Chapter 110 Preparing for the Quartz Alliance!

After Chuang Shi Shen took Chao Meng away, Xiao Luo also wanted to leave here.After all, this place is not a good place, it is gloomy and a bit infiltrating.

Xiaozhi and the others also gathered around at this moment, wanting to ask Xiao Luo what was going on.A series of incidents kept them in the fog, and they couldn't even find a suitable excuse to convince themselves why they should deal with Suicune.

Xiao Luo naturally wouldn't tell them the truth, but just made up an excuse and evaded it.Although they were a little skeptical, seeing that Xiao Luo was unwilling to reveal too much, they didn't ask any more questions.After all, this was originally a game set by Chaomeng, and now it is a very good result to be able to escape safely.

Later, Xiao Luo told Mengmeng that there were still some cloned elves on the island, and hoped it could deal with it, and Mengmeng also nodded in agreement.

Afterwards, Xiao Luo planned to leave here.The three of Xiaozhi and Joey also planned to leave with Xiaoluo.The remaining three trainers had no way to leave here because the elf was injured, so they could only rest here overnight, and leave after the elf recovered a little tomorrow.

After leaving the castle, Xiao Luo released Bi Diao and Gyarados. The two elves were also exhausted, so they reluctantly brought Xiao Luo and five back to the elf center in the port.That night, the four of Xiao Luo rested in the elf center for a night, and the elf was also handed over to Miss Joy who had returned for treatment.

The next morning, Xiao Luo was woken up by Xiao Zhi, and after having breakfast with the three of them, he went back to the elf center to get back the elf ball.After a night of rest and treatment, the elves have basically recovered.

After that, the four returned to Zhenxin Town together.Because Xiao Luo was in a hurry, he continued to ride the Bi Diao and Gyarados.

After returning to Zhenxin Town, Xiaozhi took Xiaoxia and Xiaogang to his house, while Xiaoluo went to Dr. Damu's Institute...

"Dr. Oki, I'm back!" Xiao Luo pushed open the door of the research institute, but did not find Dr. Oki.

So Xiao Luo walked to the backyard of the research institute and found that Dr. Oki was feeding the elves sent to him by the trainers.

"Dr. Oki!" Xiao Luo walked up.

"Little Luo, how's it going, is Chaomeng's party fun?"

Xiao Luo curled her lips and said, "What's the fun? I've encountered the source again. I've been fighting for a whole day, and I'm exhausted!"

"Oh? What's going on, tell me!"

Xiao Luo then told Dr. Oki what happened in Xindao...

"So, Chaomeng was taken away by Arceus?" Dr. Oki asked.

Xiao Luo nodded: "Well, I want to take it as my younger brother."

Dr. Oki said: "Then you can call Chaomeng for me to observe and observe some other day!"

"No way!" Xiao Luo said, "How can I have that ability?"

Dr. Oki smiled and said, "You have a very good relationship with Arceus. It will definitely be no problem to borrow Chaomeng for two days."

Xiao Luo: "..."

This old man is really good enough.

"Dr. Oki, I want to take the elves for special training."

Dr. Oki nodded: "Come with me, I'll take you to fetch it. However, don't be too strict. A combination of work and rest is the most scientific training method."


After getting all the elves, Xiao Luo and Miao Miao prepared enough living supplies in the town, and then went to the forest where the old fast-swimming frog was, and started a new special training...

And this time, they stayed in the forest for a full ten days. Seeing that the league game was just around the corner, Xiao Luo returned to Zhenxin Town with Meow Meow and them.

During this period, each elf became more or less stronger.Under Xiao Luo's special control, the dumb beast evolved into a hippopotamus king.Hackron has finally reached the edge of evolution, and there is a possibility of evolution at any time.And the most troublesome thing for Xiao Luo is the fiery monkey. After this guy evolved, his temperament changed drastically.It became a bit cruel and bloodthirsty, and the shots were not serious.Coupled with its extraordinary talent, Xiao Luo is really not at ease to let him play.

Xiao Luo also persuaded it, but with little success.Seeing that it wouldn't listen, Xiao Luo wanted to use violence to force it to submit.But the elves under it are all monkey spirits, and none of them are willing to fight against the fiery monkey.Even Geng Gui didn't want to fight it.There's no way, it punches down, even a piece of iron can punch a hole, and it won't feel good to put it on anyone.

In desperation, Xiao Luo stopped thinking about changing it and allowed it to develop freely.

Back in Zhenxin Town, Xiao Luo put the elves in Dr. Oki's place again, and took a day off in Dr. Oki's research institute by the way.

The next day, Xiao Luo took a few elves and rushed to Nibi City, intending to spend two days with Xia Yi and Cole before the game, so as to relax some tense nerves.


