Chapter 102 VS Xiaomao (1)

After Xiao Luo exchanged a few elves with Dr. Damu, he walked out of the room with Dr. Damu.

Xiao Mao had already taken his position outside, waiting for Xiao Luo.Xiao Luo smiled slightly and walked across to Xiao Mao!

Dr. Oki walked between the two of them and said, "Then I'll be the referee for this game. Are you okay?"

Xiao Mao shrugged: "Of course!"

Xiao Luo blinked mischievously, and said: "Dr. Da Mu, Xiao Mao is your grandson, you can't take sides!"

"Haha, this will definitely not happen, so you can rest assured."

"That's fine!"

"The game is a six-on-six full-player battle. You can change the elves at will on the way. There is no limit to the game time. When all the elves on one side lose their fighting ability, the game ends." Dr. Oki glanced at the two of them, and after seeing that they were fully prepared , announced: "The game begins!"

Xiaomao first took out the elf ball, enlarged it, kissed it lightly, and then threw it out: "Go, my baby!"

Both Xiao Luo and Da Mu smiled, because they could tell that Xiao Mao loved elves very much.

The poke ball flew out spinning, and then opened in mid-air.White light fell, and a majestic wind speed dog appeared on the field.His coat color is bright, he is full of energy, and his body size is also a circle larger than the average wind speed dog. He has been cultivated very well.Even Dr. Oki smiled and nodded after seeing this wind speed dog, expressing his satisfaction.

"Fengsu dog!" Xiao Luo looked at Fengsu dog enviously and said, "I want to catch one too, but unfortunately I haven't come across it yet!"

Xiaomao said proudly: "Of course, Katie is a rare elf. I saved this one from an elf hunter. Later, it traveled with me!"

"So that's how it is." Xiao Luo nodded, holding an elf ball in his hand, and said, "However, I won't lose to your wind speed dog."

Xiao Luo threw the elf ball high: "Go, Hackron!"


Hackron's slender body appeared in the air, and after flying around twice, it landed on the opposite side of the wind speed dog with a coiled body.

When Xiaomao saw Hackron, his eyes lit up immediately: "You really have Hackron!"

Xiao Luo asked a little: "How do you know?"

Xiaomao smiled confidently, and said, "I guessed it! You rescued Miss Cole from Team Rocket, so Kindness will not treat you badly. This Hackron was given to you by Kindness, right?!"

Xiao Luo shook her head and said, "If you think so, you are wrong. Hackron was exchanged by me from Cole."

"Exchange?" Xiaomao asked a little puzzled, "What kind of elf can exchange Hackron?"

"Six tails!"

"Hehe, then you got a great deal!"

"You're wrong again, I'm at a disadvantage!"

"What?" Xiaomao became more and more confused. There is no harm in exchanging the six tails for Hackron.However, Xiao Luo's next words finally made him understand.And it made him feel that Xiao Luo was really at a disadvantage!

"Because my six tails are white, pure white and pollution-free, without stray hairs."

Xiaomao: "..."

"Okay!" Xiao Luo said, "You attack first, let me see if your wind speed dog is not useful."

"Then just watch it!" Xiaomao flicked the bangs on his forehead, commanding: "Wind Speed ​​Dog, spray flames!"


As soon as Xiaomao finished speaking, the wind speed dog spewed out a scorching flame and hit Hackron directly.There is no charge, but the power of the flame is not weak.

"It's a bit powerful!" After Xiao Luo praised, he immediately directed Hackron to say: "Water fluctuations!"


Hackron raised his head to form a blue water polo, and then shot out, meeting the jet flames of the wind speed dog!

Water and fire intersect, and steam gushes out at the intersection of tricks, diffuses, and the air heats up.

"Wind Speed ​​Dog, explode in big characters!"

The wind speed dog spewed red flames again, formed the shape of "big", and hit Hackron!
"Hack Dragon, Tornado!"

The blue gemstone on Hackron's chest emitted white light, and a thick water blue tornado was generated out of thin air, and the wind contained thick water vapor.With Hackron's long cry, the tornado roared to meet the big character explosion of the wind speed dog.When the two tricks intersect, a violent explosion occurs immediately, producing billowing thick smoke.

Xiao Luo also took the opportunity to command: "Come on, Hackron, use super speed!"

Dots of blue light rose, Hackron launched a super-speed trick, and rushed towards the wind speed dog.

"Wind Speed ​​Dog, we also use Divine Speed!"


The wind speed dog let out a long cry, and amidst the blue light, it also launched a super-speed trick to meet Hackron.


The two elves collided and came to a stalemate, grinning at each other, refusing to give in.

