Chapter 108 Dream Appears!

The battle has been going on, and on the two battlefields, Geng Gui and Celebi are still a bit reluctant to face Chaomeng.At this moment, some scars had already appeared on Geng Gui's body, and Celebi was also panting.On the other hand, Chaomeng is still fighting high, with a steady breath and full of energy.

On the other hand, the battle between Xiao Luo and others with Shui Jun was not satisfactory, and there were not many elves left on the field.Except for Xiao Luo's five elves, only Pikachu, Frog Flower and a Bi Diao are still panting.Fortunately, after many rounds of attacks, Suicune finally took a breather, which somewhat gave Xiao Luo some hope of victory.


"I am the most powerful elf in the world, you are not my opponent, why do you have to fight against me!" Chaomeng looked at Geng Gui and Celebi and said, "Being an elf trainer is no better than being a little Luo." Is your spirit strong!"


Geng Gui let out a series of sinister smiles, and said, "You are wrong on two points. First, you are not the most powerful elf in the world. Second, we are not Xiao Luo's elves."

"As an elf, I really feel sad for your ignorance. You don't even know about the higher beings in this world. But yes, I heard Xiao Luo say that you were created by humans, and it hasn't been more than ten years. Sad Child, in terms of age, you should call me Grandpa!"

"You are too presumptuous!" Chaomeng was angered by Geng Gui, and a shadow ball shot out instantly, hitting it.

Geng Gui also sent out a shadow ball to meet it, but Chaomeng's shadow ball was extremely fast, and the two shadow balls collided close to Geng Gui, causing a strong explosion.Geng Gui was affected by the shock wave and was blown a somersault.

Seeing this, Celebi sent out an energy ball to retaliate, but Chaomeng turned sideways and easily dodged it.

Chaomeng has the chance to win, so he is not in a hurry.It glanced at the embarrassed Geng Gui, and said, "A higher existence? Why have I never encountered it before!"


"Because they are the only ones like you!" Geng Gui said, "It's like a dream you've been chasing hard, have you ever encountered it?"

"Its genes have created a powerful you, which is enough to prove its strength! In addition, Grandpa will tell you that there are existences in this world that are more powerful than dreams. There is also an existence that can crush you to death with one hand." .”

Chaomeng sneered and said, "Are you kidding!?"

It obviously doesn't believe everything Geng Gui said.

"Hey, if I said that I just met you a while ago, I might not believe it even more."

Chaomeng looked at it, thinking about the truth of what it said.

Geng Gui pointed at Shui Jun and said, "If you don't believe it, defeat it, Xiao Luo will show you what a superior existence is."

Chaomeng shook his head and said: "Your trick is too naive, I won't be fooled. Moreover, if what you said is true, I will naturally encounter it in the future. Now, I am only interested in you."

Chaomeng looked at Geng Gui and Celebi and said, "Since you are not Xiao Luo's elves, are you interested in being my elves?"


Celebi was furious when he heard the words, and immediately condensed an energy ball and hit it, which was offset by Chaomeng's protective cover.

"Yes, dreaming. If you want your grandfather and me to be your elf, you have no hope in this life."

Chaomeng said angrily: "Since this is the case, then I can only defeat you and subdue you!"

After finishing speaking, Chaomeng rushed up with the protective cover on.Celebi also greeted it with a green protective cover on top.

Just when the two elves were about to collide, an elf suddenly flew between them.Surprised, the two elves dissipated their energy and looked at this elf.

It looks like a pink kitten, with big, bright eyes, clear and pure.The tail is long and thin, and can wrap around the body several times.The arms are slightly short, but the soles of the feet are very long, as if wearing skis.

"Fantasy!" "It's you!"

Geng Gui and Chaomeng spoke at the same time.

Mengmeng blinked her big eyes, with a smile, first looked at Celebi, then at Chaomeng.Perhaps thinking that Celebi is more beautiful than Chaomeng, he flicked his tail, almost hitting Chaomeng's nose, and flew to Celebi.Flying up and down around it non-stop.


Celebi yelled suspiciously.


Mengmeng smiled and took Celebi to fly together, up and down, obviously wanting Celebi to play with it.Celebi is also a playful master, so she is not disgusted with Fantasia's behavior.Just thinking that Chaomeng is still there, it really has no interest in playing with Mengmeng.It pointed to Chaomeng, and after explaining to Mengmeng for a while, it flew to Geng Ghost's side again and confronted Chaomeng.

finally come……

Xiaoluo also naturally discovered the arrival of Mengmeng, he squeezed his fist excitedly, and shouted to Geng Gui and Celebi: "Master Ghost, Xiaoxue, come and help deal with Suicune, just leave Chaomeng to Mengmeng gone."