When Bi Diao flew to Nibi City and landed in front of Xia Yi's house, Xiao Luo found that the door of the villa was open, and there were four strong men in black standing at the door.

It seems that Uncle Wugang should be at home too.

Xiao Luo put away Bi Diao and walked over directly.

The four strong men in black all knew Xiao Luo, and when they saw him coming, they bowed respectfully and said, "Mr. Xiao Luo!"

Xiao Luo nodded to them, and asked one of them, "Is Uncle Wu Gang back?"

"Yes, both the boss and the wife have just returned!"

Xia Yi's mother also came back, which obviously surprised Xiao Luo.

"Where are Xia Yi and Cole?"

"The two ladies are in the living room. The young master is going back to Chengdu today, and both the master and the wife are here to see him off."

It was only then that Xiao Luo suddenly realized, and then walked in quickly.

As soon as he reached the door of the room, the door opened, and Xia Yi's family and Ke Er appeared in front of Xiao Luo.

"Brother Luo!" Cole cheered, threw himself on Xiao Luo, and gave him an extremely warm hug, almost kissing him.

Xiao Luo petted her head fondly, and said, "It's been so long since I've seen you, Ke Er seems to have grown taller again!"

"Of course, Cole eats seriously every day!"

Xiao Luo scratched the bridge of her small nose: "Be careful to eat fat and become a little fat pig."

"No way, Aunt Elena said that as long as Cole eats well, he will be prettier than her. Then there will be many people who like Cole, and brother Luo is also included!"

Xiao Luo: "..."

Xia Yi reprimanded from the side: "Ke Er, don't talk nonsense."


Cole obediently stood next to Xiao Luo, but kept holding his hand, unwilling to let go.

Seeing this, Xiao Luo smiled slightly.It seems that during this period of time, Xia Yi has been honest with Ke Erzhi.

After looking at Xiao Luo for a while, Xia Yi said: "I thought you wouldn't come!"

"Hey, I missed you, so I couldn't wait to come here."

As soon as these words came out, Xia Yi's face instantly turned red.

"Ahem!" "Ahem!" "Ahem!"

Three coughs sounded at the same time, Wu Gang looked up at the sky, Elena looked at Xiao Luo with a smile, and Hughes rolled his eyes wildly, showing a malicious smile.

"Cough cough!"

Xiao Luo also coughed in embarrassment: "What, don't get me wrong!"

Hughes smiled and said, "What's the misunderstanding?"

"Misunderstanding me and... me and... anyway, just don't get me wrong."

Hughes smiled, walked to Xiao Luo's side, and said to Cole, "Kele, lend me your little Luo brother for a while."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Cole's consent, he walked to the side with his arms around Xiao Luo's shoulders, and said in a low voice, "You boy, it's ok, you got my sister."

"I didn't..." Xiao Luo was very innocent.

"Okay, don't pretend to be with me." Hughes said, "But if you want me to agree to this matter, you have to fawn on me!"

"I really didn't... tell me how to flatter you?"

"Xiang, don't you have one?"

Xiao Luo: "..."

"Why don't you give me one of your fossil elves, I'm very fond of that kind of elves."

Xiao Luo was a little embarrassed: "This... let's forget it. People have feelings, and I am reluctant to give away elves. But I can take you to catch them another day."

"That's fine, I also want one of the flash elves." Hughes said, "As long as there are flash elves, I'll take care of it for you!"



After hesitating for a while, Xiao Luo gritted his teeth and said, "I don't have a flash elf! However, I know where it is. If you are willing to make a trip, you can catch it yourself."

Xiao Luo said: "Originally, I planned to keep this as a gift to Cole, and since you want it, I will give it to you."

Hughes asked in surprise, "Really?"

Xiao Luo nodded: "Really!"

Hughes asked anxiously, "Where is it?"

"There is a crystal cave near Ponkan Island in the Orange Islands, and there is a crystal rock snake in the cave, which is hidden in the lake in the cave."

"Crystal Rock Snake? Hiding in the lake? Is it real?" Hughes obviously didn't believe it.

"Whether I can still lie to you, you will know if you go and see."

Hughes asked, "How do you know?"

"There's no need to tell you this, anyway, I've given you clear enough clues, it's up to you whether you can find them!"

"Well, I see. I'll take a look this time when I go out!"

Afterwards, Xiao Luo felt a little embarrassed and said, "Then look at my business..."

Hughes said: "What's the rush, let's talk about it when I come back from my trip!"

Xiao Luo: "..."

Nima, I feel cheated!

(Tomorrow I will write about the alliance... This volume is finally coming to an end!! I am so touched that my face is full of beef!!!)

(End of this chapter)

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