Chapter 107 The Essence Transformation - Suicune!
The monkey monster's physical fitness is as abnormal as its strength, and it is very abundant, so Chaomeng's attack did not make it lose its fighting ability like the tyrannosaurus.It's just that it was the attack of a super beast after all, so it still hurts.It struggled to get up from the ground, its eyes were always fixed on Chaomeng, and its expression was extremely painful.Afterwards, it held its head in its hands, as if trying to remember something.


The monkey monster seemed to have remembered something, and let out a long roar full of hatred.With red eyes, he jumped high, and with the help of the walls of the castle, he rushed towards Mewtwo quickly like a cannonball.

"Monkey monkey!" Xiao Luo was shocked.


Chaomeng stretched out a hand and held the monkey monster when it rushed in front of it.


Chaomeng looked at the grinning monkey monster expressionlessly, and when he was about to throw it away again, the monkey monster let out another extremely unwilling roar.


With the sound of the cry, the monkey monster began to emit white light...

"It has evolved meow~" Miaomiao said in a daze.

"Evolve in advance?!" Xiao Luo was a little surprised.

What kind of enmity does Monkey Monster have with Chaomeng? It's so unwilling to be reconciled to this point.

After the white light dissipated, the monkey monster evolved into a fiery monkey.There are iron-like things on the limbs, like prisoners.The triangular eyes are full of anger, staring at Chaomeng.

After the monkey monster evolved into a fiery monkey, its power seemed to be even greater, and it broke away from the shackles of superpowers under Chaomeng's underestimation of the enemy.The bowl-sized fist hit Chaomeng directly.

Chaomengwei was a little surprised, and made a purple shield in time.


The deafening sound spread throughout the castle, and the huge force made Chaomeng fly upside down in an instant.As Chaomeng flew out, a long gully was drawn on the ground.Chaomeng couldn't stop his figure, crashed into the wall of the castle, and the gravel fell, burying Chaomeng in it.

"Good... so strong!"

Everyone present was dumbfounded.


Chaomeng knocked the gravel away and reappeared, looking at the fiery monkey with sharp eyes, full of killing intent.

"call out"

Chaomeng was wrapped in a purple shield, and rushed towards the fiery monkey in an instant, at an incredible speed.The fiery monkey couldn't react in time, was knocked into the wall of the castle, and fell to the ground.

"You made me angry." Chaomeng gathered a powerful shadow ball with both hands, ready to hit the fiery monkey.

"Oh shit!"

Xiao Luo cursed angrily, and as soon as she took off her shirt, five elf balls were thrown out: "No matter, let's do it side by side! Ghost, Xiaoxue, you too!"

Gyarados, Bi Diao, Electric Shock Beast, Giant Pincer Mantis, and Flame Chicken appeared one by one, and all kinds of tricks smashed into Chaomeng.

After Chaomeng launched the shadow ball, all kinds of tricks had already arrived. Chaomeng had no choice but to activate the protective cover again to protect himself.

Celebi flew to Hot Monkey's side and created a green protective cover to counteract Mewtwo's shadow ball.

Geng Gui didn't have the ability to create a shield, so he joined the team besieging Chaomeng. The shadow ball was sent out continuously, hitting Chaomeng, so that it had no chance to counterattack.

Xiao Luo took advantage of the chaos and ran to the side of Yuanyuan, and caught him with clothes unexpectedly.Yuan Yuan was startled and struggled violently.The powerful force made Xiao Luo dance along.Xiao Luo persisted for a while, and found that Yuanyuan had no plans to become an elf.Ever since, Xiao Luo had no choice but to cry to his father and mother for help: "Ghost, help me~"

Hearing Xiao Luo's cry, Geng Gui took a look at him, and found that he was flying around in the air with the origin in his clothes, and almost hit the wall of the castle several times.

The situation was critical, Geng Gui had no choice but to give up attacking Chaomeng, and flew towards Xiaoluo, his eyes glowed with blue fluorescence, bound Xiaoluo and Yuanyuan together, and slowly placed them on the ground...

As soon as Geng Gui's attack disappeared, Chaomeng's pressure was greatly reduced, and he fought back.As soon as it stretched out its hands, Xiao Luo's five elves were bound by the blue light.

"A group of people, get out of the way!" The angry Chaomeng shouted, and threw them all out with a wave of his hand.Except for Bi Diao and Gyarados who stabilized their bodies at the last moment, the other three elves were thrown to the ground.

Chaomeng looked at Xiao Luo and said angrily, "Xiao Luo, do you really think I'm afraid of you?"

With a movement of Chaomeng's figure, he rushed towards Xiaoluo and Geng Gui.

An energy ball flew out halfway, hitting Mewtwo directly!Chaomeng ignored it directly, and the purple shield unfolded, offsetting the attack of the energy ball, and rushed over without slowing down.

