knows who can leave blood to the Zhao family.

After all, I watched Gu Dingxiang plead for mercy at the beginning, so Gu Xiang's face is really big enough.Such a sensitive matter can actually be asked to come to His Majesty.

Youdao is the son of the emperor and a courtier, seeing that Gu Xiang's identity has not been shaken at all.

"It's very embarrassing to talk about Master Gu's identity. The second daughter is a former princess. She is currently under confinement in the East Palace and cannot be seen behind closed doors. What do you think His Majesty will do with it?" One adult murmured to the other.

"Woman, that's not certain." The other party lowered his voice and said, "Your Majesty will be brought into the harem if you don't keep it intact. The former crown princess used to have some relationship with His Majesty."


The deposed prince Zhou Zhi has been recuperating in the East Palace, and Gu Changhua can only accompany him around.It's been a long time, but it still feels like a nightmare.

That night King Wen led people into the East Palace and injured the prince. She was so frightened that she hid in the cabinet and did not dare to make a sound.

When she came out, it was dawn, and Zhou Chen had already ascended the throne as king.

"It's time to take medicine, be careful of burning." A soft voice rang out in the empty palace, supporting Zhou Zhi gently, taking medicine for him.

Zhou Zhi's heart and lungs were injured at that time, it wasn't serious, but it was the root cause of the disease.Now **** is taking medicine and gradually getting better.

"It's been hard for you these days." Zhou Zhi knew that his status was embarrassing, and it was not easy for you to get these medicines.

Gu Changhua, who was standing at the door and looked outside, said sarcastically, "You are ashamed to talk about your hard work! Such a good opportunity was actually given up by your archer! The death of the first emperor was supposed to be your enthronement, but Shou Wang snatched it away. Zhou Zhi, did you Do you still have the face to live in this world!"

These days, all of Gu Changhua's shrew factors have been aroused, and he started to curse when he was unhappy.

Especially when she knew that the Zhao family was involved in the rebellion, her mother was deeply implicated, and she was even more desperate.Just after the new year, she is only eighteen, is she going to die of old age in this East Palace where no one cares about her?

"Changhua, I don't have the ability to be an emperor, I know that in my heart." Zhou Zhi said very calmly: "When the father was alive, he liked the fifth brother the most. It is the best choice for him to become the emperor."

He has been a son-in-law since he was a child, and he has been under great pressure.He has always wanted to be the prince, just because he doesn't want his mother to be bullied by the concubine Xian again.Now that he had let go of this burden, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Niaoyou fed Zhou Zhi the medicine in an unhurried manner, put down the bowl, and walked over gracefully.

She smiled slightly, and slapped Gu Changhua across the face.

"You bitch dare to hit me!" Gu Changhua was stunned and wanted to strike immediately.

Niaoyou grabbed her wrist, unexpectedly bursting out with great strength, restraining Gu Changhua so that she could not move, "From now on, don't let me hear you insult Saburo again, or I will hit you once I hear it."

In the past, you had a lot of worries and didn't dare to reveal your martial arts.Now that she has finished what she should do, she can naturally accompany Zhou Zhi well.

"Your Majesty is coming..."

Zhao Gui's voice came from outside, and the door was gently pushed open.

After Zhou Chen entered, he walked directly towards Zhou Zhi.

"I've met Your Majesty." Zhou Zhi got off the bed and saluted without any disbelief or disrespect.

Zhou Chen raised his hand to help him up, and said concisely: "It is my promise to the Queen Mother to keep you safe and happy all your life, but I am afraid that you will never be able to leave Chang'an for the rest of your life."

The maximum he can give is to let Zhou Zhi live as an ordinary person in Chang'an, otherwise, if someone with a heart takes advantage of his identity, it will inevitably cause a bloodbath.

"I understand." It was not easy for Zhou Zhi to survive, so he naturally knew that he should be grateful.

Niaoyou knelt down beside Zhou Chen and begged, "Master, please let Niaoyou follow Saburo."

"This is the reason why I came here." As soon as Zhou Chen said, Zhao Gui immediately handed you a small package.

Niao Niao held it in her hand, knowing that it was full of soft gold and silver, she was immediately grateful.


His Majesty entered the East Palace, took away the former crown princess, and bestowed the former crown prince with death.It's just weird that His Majesty let the former princess live in Xinuang Pavilion, which is a place where favored concubines can live...

(End of this chapter)

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