Chapter 111 The Quartz Alliance Begins

After playing with Xia Yi and Ke Er in Nibi City for two days, the three of Xiao Luo came to the Quartz Plateau, the venue of the Quartz Alliance.

"It's so lively, there are so many people!" Looking at the endless stream of people, Xia Yi said with emotion.

"Of course, this is an annual league competition. Of course there are many people." Xiao Luo said, "However, most of them are just spectators. There are very few real players."

Xia Yi asked, "How do you know?"

Xiao Luo smiled and took out a manual: "It's all mentioned in the manual! The Quartz League has very strict requirements for players. Only trainers who have obtained more than eight badges or passed the Pokémon identification test can participate in the competition. And those elves College students are not eligible to participate in the Quartz Alliance."

Xia Yi asked: "Will the number of people be so small?"

Xiao Luo shook his head and said, "It's not too bad that the number of people in each Quartz Alliance is between [-] and [-]."

"Since it is so strict, how can so many trainers participate?"

Xiao Luo said: "This is the difference of the Quartz Alliance, because there are many guild halls in the Kanto region, not a fixed eight! The manual introduces a total of fifteen gymnasiums."

"Are there so many?" Xia Yi said, "Why don't I know."


Xiao Luo said: "Let's go to the Elf Center to find a room to live in, and then participate in the opening ceremony tomorrow and start the competition."

The three of them found the Elf Center together, asked for a double room, and then went out again to play on the Quartz Plateau for another day.

The opening ceremony of the second day was normal, probably because the Rockets were destroyed, and Musashi and Kojiro did not come to make trouble.Xiao Luo searched carefully at the opening ceremony. Maybe because there were too many people, Xiao Luo didn't find Xiao Zhi and A Ke, but saw A Lan who looked like a bad girl.

Xiao Luo didn't go up to say hello.After finding Xia Yi and Ke Er, they came to the alliance hall and began to sign up and choose the venue.

The Quartz Alliance has a total of five venues, namely: water, ice, rock, grass and a main venue.Participating trainers have to go through four venues before they can enter the top 32 and then enter the main venue competition.

There were quite a few round tables in the alliance hall, and there was a beautiful receptionist in each round table. Xiao Luo chose one at random and handed over the elf illustration book.

"Xiao Luo from the new town!" The reception lady compared Xiao Luo's appearance with the picture book, then inserted the picture book into the machine next to her, and started to operate the computer.

After a while, the operation was completed. She exchanged the illustration book to Xiao Luo and said: "The login is complete. The next step is to choose the battle venue."

The receptionist pointed to an electronic board behind her and said, "The aperture on the board will rotate, and you can press the button at will to choose the venue."

After finishing speaking, she first pressed the button in front of Xiao Luo to make the aperture rotate, and then signaled Xiao Luo to start selecting.

Little Luo didn't care about the venue, so he pressed the button casually...

"It's a field of ice!" The receptionist started to operate the computer again.Immediately afterwards, Xiao Luo's profile picture appeared on the electronic board together with another boy's profile picture.It's the first game on the ice field, and it's at one o'clock in the afternoon.Please don't be late.

"Thank you!"

After Xiao Luo thanked her, she prepared to leave here with Xia Yi and Ke Er.

At this moment, Cole called out in surprise: "Brother Ake, I saw brother Ake!"

"Where is it?" Xiao Luo looked up and looked around.

"It's at the door, it's going out!"

Xiao Luo followed what Cole said, and she saw Ake, talking and laughing with a tall girl next to her, walking outside.


Xiao Luo shouted loudly, and quickly ran over with Xia Yi and Ke Er.


Ake followed the prestige and found Xiao Luo and others.

"Xiao Luo, Xia Yi, and Miss Cole!" Ake was obviously very happy.

"I've been looking for you for several times but I haven't found you, who is this?" Xiao Luo looked at the girl next to Ake and asked.

"Her name is Lan Yun, and she is the travel companion I met after I left you." Ake introduced Lan Yun to Xiao Luo and the others, and then introduced Xiao Luo and the others to Lan Yun.

