105 Super Dream Invitation

The book continues from the previous chapter, when Xiaomao's Bi Diao was pressed to the ground by the bald bird, the bald bird showed a malicious look.

The bald bird made a long cry, and its huge beak pecked at the crown feathers of the little Maopi vulture. When it raised its head again, a large cluster of long feathers appeared in the beak.

Seeing this, Xiao Luo and Xiao Mao were dumbfounded.Dr. Oki also froze on the spot.


The bald bird screamed excitedly, shook off the feathers in its beak, and pecked again.And Xiaomao's Bi Diao was crying and struggling, but due to his limited strength, he still couldn't break free from Baldy Bird's control.Another large pinch of feathers was pecked off by the bald bird.

Only then was Xiaomao awakened by Bi Diao's miserable cry, and he took out the poke ball to retrieve it, but the bald bird's body was too big, and it had already blocked all the routes that could be retrieved.Xiao Mao shouted anxiously: "What are you doing, stop quickly!"

Xiao Luo also came back to his senses, and immediately threw out the elf ball: "Damn it! Rebellion, hurry back!"

When Bi Diao saw that Xiao Luo was about to retract himself, his bird's beak was as fast as lightning, and he pecked a few more times, and then he was retracted into the elf ball.


Xiao Mao's Bi Diao was crying miserably, Xiao Luo looked up and almost burst out laughing.There was also a patch of baldness on Xiaomao Pidiao's head, but the bald bird left a handful in the middle of the bald land, which looked extraordinarily weird and funny.Bi Diao, who was handsome just now, suddenly changed into a clown.With this look, it's better to imitate the bald bird and go completely bald.That way, it looks a little better!
Xiao Mao ran to Bi Diao's side distressedly, and asked softly, "Bi Diao, how are you?"

"Bi Diao Diao..."

When Xiao Mao asked, Bi Diao cried even more sadly.

Xiao Luo suppressed himself not to laugh, and apologized, "I'm sorry, Xiao Mao, the bald bird doesn't follow orders very well!"

Afterwards, Xiao Luo said to Xiaomao's comparison: "You're really serious, why are you laughing at it for being bald if it's nothing, and looking for trouble for nothing. Now it's all right, you're not even as good as a bald head."

As soon as Xiao Luo finished speaking, Bi Diao rolled his eyes and passed out.

"You..." Xiao Mao glared at Xiao Luo angrily and said, "How can you let your elves do whatever they want!"

Xiao Luo said awkwardly: "I don't want to either, you wanted to fight it, if it wasn't my fault."

"How can there be such a battle, Bi Diao has lost the ability to fight, why do you want to peck off its crown feathers?"

Xiao Luo shrugged and said: "You also saw that from the beginning to the end, I didn't command a word. It was your Bi Diao who laughed at my Bi Diao, and it was so angry. No wonder I!"


Xiao Mao was a little speechless.

"OK OK!"

Dr. Oki came up to smooth things over and said, "It's impossible to tell who is right and who is wrong. Xiao Luo, please apologize to Xiao Mao, and don't take this matter to heart."

Xiao Luo curled her lips slightly, and although she was a little unhappy, she still nodded and said to Xiao Mao: "Well, I apologize to you on behalf of my Bi Diao!"

"Hmph, I don't accept it!" Xiao Mao said coldly, "I will make it pay in the league game."

After finishing speaking, Xiao Mao put away Bi Diao, turned around and left here.

"This child..." Dr. Oki looked at Xiao Mao's back and sighed.

"That's good, at least he will work hard to get revenge on me. The league competition should achieve a good result!"

Dr. Oki was taken aback when he heard the words, and then laughed loudly: "Haha, that's exactly what you said. You still see it clearly!"


That night, Xiao Luo stayed in Dr. Oki's research institute.Early the next morning, Xiao Luo got up early, greeted Dr. Damu, and wanted to take all the elves to continue training in the forest where the old fast-swimming frog was.But as soon as he went out, he saw a fast dragon whizzing towards him, and the strong wind brought Xiao Luo down to the ground.

"What the hell!" Xiao Luo cursed angrily.

After circling in the air, Kuailong slowly landed in front of Xiao Luo.He took out an envelope from the small backpack he was carrying and handed it to Xiao Luo.

This is... Chaomeng's counterattack...

Xiao Luo saw the envelope, then looked at Kuailong, and woke up instantly.It's really surprising, I didn't expect it to come so soon.