"Wind Speed ​​Dog, you can't lose, just like that, start the flame wheel!"

Xiao Luo commanded at the same time: "Hackron, use the iron tail!"


Red and yellow staggered flames rose from Wind Speed ​​Dog's body. As soon as the flames appeared, Wind Speed ​​Dog became more brave and pushed Hackron back a short distance.

Just when the wind speed dog was about to knock Hack dragon into the air with all his might, Hack dragon's iron tail hit him head-on, strong and powerful, and with one click, the wind speed dog whimpered and flew out backwards.

"What!" Xiao Mao was a little surprised.

Xiao Luo smiled complacently, and continued to command: "It's now, use the water wave!"

Hackron immediately gathered a blue water polo and shot it out. The wind speed dog couldn't react in time, and was hit by the water wave again.The wind speed dog whimpered continuously by the waves of small water waves.

"Fix it quickly!"

Xiao Mao is still making the last effort: "Wind Speed ​​Dog, hurry up and spray flames!"

But it's a pity that until Hacklong knocked the wind speed dog into the air like the wind, the wind speed dog didn't use the unique skill of spraying flames.After the three consecutive moves, the wind speed dog was completely lying on the ground, motionless.

"Wind Speed ​​Dog lost the ability to fight, Hack Dragon won!"

"Come back, Wind Speed ​​Dog!" Xiao Mao put away the Wind Speed ​​Dog, and threw another poke ball: "King Nido, I leave it to you!"


Xiaomao's Nido King is also well bred, with extremely bright purple skin, thick limbs, and sharp eyes.The one horn on the head is much longer than that of the average Nido king.

"King Nido, use the freezing light!"


King Nido shot several zigzag beams of light from the long, pointed horn on his head towards Hackron.

"So that's it. Do you want to use attribute restraint to win?" Xiao Luo smiled slightly, "But you made the wrong idea. Hackron, use the super-speed trick after avoiding it."


Hackron's slender body swam and soared into the air, avoiding the attack of the freezing light.Immediately afterwards, he launched a super-speed trick.As the blue light rose, it charged towards Nido King with afterimages.


Xiao Mao snorted softly, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and commanded Nidowang: "Next!"


King Nido roared and stretched out his powerful hands.



Although Nido King was hit and slid back a certain distance, he actually blocked the super-speed trick.

Xiao Luo was a little surprised: This kind of elf, brute force is really not covered!
"Now, King Nido, use Freezing Fist!"


The fist with the cold air was released instantly, and Hackron couldn't avoid it. He was beaten upside down and fell to the ground.

Xiao Mao said excitedly: "Very good, use the freezing light to solve it!"


King Nido's unicorn shot out countless blue rays of light again, following closely behind.

"Hackron, use the tornado!"


Hackron struggled to stand up, raised his head, and the blue orb on his neck emitted white fluorescence. As soon as the tornado formed, the freezing light hit.The entire tornado was instantly frozen, forming a tall icicle, while Hackron was wrapped in the middle.

Xiaomao said excitedly: "Very good, finally solved one!"

Xiao Luo smiled slightly and said, "It's still too early to draw conclusions!"

As soon as the words fell, cracks appeared in the icicles, followed by the sound of shattering.With a long cry, Hackron got rid of the icicle and took off again.It's just that it was physically injured, and it was breathing heavily.

"How is it possible!" Xiaomao asked somewhat unacceptably, "Why hasn't he lost his ability to fight yet?"

"Because Hackron used the tornado trick at the end, which resisted most of the damage from the freezing light!" Dr. Oki explained to Xiao Mao beside him.

Only then did Xiaomao suddenly realize: "It turns out to be like this!"

"In that case, King Nido, use the freezing light again!"

"Hackron, super fast!"

"call out"

Hackron launched a super-quick trick, once again avoiding Nido King's freezing light!

"It doesn't matter how many times you come, King Nido, next!"


King Nido roared, stretched out his arms again, and stood in front of him!


Divine Speed ​​was once again resisted by Nido King, but this way of receiving the move greatly damaged Nido King's physical strength, and it was slightly panting at this moment.

"King Nido, do it again, Frozen Fist!"

King Nido launched a freezing punch to Harkron.

Xiao Luo commanded in a deep voice: "Hakron hold on, use the iron tail!"


The two gemstones on Hackron's tail emitted fluorescence, and they drew towards King Nido at the same time.

"Boom" "Pa"

Hackron was once again blown away by Frozen Fist, and its Iron Tail trick also knocked King Nido to the ground at the same time.

"King Nido, stand up!"


Under Xiaomao's call, King Nido stood up unsteadily.

"Hackron loses his ability to fight, and King Nido wins!"

(End of this chapter)

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