Chapter 106 Entering the Castle
Xiao Luo said: "You are only so promising, if the boss of the world finds out, he will have to teach you a lesson."


"Then what do you say? We can't deal with the combination of Chaomeng and Yuanyuan unless we give up Yuanyuan."

Xiao Luo smiled confidently, and said: "It's okay, you can rest assured. At that time, Chaomeng will be dealt with by elves, we just need to deal with Yuanyuan with peace of mind."

"Huh? What elf?"

Xiao Luo said mysteriously: "You will know when the time comes."

The weather outside was gloomy and terrible, because of the strong wind and rain, Xiao Luo rested in the restaurant for a long time.

Not long after, Meow Miao, who had been annotating the situation at the port, saw a large number of trainers rushing out of the elf center, releasing their own elves to take her to the new island.It said to Xiao Luo: "Xiao Luo, those trainers seem to have gone to the new island by themselves meow."

Xiao Luo looked up and explained: "Probably because of the weather, the port has stopped!"

"Then what should we do now, meow, do you want Bi Diao to take us there too?"

Xiao Luo hesitated for a while with a bitter face, then said: "Okay, let's go there too."

After finishing speaking, Xiao Luo took Miao Miao out of the restaurant.Feeling the violent storm, Xiao Luo frowned and said to himself: I hope I don't catch a cold.

Xiao Luo opened Bi Diao's Poké Ball: "Bi Diao, I'll trouble you again, just take us to the new island!"


Bi Diao squatted down to make it easier for Xiao Luo and Miao Miao to come up.

After Bidiao took off, the wind became stronger, and the raindrops hit his face slightly painful.The waves on the sea were choppy and ups and downs, as if they were showing their anger.This kind of storm is naturally nothing to Bi Diao, but it just hurts Xiaoluo and Miaomiao.Celebi couldn't bear such a situation, so she showed her figure and hid in Xiao Luo's arms.


Suddenly, Bi Diao, who was watching the sea, let out a cry.

"what happened?"

"It said it found the little devil and the others, meow~"


Xiao Luo stretched out his head to look at the sea, and sure enough, he found the three of Xiaozhi and the others, hugging each other, led by Hai Xingxing and Jenny Turtle, floating on the sea surface, bumped by the waves, moving forward with difficulty.

Xiao Luo shook his head helplessly and said: "They are really good, aren't they afraid of sleeping in this sea forever!"

"Hurry up and save people, meow~"

Xiao Luo nodded, and threw out the Gyarados pokeball: "Gyarados, save Xiaozhi and the others."


After the white light flashed, the Gyarados swung its tail and dived into the sea.When they flew up again, the three of Xiaozhi were already sitting firmly on its broad back.

Afterwards, the Gyarados caught up to Bi Diao and flew beside it.


The three sat on the Gyarados panting, feeling terrified.

Xiao Luo said loudly on Bi Diao's back: "I said, you are too bold, you dare to go to Xindao under such circumstances."

"Xiao Luo?" Xiao Gang said, "It really is you!"

Xiaozhi explained loudly: "We were tricked into boarding by the Rockets!"

Because of the strong wind, it was difficult for Xiao Luo to hear their words clearly, so he directed Bi Diao and Tyrannosaurus and said, "Hurry up, let's go to Xindao first!"

Not long after, Xiao Luo and others rushed to the vicinity of Xindao. After arriving here, the sea calmed down for a while, and the wind stopped and the rain stopped.Looking up, you can see thick dark clouds surrounding it.

The new island is not big, there is only one rather old castle, and several windmills are spinning leisurely above the roof.And Miss Joy, who was under control, was standing at the port with an oil lamp, welcoming the incoming trainer.

Xiao Luo directed Bi Diao and Gyarados to land in front of her, and then put the two elves away.

"Welcome, let me see your letter of introduction!" Joey said with a dull expression.

"She is controlled by Chaomeng!" Geng Gui's voice sounded in Xiao Luo's mind.

Xiao Luo nodded, but did not speak.Together with Xiaozhi, he took out the invitation letter.Xiaozhi's is Miss Joey, while Xiaoluo's is Chaomeng.Xiao Luo's invitation letter surprised Xiao Zhi and the others.But Joey didn't respond.