Hearing Xiao Luo's shout, Geng Gui instantly understood.No wonder Xiao Luo has always been so confident. It turned out that he had already expected that Dream would come.

Thinking of this, Geng Gui turned his head and immediately flew towards Suicune.It longs to be far away from Chaomeng, this master, he really can't deal with it.


Celebi was a little confused about the situation, looked at Chaomeng and then at Suicune, a little undecided.


Mengmeng flew to its side and called to it a few times.Celebi nodded and flew towards Suicune.

Chaomeng did not stop Celebi and Geng Gui from leaving.At this moment, there are only dreams in its eyes.The two elves exchanged a few words and then fought.Although Dream's figure is thin and small, its strength is not much inferior to that of Chaomeng.The two elves kept colliding against the shield, and it was really hard to tell the winner for a while.

On the other side of the battlefield against Suicune, because of the addition of two powerful new forces, Celebi and Gengar, the fight became more intense.Suicune's breathing also became faster and faster.


The battle lasted another 10 minutes, Chaomeng and Fantasia were still colliding.On Xiaoluo's battlefield, Suicune was already on the verge of collapse.The only elves participating in the attack were Gengar, Celebi, Gyarados, Bi Diao, and Flame Chicken, and all of them were injured.The shortness of breath makes one can't help but suspect that they will lose their fighting ability in the next moment.


Suicune reluctantly fired a powerful water cannon at Gengar, whom it considered the most threatening.Geng Gui was also extremely tired, his dodging speed was a bit slower, and he was rubbed by the edge of the water cannon, making him scream in pain.

"Damn it, try Ghost Lord my shadow ball!"

Geng Gui sent out a shadow ball to counter Suicune, at the same time Celebi also launched an energy ball, Bi Diao barely slapped out an air blade, Gyarados shot a blue freezing light, and the flame chicken also wanted to Fired a jet of flame, but his strength was exhausted, and he staggered, but the flame did not shoot out.

The four tricks hit Suicune, Suicune was unable to dodge, and all the tricks hit.After this round of attacks, Suicune finally fell to the ground.

After Suicune fell, it turned into dots of blue fluorescent light and began to dissipate.

While rubbing the spirit ball of the origin of the demon, Xiao Luo called to the boss of the creation; at the same time, he stepped forward, ready to capture the origin.

After Suicune dissipated, Yuanyuan's energy consumption was huge, and he flew up unsteadily, and was easily caught by Xiao Luo.

After the task was completed, Xiao Luo put Bibibird and them into the elf ball and let them have a good rest.While watching the confrontation between Chaomeng and Mengmeng, I and Genggui Celebi waited for the arrival of the Creator God.

Geng Gui smiled sinisterly: "Hey, I don't know how Chaomeng will react when he sees that person!"

"It doesn't matter how it reacts." Xiao Luo said, "Anyway, if it is more aggressive, it will definitely have no good fruit to eat."

"I can't wait any longer, why did that person come so slowly this time!"

Xiao Luo rolled her eyes and ignored it.Wrap Yuanyuan with clothes, hug Celebi, sit on the ground, and rest.

As soon as Xiao Luo sat down, the top of the castle suddenly exploded, and a dazzling golden light shot down, drawing a bottomless gully on the ground of the castle.


The rubble from the top fell down and hit Xiao Luo.Fortunately, Celebi propped up the protective cover in time, which prevented Xiao Luo from being injured.

Xiao Luo looked up and saw Shi Shiran, the founder of the world, floating in through the hole at the top.

Seeing that it was the God of Creation, Xiao Luo couldn't help cursing: "Fuck, boss, you want to murder! Do you know that if Celebi wasn't here, I would have been killed by you all the time."

Chuang Shi Shen was taken aback by Xiao Luo's scolding, and when he saw the gravel next to Xiao Luo, he knew the situation, and explained awkwardly: "I feel that the energy fluctuations here are abnormal, so the method is more aggressive, just to avoid accidents for you .”

"Come on, even if I have an accident, it is always caused by you. Without you, how could I have an accident!"

Creation God: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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