After everyone greeted each other, Xiao Luo asked Ake: "How is it, have you logged in?"

Ake nodded and said, "I've already logged in. My game is the fourth game of the Grass Field, at 02:30 pm. What about you?"

"The Ice Field, the first game, one o'clock in the afternoon!" Xiao Luo looked at the clock and said, "There is still time, let's go eat something and chat while eating."

Everyone nodded in agreement, walked out of the alliance hall together, found a restaurant nearby and walked in.

After ordering something delicious, Ake asked Xiao Luo aloud, "Why is Miss Cole traveling with you?"

Xiao Luo understood what he meant, maybe he didn't know the news that the Rockets had been destroyed.

"Cole traveled with us when we left Golden City, and was followed by the Rockets, and then returned to Golden City. Some time ago, we cooperated with Shilufu Company and Yangwu Company to make the Rockets' base in Kanto All destroyed. That's why Cole came out and traveled with me again."

"The Rockets were destroyed?" Ake was extremely surprised, and even Lan Yun's beautiful eyes widened.

Xiao Luo said: "What's so strange about this. If the Rockets didn't have divine beasts at the time, the gentle old man would have wiped out the Rockets long ago."

Ake was taken aback for a moment, thinking that this was the case, so he didn't say anything more.

Afterwards, Xiao Luo asked Ake, "How is it? Did you go to that island after leaving Jinhuang City?"

That island is where Celebi is located. Xiao Luo remembers that Ake cared about that island at the beginning.

"Hehe, I've been there. But I didn't meet the shining elf, but I met a fire-breathing dragon with good potential, and I subdued it."

Hearing what Ake said, Xiao Luo was slightly surprised. Xiao Luo had searched for the fire-breathing dragon at the beginning, but he never found it.Now it is subdued by Ake.

After a while, the food was brought up, and Xiao Luo and the others chatted while eating, telling their various experiences...

After eating, it was almost time for Xiao Luo to compete.Everyone rushed to the competition venue in the Ice Field together, preparing to cheer for Xiao Luo's competition.


"Okay, the much-anticipated first match of the water field has begun, and now we invite two contestants to come on stage!"

Xiao Luo walked out of the passage, and stood on the high platform of the trainer. Below was the ice field lined with ice cubes.On the other side of the high platform, a teenager also walked out, smiling brightly, and seemed to be very confident in the game.

"It's appeared. The green team is Dayuan player from Gege Town, and the red team is Xiaoluo player from Zhenxin Town. There are only three Pokmon used, and the first game of Ice Field begins!"

"Go to Iron Armor!" Da Yuan took the lead in throwing out the poke ball.

Xiao Luo smiled slightly, and also took out the elf ball and threw it out: "Flame Chicken, I leave it to you!"


A sharp and powerful cry came from the flame chicken's mouth, and the flame on the wrist instantly ignited, making a chi-chi sound.With disdainful eyes, he looked at the iron frame with contempt.

The appearance of the flame chicken instantly ignited the venue, and there was a roar of applause, mixed with many screams.

"Hmph, if you dare to use a fire-type flame chicken in the face of an armored shell with dual attributes of water and ice, you are looking for a dead end. Iron armored shell, use a water gun!"


A spiral water gun spewed out from the mouth of the iron armor shell.

Xiao Luo stretched out his hand and pointed: "Spray flames!"

The flame chicken raised its head to gather energy, and the incomparably crimson flames struck majesticly, and the situation of extinguishing the fire with water did not appear when the two unique moves intersected.I saw jets of flame whizzing up against the water gun, swallowing the armored shell in an instant.

"Iron armor shell!" Da Yuan looked at this scene in disbelief.

After the flames passed, the armored shell lay on the ice floor covered in pitch black.

"The armored shell loses its ability to fight, and the flame chicken wins!"

There was a moment of silence in the venue, and then deafening cheers broke out...

"What a domineering elf, so handsome!"

"It's amazing... is that the flame chicken?"

"It's so strong, it actually knocked down the opponent's elves with one move!"


Ake also saw this scene in the auditorium, and said with a wry smile: "This guy has improved again. It's difficult now!"

(End of this chapter)

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