Swire saint

Chapter 14

Chapter 14

Zhang Haotian's heart turned like lightning, a fierce light flashed in his eyes, and he was ready to strike first.

But his face was calm.He knew that the other party just didn't recognize him for a while, after all, the level of people who draw pictures is too poor.

Zhang Haotian deliberately pondered for a while, and murmured: "I seem to have seen it before, but it doesn't look like it!"

If Zhang Haotian said without hesitation that he had seen this person, the man in black would definitely be suspicious.

Sure enough, the man in black quickly asked, "Where is it?"

Zhang Haotian pretended to think for a few seconds and said, "It seems that I just passed here."

The man in black had no doubts, so he waited and chased after him.

At the moment when the man in black walked past him, Zhang Haotian's eyes shot out a strong murderous intent.

It is the best to strike first, this is the most reasonable saying Zhang Haotian believes in.

Zhang Haotian's body skills were used to the limit, and he appeared behind the man in black in an instant, and the basic boxing skills of the perfect level exploded out.

Even a boulder with a strength of more than 2000 jin can be crushed by the world of mortals.

The man in black looked horrified, as if he didn't expect Zhang Haotian to sneak attack.

But the man in black is after all a martial artist in the late stage of the Ninth Layer of Body Tempering.Although he was attacked by Zhang Haotian, he reacted quickly.Sway to the left vigorously, avoiding the vital parts as much as possible.

"Bang!"Zhang Haotian was definitely punching with all his might.More than 2000 catties of strength.

Although the man in black avoided important parts.But he was still hit by Zhang Haotian's punch, and he vomited blood and flew out backwards.

Taking advantage of his illness and killing him, Zhang Haotian rushed up like a shadow.Another punch.

"You..." The man in black seemed to want to say something with fear in his eyes.

But how could Zhang Haotian talk nonsense with him at this moment.A punch directly smashed his head into pieces.

Zhang Haotian found a black storage bag from the man in black, and didn't have time to sort out his loot.Because he knew that since he was here to kill him, there would never be only one person coming, and it was very likely that the companions of the man in black were around.

Just when Zhang Haotian was about to leave, his expression changed suddenly.Because he found eight figures coming from several directions, and the direction they were facing was clearly where he was.What made Zhang Zekai even more serious was that these people had blocked all possible directions for him to leave.

Zhang Haotian didn't act rashly, because these eight men in strong clothes were all practitioners of the Ninth Layer of Body Tempering.Everyone's strength is above him, he can only keep the same and adapt to all changes.He also wanted to know who sent these people.Although Zhang Zekai already knew the answer in his heart.

"Hey, this is number nine."

As soon as the eight well-dressed men arrived, they exclaimed when they saw the dead man in black on the ground, and looked at Zhang Haotian with a sharp edge in their eyes.

"Papa papa!" There was a burst of applause.

A young man came out of the bushes.This young man Zhang Haotian was very familiar with, it was Zhang Baiqiang, with a sullen look on his face, looking at him with resentment.

"Zhang Haotian, didn't you think it was me? I swore that the next time we meet, I will definitely kill you. How do you say I should torture you? Should I break your limbs and feed them to the dogs, or cut off a piece of meat? Both methods are good, but it’s hard for me to choose, can you choose for me?” Zhang Baiqiang looked at Zhang Haotian and said happily.

Zhang Baiqiang didn't do it right away, he liked to appreciate the fear of the end of the prey, he was looking forward to Haotian begging himself for mercy at this moment, and then he could torture him and humiliate him.

It's just a pity that Zhang Haotian was always calm, without any expression of fear on his face.This made Zhang Baiqiang very upset.

"Is this how you want to fix me?" Zhang Haotian looked calm.

In fact, Zhang Haotian was fully alert at the moment.Looking for opportunities.The eight killers were all in the late stage of the Ninth Layer of Body Tempering, blocking all his escape routes.

Zhang Haotian knew that his chances of breaking through the blockade were really slim.Let alone Zhang Haotian, the combined strength of the eight tempered bodies and the nine levels must be weighed by a martial artist in the early stage of Qi training.

However, it's not that he has no chance. Although it is very risky, Zhang Haotian can only give it a try.

"Hahaha... Zhang Haotian, if you say you are crazy, you are really crazy. Do you think you can turn the tables at this moment? I have eight people here, and everyone is better than you. Killing you is easy." Zhang Baiqiang looked at Zhang Haotian condescendingly .

"Really. Then you die first!"

After saying that, Zhang Haotian stomped his foot heavily on the ground, took advantage of the momentum, and jumped towards Zhang Baiqiang.In mid-air, he punched Zhang Baiqiang.

Zhang Baiqiang's smile stopped abruptly, showing shock.You must know that he is a useless person now. After his dantian was trampled by Zhang Haotian, he is worse than ordinary people.Unexpectedly, Zhang Haotian would dare to take the initiative to attack under the strong siege, and the target was still him.

"Help me..." Zhang Baiqiang roared.

Zhang Baiqiang was his employer, and the eight killers wanted to save him no matter what. The two killers closest to Zhang Baiqiang stabbed Zhang Haotian with two swords.

Zhang Haotian was just a false move.It flickered in the void, then turned to the left again.He punched the killer on the left.

This change was really sudden.The killer never expected that Zhang Haotian would make a noise.And his position is the outermost encirclement.

Zhang Haotian had already made careful calculations, and the positions occupied by the eight killers were like a big net tightly stitched together. If Zhang Haotian wanted to break through the encirclement, he could only let the big net have a loophole.Of course, there is no flaw in this big net.Zhang Haotian could only create loopholes.

And Zhang Baiqiang was the opportunity for Zhang Haotian to create a loophole.He was betting whether these killers would care about Zhang Baiqiang's life. From the looks of it now, Zhang Haotian made the right bet.

However, although the encirclement of these eight killers opened up a large gap because of Zhang Haotian's slamming, they were panicked and not chaotic, and the encirclement was still very tight.

The eight killers naturally knew that they were being tricked by Zhang Haotian at this moment. It was not a lie that Zhang Haotian wanted to kill Zhang Baiqiang, but he wanted to break through and kill him to the killer in front left.

The killer attacked by Zhang Haotian was experienced after all, so he reacted in a flash.A palm blocked it out, and at the same time, the body retreated violently.

"Bang!" sounded.

The two forces collided, and the killer was a little surprised that Zhang Haotian's move was so light.Not lethal.I was a little surprised.Naturally, he didn't know that Zhang Haotian was just a false move this time, he was just borrowing strength.The whole person is like a kite, flying upside down at a faster speed.

At the same time, the killers around came to kill him.Unknowingly, after Zhang Haotian slammed east and west, the gap in the encirclement was pulled out.Although this gap only appeared for a moment, it was caught by Zhang Haotian.

"Thank you, give me a ride, there will be a time later!"

Zhang Haotian's voice came from the air, and he laughed and left.

(End of this chapter)

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