Chapter 103 VS Xiaomao (2)

With a wry smile, Xiao Luo took Hackron back.Without evolving into a fast dragon, the combat effectiveness is still a little bit worse.Reluctantly, the two elves were dealt with, and the remaining physical strength of King Nido was not much.

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Luo sent out the second elf, which was the sickle helmet that was subdued in the mysterious space of Dasha Valley.

Speaking of this sickle helmet, it is very interesting.Among the many fossil elves tamed by Xiao Luo, only the Fossil Pterosaur and it were favored by Xiao Luo.The others, although they are strong in size, don't have much potential.

Sickle Helmet is extremely convinced and respectful of Xiao Luo's main elf, but it just doesn't like the Giant Pincer Mantis.As long as the two elves meet, and Xiao Luo is not present, it will definitely scream and fuck the giant pincer mantis.Although it was beaten all over by the giant pincer mantis every time, it just didn't give in.

Xiao Luo once suspected that it was turned over by the giant pincer mantis before, but when he asked the giant pincer mantis, the giant pincer mantis rolled his eyes.Through Miao Miao, he explained that he had done so much at the beginning, who knew if there was it.

Just because it wanted to defeat the Giant Pincer Mantis, it even took Meow Miao to find Xiao Luo, asking for more training.Xiao Luo asked it why, but it was unwilling to tell.Later, Xiao Luo specially increased the amount of training for it.And according to its advantages, its training program has been formulated.Little Luo didn't pay any attention to its private fight with the giant pincer mantis.After all, fighting is also one of the ways of training.

Just like that, after nearly a month of training, it was able to barely compete with the Giant Pincer Mantis, and Xiao Luo was amazed at how much it had improved.Therefore, it logically became one of Xiao Luo's favorite main forces.

"Hi Doo~"

The sickle and helmet raised both knives, straightened up, and glanced sharply at King Nido.

That way, it has a bit more fierce taste than the Flying Mantis.

"Sickle helmet?" Xiaomao was a little surprised, "You still have this kind of fossil elf."

Dr. Oki smiled and said, "Xiao Luo has many fossil elves, and the sickle helmet is just one of them."

Seeing what Dr. Damu said, Xiao Luo didn't explain anything anymore, and pointed at King Nido: "Scythe helmet, solve it!"

"Hi Doo~"

The sickle helmet rushed up immediately, and his legs stepped on the ground, making an extremely fast "click" sound.

After rushing in front of King Nido, the two sickles moved in unison, one in front and one in the back, and chopped off King Nido who was unable to react in time.

"Damn it, King Nido, use an earthquake!"


King Nido stabilized his figure and concentrated his strength to land on the ground.Circles of gray energy waves rippled from the ground.

"Scythe Helm, jump up and use the Rock Blade!"

"Hi Doo~"

The sickle helmet jumped high, and two intersecting light bands appeared around the body, and then turned into sharp stones.With the long sound of the sickle helmet, it screamed and hit King Nido.

"King Nido, use the Horn Drill after avoiding it!"


King Nido wanted to avoid it, but it was obviously exhausted.A stagger, a step slower.The rock blade flew up and knocked him to the ground.

"King Nido lost the ability to fight, and the sickle helmet won."

"Hi Doo~"

Sickle Helm let out an excited cry.

Xiaomao put King Nido away, glanced at the sickle helmet unwillingly, and then sent out a third elf: "Longlongyan, it's your turn to play!"

As soon as Long Longyan came out, Xiao Mao commanded: "Long Longyan, roll!"

Long Longyan responded, retracted his limbs and head, and rushed towards the sickle helmet while rolling rumblingly.

Xiao Luo smiled slightly, and said two words calmly: "Surfing!"

There was a long cry of the sickle helmet, and a huge wave emerged from under the feet, lifted it up high, and rushed towards the rolling Longlong Rock with great momentum.

Long Longyan couldn't dodge in time and was hit squarely.After the water wave passed, Long Longyan stood there with his limbs facing up, his eyes became spiral.

Dr. Oki shook his head helplessly, and announced: "Long Longyan lost the ability to fight, and the sickle helmet won!"

Xiao Mao was shocked: "How could this happen? Why can the sickle helmet surf!"

Dr. Oki explained: "The sickle helmet is an elf with dual attributes of rock and water. It is not surprising that you can surf. Xiaomao, you still have a lot to learn!"

When Xiao Mao heard what Dr. Oki said, he showed a look of relief.With a depressed expression, he put away Long Longyan, took out an elf ball and threw it out: "Giant Claw Crab, it's your turn to come on stage!"


As soon as the giant claw crab came on stage, it swung its huge pincers twice, making a heart-shattering sound between the pinches.

"Hi Doo~"

Scythe Helm glanced at it and let out a provocative cry.The giant claw crab was furious, with a sullen face, and confronted the sickle helmet.If the two trainers weren't present and didn't give orders, they would definitely fight in an instant.

Xiaomao smiled and said: "It's very energetic, giant claw crab. Since it's coming out, use the foam light!"


