Chapter 104 VS Xiaomao (3)

"Damn it, come back, giant claw crab!" Xiaomao retracted the giant claw crab, "Water arrow turtle, it's your turn to play!"


A white light flashed, and an imposing water arrow turtle appeared on the field.Its body size is far larger than that of ordinary water arrow turtles, and its sharp eyes are full of pressure.

"Has it finally been sent out?" Xiao Luo cheered up.This is Xiaomao's first envoy elf, the most powerful existence in his hands.

"Stinky mud, use a mud bomb!" Xiao Luo took the lead in directing the smelly mud to launch an attack.

Following Xiao Luo's command, several black mud clods spewed out from the mouth of the smelly mud, hitting the Water Arrow Turtle with the sound of piercing through the air.

"Spin at high speed!" Xiao Mao responded calmly, and he was full of confidence in the water arrow turtle.

The Blastoise retracted its body into its shell and spun quickly, and the mud bombs were thrown away one by one.

"Stay like this, rush over!" Xiao Mao continued to command.

Hearing the words, the water arrow turtle spun and rushed towards the smelly mud.

Xiao Luo smiled slightly and commanded: "Smelly mud, use mud wave!"


With a long drink from the stinky mud, black mud appeared around it and spread in waves.The Blastoise took the brunt of the damage, being hit by the mud and covering it.

Xiao Mao snorted coldly, and said, "Such an attack can't stop the Water Arrow Turtle."

Sure enough, just for a moment, the water arrow turtle spun again and rushed out of the mud, crashing into the smelly mud.

Xiao Luo frowned slightly, spinning at high speed, it was really a difficult trick.

Xiao Luo had no choice but to command: "Smelly mud, block it!"

"Swing fight~"

Stinky mud opened his hands, stood up straight, and met the high-speed rotation of the water arrow turtle.


The water arrow turtle spun and bumped into the tall and straight body of the smelly mud, and the smelly mud showed a slightly painful expression.However, after a while, the high-speed rotation was stopped by the soft body of the smelly mud.

"It's now, smelly mud, use fierce toxin!"

"Don't think about it, water arrow turtle, water cannon!"


The launcher on the back of the water arrow turtle shot out two extremely thick spiral water jets in an instant, knocking the smelly mud into the air.But to Xiao Luo's relief, the stinky mud sprayed out a strong toxin in time before flying out, hitting the water arrow turtle.


The onset of the fierce toxin made the water arrow turtle cry out in pain, its face turned purple, and purple electric sparks flashed all over its body.

Xiao Mao's complexion became a little ugly, and he glanced at the smelly mud that was panting with extreme headache.

Xiao Luo smiled and said nothing.Thinking about how I dealt with Ake's Moth Moth back then, I was no better than him.

When Xiaomao saw the stinky mud slowly crawling to close the distance to the water arrow turtle, his eyes lit up and he had a countermeasure.

"Water arrow turtle, use the most powerful water cannon!"


The Water Arrow Turtle let out a loud cry, and aimed the launcher at the stinky mud. After accumulating power, two super-powerful spiral water jets hit the stinky mud with a strong sound of piercing through the air.

Did you find out! ?
Xiao Luo took a deep look at Xiao Mao, and directed the smelly mud to say: "Full power, mud bomb!"

"Swing fight~"

Several black mud clods spewed out from the smelly mud's mouth, meeting Blastoise's water cannon.

A strong explosion occurred when the two tricks intersected.It's just that the power of the water cannon is extremely terrifying. After offsetting the mud bomb, it passed through the billowing smoke generated by the explosion and hit the body of the smelly mud.

The powerful impact made the stinky mud fly upside down again, with an extremely painful expression on his face.

"Very good Water Arrow Turtle, rush up and fire the water cannon again!"


The Water Arrow Turtle moved its short legs, rushed up quickly, then jumped high, and fired another water cannon.

"Swing fight~"

The stinky mud couldn't respond, and fell to the ground with a cry of pain!After the water arrow turtle fell to the ground, its poison exploded, and purple electric sparks flashed, making it scream in pain.

"The smelly mud loses its ability to fight, and the water arrow turtle wins."

Xiao Luo had no choice but to put away the smelly mud.Although the stinky mud is good, its shortcomings are obvious. Due to the limitation of its size, it is doomed to have extremely poor dodging ability and can only fight in positional warfare.However, when the opponent's ultimate power exceeds the upper limit it can withstand, then the smelly mud will be easily defeated.

Xiaomao also discovered this point, so he defeated the smelly mud so easily.Therefore, it is not unjust for Smelly Mud to lose.

"Go, dumb beast!" Xiao Luo sent out the fourth elf.

"Stupid beast?"

Xiaomao looked at the dazed Dullbeast and was a little surprised. He didn't understand how Xiaoluo had such a weak elf.However, in view of Xiao Luo's performance, he didn't dare to be careless in the slightest, and directed the Water Arrow Turtle to say, "Water Arrow Turtle, use the water cannon."


Two thick water jets shot straight out from the water arrow turtle's launcher.

"Stupid beast, protect."


With the sound of the dull beast's cry, a green protective cover wrapped it, offsetting the attack of the water cannon.

Xiaomao was not discouraged, and continued to direct the water arrow turtle to say: "High-speed rotation!"