But Xiaogang looked at Joey who was dressed completely differently, and said in surprise: "It really is you!"

"What?" Joey remained expressionless.

Xiao Gang said: "Miss Joy, whom I saw on the missing persons notice at the port."

Xiaoxia sized Joey up and said, "You really look alike when you put it that way!"

"I don't know what you're talking about." Joey said, "I've been working in this castle since I was born."

"Come here, please!" After finishing speaking, Joey turned and walked into the castle first.

Xiao Luo and others followed, and Xiao Luo whispered to Xiao Gang and others: "She is indeed Joey, but she is currently hypnotized by Chaomeng."


Xiao Luo smiled: "Don't be so surprised, when I see Chaomeng, she should be fine."

Having said that, Xiaozhi and the others were relieved a lot.

Walking all the way towards the castle, the flickering frequency of Xiao Luo's Origin Bracelet gradually accelerated.

There really is an origin here.

There was a naughty smile on the corner of Xiao Luo's mouth, and he thought to himself: This is fun, I don't know what kind of scene Chaomeng will have when he meets Chuangshishen.

Not long after, they walked into the castle under the leadership of Joey.The castle is magnificent, spacious and clean.At this moment, three trainers are already resting inside.Their respective sprites were released and formed into a pile.

Joey also asked Xiao Luo and others to release the elves, but Xiao Luo pouted and ignored her.On the contrary, Xiaozhi and the others released a few elves.

After several trainers introduced each other, Xiao Luo's origin bracelet flickered quickly.


The lights in the castle suddenly went out, Xiao Luo looked up at a spiral staircase in the castle, and saw a blue cylindrical halo appeared in the middle of the stairs, linking to the top of the castle.

"Keep everyone waiting for a long time, the strongest elf trainer is about to appear."

As soon as the voice fell, Chaomeng followed the beam of light and landed from the top.

When the lights were turned on again, Chaomeng appeared in front of everyone. Although he was not big, he was very oppressive.

Joey said beside him: "That's right, this is not only the strongest elf trainer, but also the strongest elf—Master Chaomeng!"

Hearing what Joey said, the fat trainer in the castle immediately became unhappy, and said angrily: "The elf is an elf trainer, how can such a thing happen!"

"No way, I have to decide my own rules!" Chaomeng's unique voice sounded in everyone's minds, followed by Chaomeng, annoyed that the trainer had offended him, controlled him while surging with superpowers, and fell into the in the pool.

"Damn it, Gyarados uses Destruction Death Light."

The elf of the fat trainer is in this pool, so he is extremely annoyed and directs the Gyarados to attack Mewtwo.

Then, the gap in strength is too huge.The destructive death light emitted by the Gyarados was bounced back by Chaomeng, and it was directly hit into the pool, losing its fighting ability.

Little Luo didn't care about this series of things.He has been looking at Chaomeng, but he is actually secretly observing the origin next to it.

That's right, Yuanyuan and Chaomeng appeared together, Yuanyuan was suspended next to Chaomeng, the size of a water-blue poke ball, with traces of blue mist, and some rippling inside.

When things got to this point, Chaomeng gave up control of Joey.The remaining two trainers and Xiaozhi were also shocked by Chaomeng's strength, and did not speak out again.Just when Chaomeng wanted to speak again, Xiaoluo's monkey monster suddenly ran out of the elf ball.It looked at Chaomeng with an extremely angry expression, and began to hum and chirp.

"What's going on?" Xiao Luo was a little surprised, and hurriedly asked Miao Miao to translate.

Miao Miao quickly translated: "I seem to know you, why do I have a feeling that I hate you so much!"

"What are you, why do you hate me!" Chaomeng stretched out his hand, controlled the monkey monster, and threw it out.

"Monkey monster!" Xiao Luo called out distressedly.Angrily said to Chaomeng: "Chaomeng, don't go too far!"

Chaomeng glanced at Xiao Luo, but didn't take any action against Xiao Luo. It knew that Xiao Luo had the strength to contend with it.

(Transfer class today, first two chapters!)

(End of this chapter)

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