Hearing the words, the giant claw crab spewed out countless colorful bubbles, and hit the sickle helmet with great force with the sound of breaking through the air.

"Sickle helmet, attack with split!"

"Hi Doo~"

The sickle helmet rushed up quickly, and avoided the attack of the foam light while moving the body. The sickle was already raised high.

"Don't even think about it, giant pincers use crab punches!"

The huge pincers of the giant claw crab were wrapped in white light, and when the scythe helmet scythe came, it swung out to meet it.


An ear-piercing sound sounded, with the slightest sparks flashing out.Both elves were shocked and backed away.

"Now, with bubble light!"


The giant claw crab took the opportunity to activate the foam light, and then attacked.Xiao Luo had no choice but to command the sickle helmet to block it.

The foam light was blocked by the scythe of the sickle helmet, but the huge impact made the sickle helmet slide far away.

Xiaomao gave a slight hint, and directed: "Very good, use Destroy Death Light!"

The giant claw crab opened its huge pincers, and dots of golden light continued to condense.

Xiao Luo chuckled lightly and said, "Do you want to distance yourself and use powerful tricks to solve the battle directly? However, you seem to be overthinking it! Scythe helmet, charge up with the shadow clone!"

"Hi Doo~"

The sickle helmet split into three clones in an instant, and the four sickle helmets quickly rushed towards the giant claw crab.The giant claw crab's destructive death light also finished gathering energy at this time, but it really didn't know which one to hit.

Xiao Mao was also a little dumbfounded. Seeing that the sickle helmet was about to charge up, he had to command: "Giant claw crab, trust your feelings, choose one!"

After the giant claw crab heard Xiao Mao's command, his eyes became sharp.When the two sickle helmets staggered, a golden energy wave shot out instantly...

"Hi Doo~"

After the destructive death light wiped out the clone of the first sickle helmet, it actually hit the real body of the sickle helmet. The sickle helmet screamed in pain, and flew out backwards under the impact of the destructive death light.The remaining two clones also disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, there was another bang, and the destructive death light exploded.The sickle helmet was bombed and fell to the ground.

"The sickle helmet loses its ability to fight, and the giant claw crab wins!"

A few black lines hung down from Xiao Luo's forehead, and the corners of his mouth twitched.This nima can also hit, could it be that the goddess of luck was also picked up by Xiaomao? !

Xiao Luo had a bitter face, but Xiao Mao praised excitedly: "Well done, Giant Claw!"

Helpless, Xiao Luo had no choice but to put away the sickle helmet: "You are lucky! But, that's it. Go, smelly mud!"

"Swing fight~"

White light flashed, and the huge soft body of the smelly mud appeared on the field.Because of Dr. Oki's care, the stench on it has faded a lot.

"Smelly mud, giant claw crab, use foam light!"


Colorful bubbles shot out from the giant claw crab's mouth again, hitting the stinky mud directly.

"Smelly mud, mud bomb!"

Smelly Mud opened its mouth wide upon hearing this, and black mud clods shot out like bullets, meeting the foamy light.

The booming sound continued, and the two tricks eventually canceled each other out.

"Smelly you, use fierce toxin!"

The smelly mud opened its mouth again, and a ball of purple liquid sprayed out, hitting the giant claw crab.

"Use Destroy Death Light after avoiding it!"

The giant claw crab jumped to the side, avoiding the attack of the fierce toxin, and followed by the huge claws gathering a little bit of golden light again.

"Come on, smelly mud, use mud wave!"


With a long drink from the stinky mud, a circle of black mud appeared around the stinky mud, spreading rapidly to the surroundings like a wave of water.

The giant claw crab can't dodge, don't hit it directly, it's submerged in the mud.The destructive death light also stopped.

"Giant claw crab..." Xiao Mao cried out nervously.

After the mud wave passed, the giant claw crab reappeared, with a purple face, panting for breath.Obviously, the giant claw crab has fallen into a poisoned state!
"Very good, this effect is what I want!" Xiao Luo smiled, and directed Smelly Mud again, "Attack with venom!"

The stinky mud sprayed out a cloud of purple liquid again, the color was much darker than that of the toxin, and hit the giant claw crab.

Xiao Mao was in a hurry: "Giant claw crab, avoid it!"

Hearing the words, the giant claw crab jumped high, avoiding the venom attack.

"Okay, that's it, use the bubble light!"

Xiao Luo smiled slightly: "Mud Bomb!"


The two tricks collided again, but the Giant Claw Crab was in mid-air, and its body involuntarily approached the range of the explosion. It was blown away by the shock wave, and after falling to the ground, it was poisoned again, making it difficult to stand up.

"Fix it, use mud bombs!" Xiao Luo mercilessly.

"Swing fight~"

The smelly mud shot out several black mud clods again, and the giant claw crab was unable to dodge the attack and was knocked down to the ground.

"The Giant Claw Crab loses its ability to fight, and the Smelly Mud wins!"

(End of this chapter)

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