The water arrow turtle retracted its body into the turtle shell again, spinning and bumping into the dull beast.

"Stupid beast, illusion!"


Slowly's eyes glowed blue, and it began to control Blastoise.It was a bit difficult at first, until the water arrow turtle was about to hit it, it suddenly widened its eyes and completely restrained the water arrow turtle.

"What!" Xiao Mao was a little surprised.

"What a powerful superpower." Dr. Oki admired in a daze.

Xiao Luo smiled slightly, and continued to command: "That's it, just throw it out."


The blue eyes of the dull beast opened wide again, and the water arrow turtle quickly flew backwards as if hit by an invisible force, and fell to the ground.

Immediately after, the fierce poison attacked again.The three attacks of venom made the water arrow turtle gasping for air and already a little unsteady on its feet.

"Stupid beast to solve it, hammer with the head of the mind!"

The dull beast's head was wrapped in blue energy, and its body flew into the air, rushing towards the water arrow turtle.

Xiaomao also gave up commanding. He knew that even if he could barely avoid the attack of the mind hammer, the next attack of venom would make the water arrow turtle lose its ability to fight.

The mind hammer hit the water arrow turtle without any accident, and the water arrow turtle screamed in pain, fell to the ground again, and its eyes became spiral.

"The Blastoise loses its ability to fight, and the dull beast wins."

"Come back, Water Arrow Turtle!"

Xiao Mao took the water arrow turtle back, raised his voice and said to Xiao Luo: "Xiao Luo, I heard from my grandfather that you have a Bi Diao."

Xiao Luo was slightly taken aback, and said out loud, "Don't tell me you want to..."

"That's right!" Xiaomao nodded, took out the elf ball and threw it out.

"Bi Diao Diao~"

White light flashed, and a gorgeous bird appeared in midair.The feathers are fluffy and bright, and the long crown feathers float behind his head, making him a handsome mess.

Xiao Mao said: "I want this guy to have a fight with yours!"


Xiao Luo hesitated.Bald Bird is one of the most powerful soldiers in his hands. Although Xiaomao's Bi Diao is well-trained, the gap with Bald Bird is still a bit big.He was afraid that Xiaomao would lose confidence if the blow was too heavy.Xiao Luo didn't use the bald bird in this game. They also have this reason.

Seeing Xiao Luo's hesitation, Dr. Da Mu sighed, and said, "Xiao Luo, just promise him. You can't cut a jade without making a weapon, and it's not all bad for him to suffer a little blow."

Hearing what Dr. Damu said, Xiao Luo nodded and agreed: "Okay, then I will satisfy you. But you have to be mentally prepared, I won't hold back."

After finishing speaking, Xiao Luo put away the dull beast and threw out the bald bird's elf ball.


Bi Diao was still full of anger and did not take off, just standing on the ground with huge wings stretched out.He tilted his head, squinted his eyes, and stared at Xiaomao's gesture.Perhaps because Xiaomao's Bi Diao is similar to it, and its size is small, it is full of disdain and lacks fighting spirit.

Xiaomao's Bi Diao was initially startled by the size of the bald bird, but after realizing its baldness, he couldn't help but burst out laughing.After laughing, he actually covered his stomach with one wing.He didn't notice Baldy Bird's increasingly gloomy face and burning anger.

"The finished bird~"

Xiao Luo covered her face with her hand, not daring to watch the match again.Actually laughing at the bald head of the bald bird, isn't this lighting a lantern in the toilet, looking for death (shit)!You know, even Xiao Luo didn't dare to talk about his bald head lightly.


The bald bird screamed angrily, flapped its wings, and rushed towards Xiaomao's Bi Diao like a fighter jet.

"So fast!"

Xiaomao was taken aback by the speed of the bald bird, and immediately commanded: "Bi Diao, quickly use the shadow clone."

Xiaomao's Bidiao is also amazing, although he was taken aback by Baldy Bird's charge, he still used the shadow clone in time to avoid Bibi Bird's impact.

"Keep it like this, flash with lightning!"

After hearing the command, Xiaomao's Bi Diao maintained several clones and activated a flash of lightning.Several white eagles rushed towards the bald bird.

Because Xiao Luo hadn't directed him all the time, the bald bird couldn't deal with it without any haste, and was hit by Bi Diao's lightning flash, and his body staggered back a little distance.But this also exposed Xiao Maobi Diao's real body.

The bald bird took advantage of the situation and raised its wings, and slapped down with soaring anger, directly hitting Xiaomao's Bi Diao.

The powerful force made Xiaomao's bidiao whine, and fell straight down.This is not over yet. After Bi Diao was attacked, the clone disappeared, and the bald bird launched a flash of lightning again to chase down and hit the target instantly.

The powerful force caused Xiaomao's bidiao to hit the ground like a meteor, making a tooth-piercing muffled sound.

Immediately after, the bald bird stretched out its huge claws, grabbed its neck and body, and pressed Xiaomao's bidiao to the ground.The eyes are smug, and there is a sinister smile...


Xiaomao was completely stunned by what happened in the blink of an eye, the gap in strength has exceeded his imagination...

(I'm sorry everyone, I've been playing with my elder sister for the past few days. But she will go back tomorrow! Starting tomorrow, I will update three to four chapters every day to make up for this week's debt!)
(End of this chapter)

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