Xiao Luo opened the envelope, and inside was an electronic card with a poke ball-shaped pattern in the middle, and a blue slightly raised gemstone in the middle of the poke ball.After the electronic card was taken by Xiao Luo, the blue gemstone glowed, and a virtual image of Chaomeng appeared with a half-smile
"Little Luo, I hope you can join my party. At that time, there will be many powerful trainers appearing at the party. The place is in the elf city of Xindao. I look forward to your arrival."

After saying this, Chaomeng's image disappeared automatically.

"What are you doing, isn't Ms. Joey responsible for the notification? How did it become Chaomeng." Xiao Luo muttered to herself.

Afterwards, Xiao Luo said to Kuailong: "Okay, I understand, I'll just rush over there. Go and inform the others!"

Kuailong nodded, and after a run-up for a certain distance, he flapped his wings and flew, and his speed was not inferior to that of the bald bird.

When the incident happened suddenly, Xiao Luo had to stop the training, and once again sent the elves to Dr. Damu, and took Bald Bird and the other main elves to the new island.This time, he deliberately brought the monkey monster with him.There is no doubt about the fighting strength of the monkey monster, even if a divine beast is punched by it, it will still be uncomfortable for a long time.It's just that its fear of fighting has not been resolved.

Geng Gui once said that it seems to have sealed a memory of itself in a certain state, which caused this situation.As long as the seal is opened and the memory is restored, it may return to normal.It's just that Geng Gui's mental power is not enough to open this kind of seal.

Xiao Luo wants to take this opportunity to ask Chaomeng for help. In terms of mental strength, it is one or two grades better than Geng Gui.If it really doesn't work, you can only ask the Genesis Boss to help solve it next time.

Xiao Luo naturally didn't know where the new island was.However, he has a know-it-all beside him, so he won't get lost.Miaomiao guides the way, and compares the eagle to travel.It wasn't too much trouble for Xiao Luo to rush to the new island.

On the way, Miao Miao asked, "Little Luo, should we go directly to the new island, or to the port of a nearby town?"

Xiao Luo thought for a while, then said: "Let's go to the port first, as it happens that we can eat something nearby!"

"OK then!"

Under the command of Miaomiao, after flying for nearly three hours, Bi Diao finally arrived at the port to Xindao, next to the port is the Elf Center.Xiao Luo put away Bi Diao, and led Miao Miao into the elf center.At this moment, the hall of the elf center was full of people, and all kinds of elves accompanied the trainer.

Xiao Luo was a little dumbfounded looking at the elf center, which was as messy as a vegetable market: "What's the situation, this is it!"

"Miss Joy here is missing meow~ so these trainers have no one to entertain them."

"How do you know?" Xiao Luo asked suspiciously.

Miaomiao pointed at the wall next to her: "There's an announcement there, meow~"

Xiao Luo looked in the direction, and sure enough, she found a notice, which said that Joy, the elf center, had been missing for two days.

"In this case, let's find a restaurant to take a rest, at least the environment is better than here."

After finishing speaking, Xiao Luo walked out of the elf center with Miaomiao, found a restaurant nearby, ordered some food, and took a rest in it.

Just as Xiao Luo and Miaomiao were enjoying the delicious food, the originally sunny weather suddenly turned gloomy, and then the wind blew up, and the rain fell.All this came extremely suddenly.

"This is……"

Xiao Luo squinted her eyes, looking at the gloomy weather.

"This is not a normal weather change. I can feel that it should be controlled by Chaomeng!" Geng Gui's voice sounded in Xiao Luo's mind.

Xiao Luo lowered his head and pondered: "Control the weather in the entire sea area? If it wasn't for Rogia, how could it be able to do such a thing."

And at this moment, the original pearl on Xiao Luo's wrist flickered suddenly.With just one click, Xiao Luo also caught him.


Xiao Luo seemed to have some understanding, and said: "I know! Master Ghost, Chaomeng has its origin!"


Geng Gui was startled and said, "You mean Yuanyuan is mixed with it?"

Xiao Luo nodded and said: "This is the only explanation for Chaomeng's ability to control the weather in the entire sea area. It must have borrowed the power of the source. Just now my source pearl responded!"

"It's over!" Geng Gui said, "We can't even deal with a Chaomeng, and now there is another origin. I think we should go back instead of going to Xindao."

(End of this chapter)

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