Swire saint

Chapter 15 Wild Dragon Pond Monster

Chapter 15 Wild Dragon Pond Monster
The killers immediately vomited blood, feeling like they were being tricked.Zhang Baiqiang, in particular, was furious.

"Follow me, chase him to the ends of the earth, and chase him to the ends of the earth. If you don't kill him, my surname is not Zhang." Zhang Baiqiang roared angrily.

The eight killers pursued closely without Zhang Baiqiang's orders.They were also well-known figures in the killer world in the vicinity, but they were overthrown by their prey without any mistakes, and one of them died.It would be a shame if it got out.

Zhang Haotian used the basic body skills to the limit.Originally thought it would be enough to throw off a few killers, but unexpectedly, none of the eight killers was weak.The physical state he cultivated may not be as good as Zhang Haotian, but the level of kung fu is higher than him.Not only has it not been thrown away, but there is also a trend of gradually drawing closer.


Zhang Haotian was depressed, and secretly decided that when he returned to his clan, he must choose some high-level movements to make up for his weakness.But at this moment, facing the danger, Zhang Haotian secretly thought about the way to escape.

"Yes..." Zhang Haotian thought of a way out of desperation.

In Zhang Youda's sheepskin map, in addition to recording some monster gathering points.There are also some dangerous places marked in black, and the nearest one is the Wild Dragon Pool.It is said that there is a strange fish in that wild dragon pool.Now if he wanted to get rid of the siege of these killers behind him, he had to lure them there. Although it was risky, this was the only chance.If the operation is good, you can still cheat them once.

A sinister smile appeared on Zhang Haotian's face.In his previous life, he was not a loser, and now being chased by others is a shame to Zhang Haotian.

After thinking about it, Zhang Haotian turned his full strength and swept towards the northeast.

Naturally, the eight killers pursued him closely, and would not let him go. In their eyes, Zhang Haotian was a grasshopper after autumn, and he couldn't run far.

After getting closer to Yelongtan, Zhang Haotian felt that the eight killers behind him were getting closer, less than 20 meters away.

"It's getting closer...it's getting closer..."

"Zhang Haotian, accept death obediently, you won't be able to run away." The leading killer, Hei Da, was terrified.

Zhang Haotian didn't speak, and went straight to Yelongtan.

"Catch me, after you catch him, cut off his limbs, I want him not to live, not to die, to avenge Hei Jiu." Hei Da roared.

Zhang Haotian, who had already rushed to the edge of the Wild Dragon Pool, felt that the eight killers behind him were close at hand, and a sharp sword aura stabbed at him.

Zhang Haotian didn't hesitate anymore, and jumped into the pool at once.

Eight figures followed closely behind, appearing by the pool.

"Do you think you can escape our black water nine kills like this? Hei Liu and Hei Wu, you are the best at water, go down and catch this kid back to me." Hei Da ordered.

"Brother, don't worry, this kid will never run away."

After speaking, two figures jumped into the water.

As soon as Zhang Haotian fell into the water, he felt a biting chill.This Wild Dragon Pool is by no means ordinary.Suddenly, Zhang Haotian felt the pressure of the surrounding water suddenly become stronger, and the water flow split to both sides as if cut by a knife.

Zhang Haotian took a closer look, and his face was pale. It turned out that a monster like a shark in his previous life was staring at him greedily with eyes the size of Tongling. Its huge body more than ten meters long was swimming towards him.His bloody mouth seemed ready to swallow him in one gulp.

Sure enough, there was a strange fish, Zhang Haotian exclaimed.

The strange fish arrived in front of Zhang Haotian in the blink of an eye, without giving him any time to prepare.

At the critical moment, Zhang Haotian kicked his feet vigorously, and his body exploded three meters out of thin air, barely staggering with the strange fish, avoiding the strange fish's pounce.

However, Zhang Haotian knew that this strange fish was definitely a monster above the fourth rank, and it was definitely not something he could resist.

The strange fish jumped into the air, and was a little berserk, staring at Zhang Haotian with ferocious eyes.

Leisurely, that strange fish seems to have noticed something.With a flick of his tail, he swam forward.

Why did this strange fish let me go all of a sudden?

Zhang Haotian thought for a while, and guessed that there should be a killer chasing him down, attracting the attention of the strange fish.

"Hahaha... I'll let you fight the monster fish, and I'll sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight." Zhang Haotian smiled triumphantly.

"No, if the strange fish eats the killer who is chasing after him, I will be the next one. I must find a safe place." Zhang Haotian thought to himself.

Zhang Haotian didn't think about it, the strange fish came back faster than he expected.In just an instant, Black Six and Black Five were killed and one injured, and only one escaped.

He found a huge figure rushing towards him, and the water in the entire pool rolled up.

"calm down……"

Zhang Haotian himself is now in a dilemma. If he leaves the water pool, several killers must be waiting for him to fall into the trap, but if he doesn't go up, he is definitely not a monster opponent.He hurriedly took a look at the surrounding environment, and his eyes lit up.Because he found a hole beside the pool.There is a faint light shooting out of the hole.

Although I don't know what's in that hole.Zhang Haotian was desperate at this moment, and swam towards the entrance of the cave with all his strength.

The strange fish also rushed towards Zhang Haotian, the strange fish was already very upset at letting Zhang Haotian escape earlier, and now it is bound to win.

"Hurry up, hurry up..." Zhang Haotian was dripping with cold sweat.

He felt that the strange fish was right behind him, and he even felt that the water bubbles sprayed out by the strange fish had already hit him.Zhang Haotian realized for the first time that death was so close to him.

Just when the strange fish opened its bloody mouth to Zhang Haotian, Zhang Haotian kicked his feet back heavily, and threw himself into the cave.The big mouth of the strange fish hit the cave wall heavily, causing the entire cave wall to vibrate.


on wild dragon pool
Hei Da looked at Hei Wu, whose foot had been bitten off, with an extremely gloomy expression on his face.He yelled: "Zhang Haotian, you and I will never live together."

"Brother, what should we do now? Send people down again?" Hei Er looked at Hei Da and asked cautiously.

"Go down? Are you going down to deliver food to the strange fish?" Hei gave Hei Er a big look.

"Brother, maybe Zhang Haotian was eaten by a strange fish?" Hei Er thought for a while.

"No, I have a feeling that he lured us here on purpose, so he shouldn't die so easily. Let's wait here for a few days, and if he doesn't come up after ten days, we'll go back and report back." Hei Da said flatly.

It is said that after Zhang Haotian entered the cave, he suddenly felt a bright light in front of him.This hole is not big, about the size of an ordinary small room, about forty square meters, with traces of artificial excavation.It's just that for some reason, the water outside didn't pour in.As if isolated by some force.

Zhang Haotian looked around, and suddenly, his eyes froze.

There is a skeleton sitting in the corner of the cave. The clothes on the skeleton are weathered, obviously old.

A few lines of blood were written on the ground.

Zhang Haotian's heart moved, he walked in front of the skeleton, respectfully bowed and said: "Senior, junior is hunted down and disturbed, look at Haihan."

(End of this chapter)

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