Looking at Chaomeng rushing over, Xiao Luo showed a frightened expression.Geng Gui is fearless, and still controls the source, as if Chaomeng didn't exist.

"call out"

A green light streaked across the air, sending Chaomeng flying obliquely.


Celebi bulged her cheeks and looked at Chaomeng angrily, as if she was extremely dissatisfied with Chaomeng's attack on Xiao Luo.

"Get out of the way for me!"

Chaomeng roared angrily, gathered a shadow ball and hit Celebi.Celebi showed no sign of weakness, and also sent out an energy ball.


The unique moves of the two great beasts collided with each other, and the powerful explosion shook the entire castle.

Afterwards, Chaomeng created a purple shield and slammed into Celebi.Celebi was also wrapped in a green shield and greeted Chaomeng.The two elves collided five or six times in the blink of an eye, and no one could do anything about it.In a short period of time, it is still difficult for Chaomeng to defeat Celebi.

Just when the two elves met, the origin finally changed, and it gradually swelled in Xiao Luo's clothes, and the blue light shone...

I'm coming!

Xiao Luo quickly tore off her clothes and stepped aside.Geng Gui also gave up control of the source.


After the source change stopped and the blue light dissipated, a huge elf appeared in front of everyone.Looking at this elf, Xiao Luo was completely speechless.

What is the situation, how could it be...

The incarnation of the North Wind - Suicune!
Xiao Luo looked at Geng Gui, and Geng Gui happened to look at him.One person and one elf, with wide eyes and small eyes, wry smiles all over their faces.

"Let's run away!" Geng Gui said helplessly, "There is no chance of winning at all."

"Run away! You and Xiaoxue..."

Before Xiao Luo finished speaking, Shui Jun spewed out a spiral water jet angrily, and Geng Gui appeared in front of Xiao Luo in time, and sent out a shadow ball to meet the water jet.Then he flew up with Xiao Luo.

After the shadow ball resisted the water column for a while, it exploded.The water column remained undiminished, passing through the thick smoke produced by the explosion.If Geng Gui had not had the foresight to take Xiao Luo away, the consequences would have been disastrous.


Empress Xiao Luo scolded fearfully, saying: "Master Gui, let me go down, you and Xiaoxue restrain Chaomeng, Xiaoxue can't bear it by herself."

Geng Gui nodded and put Xiao Luo down: "Be careful yourself."

"Don't worry, you can't die!"

"Bi Diao, Gyarados, Flame Chicken, Electric Shock Beast, Giant Pincer Mantis, you all come over to deal with Suicune, and Mewtwo is handed over to Ghost Master and Xiaoxue!"

These elves have been wandering around Mewtwo and Celebi.I want to help, but my strength is limited and I can't get in.After hearing Xiao Luo's shout, as if he had been pardoned, he rushed towards Shui Jun with strange screams again and again.

Xiao Luo knew that with his few elves, it would be easy to deal with ordinary Suicune, even if he dealt with two of them at once, he should be fine.But they are simply not enough to deal with Suicune, who is transformed from the original source.

Therefore, Xiao Luo shouted to Xiao Zhi and other trainers: "What are you looking for, help me!"

"oh oh!……"

Only then did Xiaozhi and the three trainers come to their senses, and ordered their spirits to attack Suicune.Even Xiaoxia released gem starfish and starfish to help.Xiao Gang was the only one who didn't take part in the battle.Because he is doing what he thinks he should do most at the moment - take care of Miss Joy!
A large group of elves attacked Suicune, even if it was tripled in speed, it would be impossible for it to dodge all of them.All kinds of tricks were hit on it, making it howl again and again.It's just that it is like the original source before, and its physical strength is so frightening.After being hit by so many tricks, it still didn't show any fatigue.

And Xiao Luo also discovered that all the water-type tricks were absorbed by it, without causing any damage.

"Don't attack with water-type tricks, water-type tricks won't work against it."

Hearing Xiao Luo's shout, the elf who used the water-type ultimate move immediately changed his attack method.

Suicune is also constantly counterattacking, using water cannons and aurora beams alternately, every time two or three elves will be hit, and they will lose their fighting ability directly.

"Damn it, what kind of elf is this? Why is it so powerful!" the only female trainer once again took back the elf who had lost the ability to fight, and asked aloud.

The chubby trainer replied, "It's the incarnation of Beifeng—Shui Jun, but it doesn't quite look like it."

Another handsome trainer also said: "The situation is not good. If this continues, our elves will be defeated by it."

"Xiao Luo..." Xiao Zhi looked at Xiao Luo, hoping that it could find a way.

"Don't worry, hold on for a while, it should be here soon!" Xiao Luo looked up and looked around, looking for that figure.

Why haven't you appeared yet—dream!
(End of this chapter)

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